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BMQ Course


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hi, i was just wondering whether anyone knows when the BMQ course begins at the end of the summer. i was unfortunatley not able to make the summer course and i am going to join up when the next avaliable chance comes around, does anyone have any suggestions as to when i should?
Im in the same boat personally... if i were you id have to say do the weekend program with the reserves (if thats what your talking about).. sorry i cant help you with an exact date... but sometime in September is when they told me.
There is probably at least 20 BMQ courses being run this fall across Canada and many of them of them will start in Sept.  However unless you give some specifics, such as the city you reside in, it is difficult to guess if any of them apply to you. ::)

In any case, your best bet would be to talk to your local recruiting centre or the someone at the unit you intend on joining.

Keep in mind, you should not expect to get on course when you commence the joining process one day prior.  As many people here can attest to, the paperwork can take a while so start the process soon.
I was told in like April or MAY! thats a long wait but the requiter told me he's not sure.  So if any u guys know in here

Reserves, weekend or full 2 months don't matter too me.  I'm on the West Coast in BC up north near Kamloops.
  Anyone with factual information on the start dates of the BMQ courses starting in the next 3 months would be greatly appreciated. I've heard of the following start dates from guys who have already been called to go:

August 14th          September 12th
August 23rd          September 23rd

  I've recently been recruited out of Kitchener, Ontario and was told by my recruiting officer that I should expect a call within the next 2-3 weeks. If the call comes through what date does anyone think I'll be shipped out? Are the dates above correct? And does anyone have any other start dates for the BMQs? :salute:
well here maybe i can try to shed some light on my situation and then the rest of you can say what your perdicament is!

you see i went in to see the unit about joining up and they told me that i wouldnt have my school transcript soon enough to start the summer program! i was so angry!  :crybaby: then they told me that i would have to wait untill september to join up! i figure that my course will start around the same time that school will! i guess this is a good thing , giving me a chance to beef up my endurance and muscles and physical fitness. im just a really patriotic canadian :army: and i wanna join up so that i can be a part of keeping canada safe and invasion free! :warstory: oh well, i think that i will go in to the armory some time in august and submit all of my fourms( haha i got some of my friends to join also so i wont be alone) has anyone who is joining up gotten their friends to join too?
Seriously man? They said that to me, so i asked if there was anything i could do.. All i needed to do was to get a note from my guidence councelor saying that i would pass with atleast 5 credits... then it was fine!
jerrythunder said:
has anyone who is joining up gotten their friends to join too?

i did, and it was a big bust. He didn't even make it to BMQ before dropping out.
WHAT?! he didnt even make it to BMQ??? why the heck did he drop out? well it was a little easier to convince my friends to join because one was thinking of joining up for the free college and  another is actually looking for a career in the military but i got some others to join by acting like a recruiter and telling them all of the pros of joining the reserves. i guess i have another question now, when we start our BMQ, will we be put into squads or some sort of group ? or will we just be known as trainees? one of my friends told me that the officers called their group a platoon ??? which makes no sense because platoon are a lot larger than just like 15 guy's
He didn't really like the "military culture" as in taking orders and not talking back I guess; he looked at it more as a place to go hang out every wednesday without responsibility.

You join the CF as a Private Recruit (after your done your 3 stages of training you become a Private). Your friend is probably just in a very small BMQ, but it still gets called a platoon as far as I know. In the platoon are sections (there are usually three but somebody correct me if I'm wrong) and you are placed in one of these sections.
He didnt like taking orders? Didnt your friend know that thats like one of the big factors that sets the military appart from other occuptions?
Yeah, I guess it took him a little longer than most to get that fact.