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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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Not alot you can do about your cold - it'll go away on it's own.  Drink lots (water ;D) and get alot of rest before you go.  Believe me - I'd rather have a cold in recruit school than an injury - the cold will go away (and you get to give it to others at that) - and the injury might not for some time.  Try to have a good one.

On another note - Backinblack - what was your serial in Cornwallis?  I was a 5 Platoon, 8835.


Yeah I had a cold during 1st half of my BMQ, I kept all the napkins from breakfast+lunch+dinner in my combat pants pockets and used'm whenever needed!

Just think of it this way, if you say, "No I can't go!"... You may not make it into the army at all. You'll be STUCK in Pat platoon for, well, along time from what I've read on these boards...

SOLDIER ON and have a hardcore can-do attitude like they've all said before!
4 days is a long time, you cold should start to break by then. That being said, you also will not do anything physical until about day 3 (wed say) so that gives you 7 days to shake it off. I had mono on my original BMQ and had to RTU and then go back to do basic, it sucked. When I was in St.Jean, there were a couple of guys who were on PAT Platoon for over a year, one guy going on 2  :o you know what they do on PAT platoon, they tie knots in ropes for 8 hours a day, sounds like fun hey  ;)
The sad thing is that if you really wanted and were desperate enough then you could PAT platoon your way for a year, get the paid vacation and everything then just release 20K richer and without having done anything of any significance....
Dont worry. By week 6 everybody on your course will have a nice case of " shack hack" anyway. The air is just re-cycled around the mega so everybody gets to share germs. Suck it up and soldier on.  :salute:
Yeah, I've got to agree about the air in the Mega.  After Cornwallis I was at St Jean for about 7 months, and if I didn't get outside for fresh air, it wasn't too long before I was feeling burned out.

Medicineman:  I was on Course 8824, 7 Platoon.  (10 June - 26 Aug 1988)  <---I'm a little sketchy about the dates, but those are close enough.
i had a really nasty cough for like 5 weeks during bmq weekends, i was keeping all the recruits up with it. it was horrible but all ya can do is tough it out
Well, firstly, you wont be doing a 10k ruck march on day one, so I think you will be safe if your colds only last a week or so. Generally the first week is administrivia... about the only thing I could see being a possible issue is CFEXPRES, (fitness test on course) early on, but Im sure you'll make it through. Just do your best to be alert on course, pay attention, and perservere.  Dont whine to your staff about a cold...  suck it up, push on...  unless you cant hold anything down, or some worse illness, you should be fine for week one at least.
Well, talk about a kick in the ...whatever.

Last week I hear from my son all is a-ok the next week I hear he as spent three days in the
hospital there and is sick as a dog! 
Fever over 100 has a horrible barking cough almost no voice on the phone, he says they have him on all sorts of medications.  He reports lots of guys there are sick right now as well??
That raspy voice was from much more than yelling I see now.
He kept trying to tough it out and attend his course/classes each day but
they sent him off on medical as it was obvious he was sick
Heres me worrying he is getting on ok, has enough to eat and his pillow is not too hard...typical Mom Stuff... when in reality hes been seriously ill.  :'(
I am to say the least in shock and worried that hes ok now, being unable to do anything here but
worry is not very productive and I feel frankly useless and lost.

He said he was being re-coursed... son of a ... hes so disappointed I can hear it in his voice hes been so into this
for a long time and now he gets some sort of freaking flu that just yanks the rug out from under him.

Well folks, I need your advice and input again please
What happens to him now...what are his options.
Do some of you have experiences this way and what came of it for you...
What does this 're-course' mean for his career in the CAF.
Is he still concidered part of the CAF for the three years he signed on for?
Does he do BMQ again

In reading other posts here re-coursed recruits are looked down upon almost
and that would be beyond unfair if that was to happen for him

What is the CAFs responsibility as in paying him or is that done for him now?
He spoke a bit about going into the reserves maybe attending college as well etc
Fine and dandy but college costs thousands of dollars!
What about the Argyles based here in Hamilton...any input on that as a choice for the summer for him
I am sure hes very confused by this all and feeling very disillusioned right now ( I sure am) and having to deal with it when you are ill, well just nothing looks good right now about the whole thing.

All things are said to happen for a reason...
well I sure hope this reason rears its ugly head soon!  I have a few things to say to it!

A seriously upset Army Mom in Hamilton

Army Mom said:
Well, talk about a kick in the ...whatever.

Last week I hear from my son all is a-ok the next week I hear he as spent three days in the
hospital there and is sick as a dog!  
Fever over 100 has a horrible barking cough almost no voice on the phone, he says they have him on all sorts of medications.   He reports lots of guys there are sick right now as well??
That raspy voice was from much more than yelling I see now.
He kept trying to tough it out and attend his course/classes each day but
they sent him off on medical as it was obvious he was sick
Heres me worrying he is getting on ok, has enough to eat and his pillow is not too hard...typical Mom Stuff... when in reality hes been seriously ill.   :'(
I am to say the least in shock and worried that hes ok now, being unable to do anything here but
worry is not very productive and I feel frankly useless and lost.

He said he was being re-coursed... son of a ... hes so disappointed I can hear it in his voice hes been so into this
for a long time and now he gets some sort of freaking flu that just yanks the rug out from under him.

Well folks, I need your advice and input again please
What happens to him now...what are his options.
Do some of you have experiences this way and what came of it for you...
What does this 're-course' mean for his career in the CAF.
Is he still concidered part of the CAF for the three years he signed on for?
Does he do BMQ again

In reading other posts here re-coursed recruits are looked down upon almost
and that would be beyond unfair if that was to happen for him

What is the CAFs responsibility as in paying him or is that done for him now?
He spoke a bit about going into the reserves maybe attending college as well etc
Fine and dandy but college costs thousands of dollars!
What about the Argyles based here in Hamilton...any input on that as a choice for the summer for him
I am sure hes very confused by this all and feeling very disillusioned right now ( I sure am) and having to deal with it when you are ill, well just nothing looks good right now about the whole thing.

All things are said to happen for a reason...
well I sure hope this reason rears its ugly head soon!   I have a few things to say to it!

A seriously upset Army Mom in Hamilton

Being recoursed because you became ill is not a big deal career wise.  It just means that once he is well, he wil strt BMQ over with another platoon and his career will carry on. He is still a member of the CF.  Its just that training wise, the rest of the platonn cannot be held back while he gets well, so he is missing classes and training.  I certainly understand his disapointment.  There is no career "repercussions" for this...its just something that happens.  If this turns out to be some alot more serious it could be another story but asuming he gets better soon...he will be no worse for wear. I know that he will not be happy about having to redo everything but he'll deal with it and soldier on i'm sure. For the pay, he gets paid even though he is being recoursed.  He gets paid everyday he is a member of the CF, so no worries there.

Why is he talking about the reserves ? 
From what you have said it sounds like your son is being re-coursed for illness. If this is the case then you and he should have no worries. He will just have to stick around St. Jean until he is healthy and then he will join another platoon. I cant tell you if he will have to start at week 1 again or not but it probably depends on how far into it he was, how well he was doing and how long he is off ill. The military pays us no matter what we are doing at the time. As to this time counting toward his contract; we have a saying in the forces:"it's all pensionable time".  Don't worry about this hurting his career, it's not an academic issue or disciplinary issue so it should have no effect. All the best to you  ;D
When you bring a group of people together they are bound to bring sickness with them and spread it amongst themselves. Personally the last few days I've been having alot of the symptoms you just described, however not in the exteme you describe.

From what I've seen and heard, the CF takes care of its own quite well.

I just hope he comes back to full health soon.
Good day
Once again you all have been a great help... many thanks.
How do people get along without the internet anyway?

In answer to aesop about him talking about the reserves...
I believe he was getting input on his end about options in case all goes down the dumper
Its one of those times of the self doubts and the why am I heres I would think.
Hes being pulled out of the group of people hes come to bond with respect and work well with
so that make it tough as well
My job now is to help him as I can on this end, get back on track.  As hes on the mend physically so I am sure hes seeing things more clearly.  No one functions at full steam when they are ill.
What doesn't kill you will make you stronger??
I remember when I was 19 and I knew everything about everything... one couldn't have told me things were never going to go according to my plans, heck no!
Well heres a big taste of the wonders of the ever changing adult on your own out there,
world for the boy.

On the bus...off the bus  lol

Enjoy your Day all
Army Mom
I've have seen a few of the students i have had go trough similar situations and i understand it is very demoralizing at times.  Just remind him that its not the end of the world.  Alot of other soldiers have gone trough it and not just during recruit training.  Alot of guys spend years waiting for the basic para course only to get injured once they get there.  On my basic aesop course , one guy had to go home due to kidney stones.  He had been trying to become an aesop for 5 years.  Let me tell you it was rough on him to have to go home and wait another year.

I hate being cliche but i think its fitting :  "its not how you fall down...its how fast you get up that counts"

Good luck
I think this is a pretty common problem.  People get recoursed often for many reasons.  There were a few recourses in my basic course many years ago and they joined us part way through and did just fine.  You have about 2 minutes to get to know them and there were no hard feelings with them joining us in the middle of the course (or wherever they did) as you don't have TIME to have any feelings other than teamwork towards them.  If they pulled their weight and weren't an idiot there were no problems.  My husband was recoursed in artillery battleschool as he had to have his tonsils out.  He joined another course and was fine.  If you think a recourse during basic training is bad try battleschool.

Just some thoughts, all should work out if he maintains a good attitude and is physically healthy when he joins his new course.

Good luck to him.
just wondering if they take a blood sample from you and if so do they prick your finger or do they draw it out from your arm?

tannerthehammer said:
just wondering if they take a blood sample from you and if so do they prick your finger or do they draw it out from your arm?


you hate needles? but youre not afraid to join the military....

I suggest you stop doing that heroin or they will detect it in your blood samples when they draw blood
tannerthehammer said:
just wondering if they take a blood sample from you and if so do they prick your finger or do they draw it out from your arm?


You're gonna love needles parade then........... ::)