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BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

Valleygal, I'm going sig op army, it's good to see know some other people from here are going (might make it a little less scary ha ha)
hi ,i'm going postal clerk ,and the only reason i want to drive is to have my car with me. my bf is in the forces as well and he said you will love having the car after your cb is over,but i might change it and fly if i can't get someone to drive up with me,
Hey annette... Postal Clerk, that's awesome...I had briefly considered it, but opted for Clerk instead  ;D

im gonna be there on aug 4th as well
getting sworen in july 19th in van:)
super stoked about going but worried about physical fitness  :-\
PPCLI for me as well hoping for 1st or 3rd
Getting sworn in on July 20th in Victoria, B.C.
Leave for basic training August 4th ( St. Jean )
Going Infantry - PPCLI
wow i glad i finally found some people that are on the same course.... i wonder if any of you will be on my flight
Wow, I see all these infanteers, and CSS types, no gunners or zipperheads???, (I'll be there 27 Aug for IAP/BOTC)
I must be flying out of Victoria.  I am sick of having to take the ferry across to the mainland, then a bus to the airport.  So either my flights link up with yours or I am on a total different flight plan.
Congrats fellas, see you on course! For those of us who are taking the train from London,Windsor area,I learned the other day that once we arrive,if there is not enough of us for a military transport to pick us up at the train station,we will have to take a cab which is around $100.00.So I guess we can wait and see what happens, perhaps splitting this cost when the time comes would be in our best interests.
It's interesting how many of us are going through bmq together and going ppcli as well, essentially some of us could go through the whole process with the same person and be able to talk about the good old days back in beautiful b.c  ;D
eager_beaver said:
Congrats fellas, see you on course! For those of us who are taking the train from London,Windsor area,I learned the other day that once we arrive,if there is not enough of us for a military transport to pick us up at the train station,we will have to take a cab which is around $100.00.So I guess we can wait and see what happens, perhaps splitting this cost when the time comes would be in our best interests.

I'm down for splitting on the cab if we have to...

Your right recruited there are a lot of us PPCLI Infantry types, at least there are in this thread.
im deffently down for splitting a cab!
i find out my flight stuff on the 19th i think......
i like the idea of having the same people or some of them atleast
to go through the whole thing together and who knows some of us
in the ppcli could end up in the same platton....
ps:I was in cadets so it should come in handy and i will help you guys
out with what ever I can
Jesse_g_rad said:
im deffently down for splitting a cab!
i find out my flight stuff on the 19th i think......
i like the idea of having the same people or some of them atleast
to go through the whole thing together and who knows some of us
in the ppcli could end up in the same platton....
ps:I was in cadets so it should come in handy and i will help you guys
out with what ever I can

1. Use Capitals and proper grammar it's a rule around this site and helps the rest of read and understand what you are saying.

2. You are not in the PPCLI your a recruit going to St Jean, you will be "IN" the PPCLI when you pass Battle School and get badged.

3. Being a cadet wont help you much in fact stop that line of thought right now, Do what the Instructors tell you and forget the phase "But when I was in Cadet's" just don't say it. Don't say it to your course mates and don't for the love of god say it anywhere near an Instructor.
Sorry for my grammer. All i ment about the cadet statement is that i want to help others if i can. I didnt mean to offend.