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BMQ-April 2009

i don't know if this helps or not ,my references were called on March 30 and i was merit listed on April  3,  so you should get a job offer soon.
yeah - if you're getting a call next week, it's almost safe to say you'll be going to BMQ this month.  Good luck man!
Thanks guys, appreciate it. The woman on the phone today was very helpful and made it sound promising that I would have an offer any day now.. but just said if I haven't heard for some reason to call back Wednesday.
I will still keep my fingers crossed and update once I've heard from them.
LukerB said:
Well that confirms that theres no BMQ in May whatsoever..

THAT confirms it ?

The million other posts over the last 2 weeks that said people were told "no BMQ in May" didnt confirm it enough ?
Well, I'm assuming that Lil_T wouldn't lie to all of us  ;) haha.
Really, I don't know for sure if there is or isn't. The recruiter never said anything to me about Reg. Force guys having to wait until June for BMQ, but I didn't ask. All she told me on the phone was that I should have an offer by next Wednesday. I am just going to assume it will be for the last one in April as that's more then enough notice to leave.
If there's BMQ courses in May then awesome, but I don't know if anyone on these forums.. unless they work at a CFRC.. can confirm that there is or isn't.
Well, I did ask.  I asked my file manager, numerous other contacts that I have.  I got the same answer from everyone.  There is no May BMQ; and of COURSE I wouldn't lie.  How would that benefit me?
Exactly. So it sounds like there is officially no BMQ in May ladies and gents! Makes me even more nervous about getting onto a course this month, fingers crossed!!
Don't want to sound rude, it's bean beaten to death already, NO MAY BMQs. More than one person has been told by a CFRC, which is a reliable source. There is a topic regarding "No May BMQs". Good luck though, hopefully you get an offer for April or June.
This was actually alittle painful to read thru.

Talk about too much spec-fire on a target...holy crap.
That's good news Luker.

My good friend was merit listed today, so it's good to hear they're still fitting people into April.  If he gets the call soon I will let you know, maybe the timeline is relevant.  He is going Sig Op also.
well right now theres no BMQ in May, but i talked to my file manager and she told me they are always amending the courses and stuff, so there still a chance that one might open up in May, but i was told not to hold me breath on that one, but that does means theres a little bit of hope that we wont have to wait till june.
I go in for my tests next thursday and friday and since theres no medical history or anything like that that should make this take anylonger then needed, i'm hoping it will go fast. i was told by my file manager that someone went into the RC a few weeks back did all his tests in one day and was offered a job the same day, sworn in the next day then flew to St Jean that saturday. so i'm definatly crossing my fingers to get that lucky and mayb get fit into the april 27th course. . .that would be very nice lol.

Nice rjr. Feel free to send me a PM and let me know!
If I get an offer next week then that's more then enough notice for me to be leaving for BMQ. I'm sure if there's still room in the course, which there should be as all CFRC's are closed for the next 4 days, then I should get into the course.
But like I said.. I will still keep my fingers crossed.
LukerB said:
By the sounds of it, no. But I don't work at the CFRC so don't take my word for it. I'm hoping to get into that course as well. I was just told by a few people that they were called today about being references so it sounds like my file is moving along nicely.
You were merit listed last week? From what I hear, you should be getting a job offer any day.. and if you haven't yet you might want to call. From my understanding once you're ACTUALLY merit listed its unusual to go more then 3 buisness days without getting a job offer. The woman who I spoke with today at the CFRC informed me that usually once you are merit listed you get a call within HOURS not days.. so you may want to give them a call.
Best of luck!

Thanks Luker.  Yeah that's what I thought too, that's why I am soo ancy waiting for the call.  I will give them until tomorrow to call, if I get nothing I will call them Monday morning.
pgrieves said:
Thanks Luker.  Yeah that's what I thought too, that's why I am soo ancy waiting for the call.  I will give them until tomorrow to call, if I get nothing I will call them Monday morning.

Well you could call, but you won't get an answer.. haha. Remember it's the 4 day weekend. Everything, including all CFRC's are closed until Tuesday now. I would suggest calling them around Tuesday/Wednesday if you haven't gotten a call.. seeing as you've already been merit listed.
Good luck bud!