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BMQ and Release

Oh, and no one does their PT test until they arrive at basic now. So when your son calls you tonight ... go ahead and ask him how many of those 20 lost from the Platoon ... occured because they failed their PT Testing (those pers are NOT being released).
vern, they may not be released but they are held back..
anyways, thanks again for all your positive and negative opions...
toyotaecho25 said:
I did forget to mention, that I was in the military back in 1984 and when someone wanted out, they were gone.

Funny, it took 6 months of doing poop-jobs everyday the way I remember 1984.

toyotaecho25 said:
I dont understand why it just takes so long now.

Maybe because your son has wasted not just a lot of money but a lot of peoples time also. Everyone is hoping for a return on investment

toyotaecho25 said:
I appreciate your comments, however was hoping for positive ones.

You think I should pat you on the head and say "Good Mother" for not trying to support and encourage your son??..............get stuffed.
toyotaecho25 said:
vern, could you please tell me why you are so defensive, all i asked is..why cant they be released sooner.
I asked if anyone has experienced this.
You and many others here have gone off on me.
I dont need nor want to be crapped on.
thanks for everyones input.

Defensive?? Cripes, read your original post!! You did nothing short of accusing the military (ie the CF, my employer), FALSELY I might add, of holding your son and 132 others against their will.

What a load of el toro poo poo that is. Wander up the road to that School or Base in the town you live in ... tell me how many people in chains you see wandering about.

Is there an instructor from CFRS Saint-Jean who can confirm for me that Holding Platoon is made up not just of those few awaiting releases, but of those who were medically recoursed and are awaiting a healthy recovery for a return to training??

Ie: not all 132 in the Platoon are awaiting release action ... actually only the minority of them?
Well I am just an OCdt, and have never actually been on Holding Platoon or "PAT", I believe the platoon is made up ofĀ  recourses, releases and injuries.

Edit: More grammar flaws.
ok, like i said, maybe i made a mistake coming on here, all I wanted was info.

Dont tell me to get stuffed.....I wasnt rude to you.
anways, enjoy your military life.....
b/c that is what YOU chose to do.
ok so i didnt know what a Pat plattoon was...like whatever..
anyways, I am out of here for good...chow...
toyotaecho25 said:
Dont tell me to get stuffed.....I wasnt rude to you.

Yea, your're right ...................maybe its because I [ and Danjanou] see so many "clients" who are never taught, or shown,Ā  to "just do it" and push through when things suck.

I've taught my kids that its OK to lose to someone better, its never, ever OK to lose because someone worked harder or you just gave up.................and I don't see that in this situation.
In my mind you are showing/teaching him that its OK to just give up and be a loser.......
Jeez someone seems a wee bit pissed that the government doesn't work as fast as they want it to.... get use to it WE DEAL WITH IT ALL THE TIME

Toyotaecho25 I hope your son finds a career better suited for him, good luck to both of you.
Honestly he can make the best or worst out of his time on PAT.Ā  Tell him to get out and volunteer for the jobs that they need done and the time will fly by and he may even enjoy it.Ā  I spent 6 weeks on pat (due to release)a couple years back and still made some good friends(in pat platoon and a couple Master corporals and corporals that I worked with).Ā  Just tell him to enjoy the little to no inspections and the weekends at the iberville(SP?) Hotel.(still the only pay by the hour hotel I have been in)
I actually sympathize with the originator of this post - though from the other side. Ā Our stretched Medical and Administrative systems can no longer rapidly release people with their former alacrity. Ā We had a young NCO releasing Ā a year ago just before Christmas and a 'serviceperson' in the release section was put out at how 'fast' some people were expecting her office to function. Apparently, the concept of not going home until the day's work is done is unclear to many people.

From a financial perspective, it makes no sense to have non-producers lounge around on the guvmint payroll. Ā From a morale perspective, it's bad for them and the sooner they can be put back on the street to fend for themselves - the better. Ā 

We need a 'probationary' TOS that will allow us to rel pers rapidly during their BE. Ā "Not Economically Trainable" should be a viable release item, along with other items Ā pertaining to irregular enrollment in the case of previously undisclosed or undiagnosed non-visible above-the-neck injuries (psych), as well as "failure to Adapt to the CF".
toyotaecho25 said:
I appreciate your comments, however was hoping for positive ones.
I did forget to mention, that I was in the military back in 1984 and when someone wanted out, they were gone.
I dont understand why it just takes so long now.
That was my one and only question here.

There's a process that must be followed.Ā  It really isn't as simple as saying "Right, off you go"

One reason that it's more deliberate now is that way back in 1984 we could march someone to the gate with the CO's authority.Ā  By the time all the paperwork drifted up the chain, they were gone, even if the release was poorly done, or for the wrong reasons.Ā  Even recruits have human rights, and that includes the expectation that their release is proper, with due process, and includes a clear opportunity for them to recant their request, request a new trade, or to protest what they feel is unwanted acceleration towards the exit.

Then again, not long after those fast and loose days of the early and mid 80s, we also saw a period of poor recruiting and the expectation that a recruit, once in the door, would NOT leave before their three years was up.Ā  There were a lot of long faces and dragging lips in the field units in those days as disgruntled troops waited out the whole 36 months of their basic engagement.

I would recommend you suggest he spends the next six weeks contemplating what motivated him to try the military in the first place, why he's decided so quickly that it's not for him, and what his next move will be.Ā  Perhaps he'll then be better prepared for his next career decision.

Wow, that's all I can say.Ā  Across this country and on this forum are hundreds of people currently waiting in the recruiting process.Ā  Waiting for the call, the interview, the medical etc, and this ladies son is taking up a spot that I or someone else who wants to be there could have taken.

The kid obviously wanted to be in the military before he hit basic, otherwise he wouldn't have gone through the process.Ā  Now he wants to come home and you're gonna just encourage him???Ā  This really isn't love or support.Ā  Sometimes as a parent you need to show some tough love and tell him to suck it up.Ā  My 9 year old loves it when I tell her that so I'm sure your 20 something baby will enjoy too.

to all the people with bad attidudes you need to take a closer look at yourself.
i was just looking for info, and you have no respect for anyone.
at least i am proud of my son, and i stand behind him no matter what his decision.
he is far from a baby. and you would be proud if you had a son like him.
so take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself, what kind of person are you?
you dont care about anyone but yourself.
as for armyvern, you have a bad attitude and trust me....i wouldnt want to be around you.
leave this subject alone........
it was a big mistake coming on here in the first place.
hope you all sleep well...lol
The best thing you could do for your son would be to tell him to suck it up and fulfill his contract. If he doesnt like it then he can move on. Your son needs to grow up. Quitting when the going gets tough will be a pattern the rest of his life if you let him quit.
I guess it's kinda like a car wreck.....just can't keep from looking..... :-*
toyotaecho25 said:
to all the people with bad attidudes you need to take a closer look at yourself.
i was just looking for info, and you have no respect for anyone.
at least i am proud of my son, and i stand behind him no matter what his decision.
he is far from a baby. and you would be proud if you had a son like him.
so take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself, what kind of person are you?
you dont care about anyone but yourself.
as for armyvern, you have a bad attitude and trust me....i wouldnt want to be around you.
leave this subject alone........
it was a big mistake coming on here in the first place.
hope you all sleep well...lol

I assure you that my parents are very proud of me too, and my grandparents etc etc ...


I also assure you that I have an excellent attitude, it's just counter to yours; perhaps the problem??


I don't sleep (I'm an insomniac), but when I do, I sleep deeply & peacefully thanks. Thanks for comments. Have a great day.

toyotaecho25 said:


OK, I can't see where any good can come of continuing this thread.

If you have something new [and worthwhile] to add to this, PM a Moderator.
Could someone please explain what a voluntary release is about. Is this to get out of the basic training completely?, or is this a means of getting transferred to the warrior platoon?
ThanksĀ  :yellow: