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BMQ and Headphones


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I'm curious, Is is permitted to wear headphones for music or audiobooks after nights out or while checking gear at the end of the day while at BMQ?
This is all I could find on personal electronics..

I would think it would be fine if you have the time!
All electronic devices (cellular phones, iPods, iPads, laptops, etc.) are considered restricted materials in the following manner:
No devices can be used/carried during training hours.
Cellular phones are allowed on weeknights after training has concluded but no earlier than 6:00pm. Reasonable usage should be restricted to communications with family and friends.
All other devices may be allowed on weekends in garrison if there is no training scheduled and if performance has been judged adequate by the instructors.
IIRC, all headphones were considered contraband and thrown into a brown envelope that was given back to us at the end of course. It's a fire hazard and a distraction, I can only imagine the hilarity that would ensue if a Recruit failed to jump to attention when the staff do evening checks.
or, God forbid, if people have to actually.... :o "talk to each other" :o ...like we did at night back in the day. 

When I did my basic, the best part of the day was usually 8-9 at night, when a bunch of us in my Squad would all sit around a bunkspace, shoot the shyte, bitch, moan, whine, solve all the military's problems all while polishing our (constantly) sub-standard ankle boots.  Got to know the guys more during those times than any others IIRC...
I'm at St. Jean right now and we are not allowed headphones/ear buds because its a fire hazard. The duty staff will jack you up and you might earn your platoon a trip out the north doors if you get caught. Do bring some though as there are times when you'll be able to use them.
I'm heading to BMQ in January and would like to hear some advice on what to expect and how difficult it really is.
If you've never done BMQ how would you know what "a good idea" is?  I've watched news clips of the International Space Station, but I don't hand out advice on what living in it is like.
I didn't say I was a definitive expert on the topic, but that's the wisdom i was told and now im passing it on to others. Soo... yea, get off it.
Eye In The Sky said:
If you've never done BMQ how would you know what "a good idea" is?  I've watched news clips of the International Space Station, but I don't hand out advice on what living in it is like.

I've done BMOQ, basic up series was a pretty good indication of it. You are being argumentative for no reason.

More to your point, if someone asked you for advice about the ISS and you know more than someone else about the topic from watching videos, some may call it research, then why not share your knowledge.
Treemoss said:
I didn't say I was a definitive expert on the topic, but that's the wisdom i was told and now im passing it on to others. Soo... yea, get off it.

There's nothing to get off.  If you have no real experience, how about just avoiding the Alberto V05 shampoo commercial type wisdom.

powerrussia said:
I've done BMOQ, basic up series was a pretty good indication of it. You are being argumentative for no reason.

I'm not being argumentative.  I am nicely trying to point out too many fuckin' people on here have "opinions" based on youtube and Xbox.

Aside from that, how many fuckin times do the same questions have to be answered on here.  BMQ is hard for some people, easy for others and challenging in different ways for the majority. 

BMQ and BMOQ aren't the same.  Some things are similar, others aren't.
BadgerTrapper said:
The north doors are a magical place which you will discover with time in St. Jean.
oh my son's on week 3 at BMQ :) They just recently learned what the North Doors where all about, fun times! :)
Eye In The Sky said:
There's nothing to get off.  If you have no real experience, how about just avoiding the Alberto V05 shampoo commercial type wisdom.

I'm not being argumentative.  I am nicely trying to point out too many ******' people on here have "opinions" based on youtube and Xbox.

Aside from that, how many ****** times do the same questions have to be answered on here.  BMQ is hard for some people, easy for others and challenging in different ways for the majority. 

BMQ and BMOQ aren't the same.  Some things are similar, others aren't.

No. You definitely are, and borderlining disrespectful. There's no real reason at all for you to be telling me that I, or whoever else you have told for that matter, cant suggest pieces things to members that want information. So yea... get off your high horse please.

He asked for some insight and what to expect, so provided what I watched that was made in cooperation  with the CAF. So that being said, I think it's a great piece to get an idea of what basic might be like.
Treemoss said:
No. You definitely are, and borderlining disrespectful. There's no real reason at all for you to be telling me that I, or whoever else you have told for that matter, cant suggest pieces things to members that want information. So yea... get off your high horse please.


Being straight and blunt isn't being disrespectful.  It's being...straight and blunt.  I'd start expecting that if you are on your way to CFLRS soon; life isn't about puppies and butterflies there.

You call it a high horse, and I'll call it me being tired of people who haven't been to BMQ or even been sworn in yet advising people on what life is like in the military.  'Cause that is what irks me. 

Anything else, or should I just attach a copy of a Hurt Feelings Report for you in case you need it?  If you don't like what I'm saying or think I am being a meanie, you can always nail me some MilPoints or click the Report to Moderator link; it should be over around the bottom right hand side.

Eye In The Sky said:
If you've never done BMQ how would you know what "a good idea" is?  I've watched news clips of the International Space Station, but I don't hand out advice on what living in it is like.

Having done basic training... "Youtube basic-up. Thatll give you a good idea."
BobSlob said:
Having done basic training... "Youtube basic-up. Thatll give you a good idea."

And there's the difference to me, you've done it.  Having taught on BMQs (CFLRS included), I think it's just so-so myself.  :2c:
I might add that it seems to be the same suspects when it comes to thin skins and complaining that other members and staff are rude, etc. 

The bright side is that some of those members have come back, with experience and been fine contributors to the site and also be called out as being rude/blunt/etc. by new inexperienced thin skinned members. 

Showing your attitude towards your seniors is what may make or break you in your quest to become a member of the CAF.  A good attitude will get you much further than a know-it-all attitude and thin skinned approach.

Like the Lighthouse keeper said:  Your call.
Eye In The Sky said:

Being straight and blunt isn't being disrespectful.  It's being...straight and blunt.  I'd start expecting that if you are on your way to CFLRS soon; life isn't about puppies and butterflies there.

You call it a high horse, and I'll call it me being tired of people who haven't been to BMQ or even been sworn in yet advising people on what life is like in the military.  'Cause that is what irks me. 

Anything else, or should I just attach a copy of a Hurt Feelings Report for you in case you need it?

Whatever. I'm not going to argue this, your opinion is your opinion. I will say this is a recruits section of the forum and that no matter how constructive you thought you were being you only sparked an argument.