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BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]

I thought there are separate bathrooms and shower...  [:'(, but oh well. I cannot believe you guys are told to cheat... but good info. Thanks a lot. Hope you are enjoying your training so far.

You are responsible for cleaning a shower and a bathroom with 5 other females. You'll learn to not be shy here when you have to get unchanged, showered, and back in combats in under 10 minutes after PT periods.
Hi Natoba,

I'm working out as best I can while working 8-10 hrs a day.  Running is my weak spot.  I jog a lot, up to 2K a day, but am not particularly great at running fast or long distances.  What standard should I be pushing myself to for running?  Are there other cardio building exercises I can also do to increase my capacity?
Honestly going up and down stairs would be super beneficial. There's no ideal standard to shoot for outside the Force Fitness Test which can be found on the forces website and the rushes and drag catch most people. Most staff is pretty good about understanding people have different levels of fitness, give every PT session your all and your staff might yell at you but will respect your efforts and limits. The last thing you want is to get hurt so always focus on safety and your health first.
bscriber said:
Hi Natoba,

I'm working out as best I can while working 8-10 hrs a day.  Running is my weak spot.  I jog a lot, up to 2K a day, but am not particularly great at running fast or long distances.  What standard should I be pushing myself to for running?  Are there other cardio building exercises I can also do to increase my capacity?

I was reading about the new proposed fitness standards (maybe BFT for army/combat trades only) on Reddit the other day, and they still seemed fairly reasonable as a good metric to strive for to get through the course. For instance, they mention implementing the standard of Full Fighting Order (Helmet, Tac Vest and gas mask and 25kg kit bag) 5km march to be completed in 1 hour. While that might seem pretty tough I bet it can be done with a moderately brisk marching pace (as long as you maintain the pace and don't stop) - with time to spare.

I used to be more focused on my cardio but switched to strength training/powerlifting for the last couple of years. Now I'm trying to bring my cardio back up with high intensity interval training (doing the same weight workouts in 40-45mins which used to take me 2 hours - goodbye rest periods!) and running 5-6km on the treadmill (6mph pace, about 40 minutes) and stationary bike (100-120rpms for about 20 minutes). So, now my weightlifting is a *kind* of cardio and my cardio is... unpleasant. But it'll all be worth it when they smoke us on PT!  ::)
Apologies for poking my nose into this thread - you all just got me thinking about what thoughts were going through my (and my peers) heads around this time.

The best piece of advice I wish I had back then was don't sweat the small stuff.  And most of it will be small stuff (which leads to the big stuff).  Basic is not "hard", but it might be the most stressful situation many people going into it may have experienced. 

Look out for your peers  and course mates - a good portion of them will be a part of your lives for as long as you are in the military (and perhaps longer).  Knowing when to be a good teammate and when someone will pull everyone else down with them is a hard line to figure out, but when in doubt - support your peers and help them, because you may find yourself needing their support during your difficult periods.

You may not be taught by good teachers (IE, they may not be the best at teaching things), but you will be learning from experienced teachers (meaning they know what being in the military entails and have a lot to share).  Look past how you feel about how things are taught (avoid taking anything personally), and try to see why they are teaching you a particular way (by talking everything as objective criticism designed to make you better).

Never lie or attempt to shift blame.  Leaders own their failures and are willing to take personal responsibility for the group's missteps. Just make sure you learn from them.

You'll have a heck of a story (and many entertaining stories) by the time it is all done.
Thanks Ayrsayle!  I appreciate it.  Sometimes I think we get so stressed about being there we forget to learn and try to have a good time or at least to make the most out of the stressful time we will have. 
I should be joining! Still have to do my medical test and security clearance and I have been told that recruiting centers can be very incompetent and it can take a lot of time... But if they don't mess everything up, I'll be there!
I am wondering... what kind of physical training do you do? I saw on this website that at the end of the basic training, we should be able to run 6K in 30 min but I really don't know if I would be able to do this! I am not a bad runner for a woman, but I do not run this fast... I'm more at a 10.5 - 11 km/h pace and I stress...
Hey! I got the call last week!

Aerospace Control Officer - super excited to start  :nod:
My ROTP classes will be ending June 12, so I'm assuming I'll be loaded into BMOQ mod 2 after that.  Would you happen to know what the start dates are?

Buck_HRA said:
This is the information available to me at the moment and is subject to change based on the needs of the CAF and CFLRS (i.e. I am NOT posting on behalf of either organization)

Upcoming start dates for BMOQ:

There are various June & July dates for BMOQ Mod 1 ONLY and normally used for ROTP candidates.

I'm sorry I don't have Mod 2 dates, I only have full BMOQ and BMOQ Mod 1 dates.
Your best source of information for when Mod 2 dates would be is your ULO.  If you don't know who your ULO is, send me a PM with your name and I can let you know who your current ULO is.

I just got my offer for DEO as pilot!!

Starting BMOQ mid january 2018, actual date TBD.

Pretty stoked!!! (despite having to wait another 8 months)
My name is François
I will be also joining bmoq on august 28th 2017.
Excited to meet all the members of my pleton
I've also been accepted for the August 28th BMOQ (Aerospace Control). I'm excited but also a bit nervous.

Maestro, what I've heard for running is that prior to attending BMOQ, you should be able to run 2.4 km in around 10 to 14 minutes (depending on age/gender), as well as being able to complete the FORCE test at the beginning of training. Don't worry about running the 6km in 30 minutes yet, they'll train us up to that point (but it never hurts to be over prepared).

http://www.forces.ca/en/page/training-90 This is where I got my info, if anyone else is curious.
Thanks for the info! I am well within the range for the 2.4 k so I should be good...
I really look forward to start and meet you all!
Hello all,

I've also accepted the offer for Aerospace Control Officer, going for the Aug 28th BMOQ.
I notice there are few other AECs here and I look forward to meet you all. Is there anyone else from Vancouver Region?
Taylor Levert said:
I'll be there August 1st. Joined up as a Med-Tech.

This is a Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ). 

Congratulations, and good luck on your BMQ.  :)