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BMOQ January 7th

Yes, I emailed the CFRC as well, just wanted to run it by you guys too. As you mentioned my plan was to have everything ready on the 19th (when I swear in), if they ask for it then, great, if not, it's already done.
mariomike said:
There were two quotes. One was from 2009.

Never said there wasn`t a second quote did I?

Either way, I'm going off what I have been told by my recruiting office. Not what is put up on an un-official internet forum.


Officially a CF member today with 3 other MARS NCdts and 3 other NCMs. First couple of hours just going through forms but we all did not have to complete the security clearance forms until St. Jean. Some Q and A then ceremony. Found out I'm flying Westjet out of Pearson. Pretty straight forward.
I am wondering if everyone who received an offer has received a package in the mail? and how many days after getting the phone call?  I got the phone call november 20 and I have yet to receive anything in the mail. I hope thats not an issue..
Special_K said:
I am wondering if everyone who received an offer has received a package in the mail? and how many days after getting the phone call?  I got the phone call november 20 and I have yet to receive anything in the mail. I hope thats not an issue..

It could just be that your recruitment office is busier than most. I wouldn't worry though, as I picked up my offer/package in person, and all that was in it was:

- a copy of my offer on paper

- the security clearance form http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/330-60-eng.pdf

- the CFLRS joining instructions document which is available online for reference and download http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/pd/bic-cib/index-eng.asp

Hope this sets your mind at ease a bit. If I was a betting man, I'd say you're package is either hung up in the postal system, or you'll get all this in person when you swear in.


My CFRC emailed me my enrollement packaged, it was just easier for everyone I think. Maybe they'll do that for you?
Makes sense. I did receive an email with an offer and a link to the CFLRS site, but no security clearance form, so thank you for that link MusclesGlasses!  Last thing I'd want is to have missing paperwork when I go in.


Special_K said:
Makes sense. I did receive an email with an offer and a link to the CFLRS site, but no security clearance form, so thank you for that link MusclesGlasses!  Last thing I'd want is to have missing paperwork when I go in.



There was one NCM that had the info package mailed to him, but everybody else got an email with a link to CFLRS aside from one other guy who didn't get anything but a call to come in for the ceremony.

Thanks duy, I'll probably see you on the flight to montreal on the 5th. And Congratulations!  It still hasn't fully sunk in for me yet lol.

Special_K said:
Thanks duy, I'll probably see you on the flight to montreal on the 5th. And Congratulations!  It still hasn't fully sunk in for me yet lol.


Thanks Kais, congrats to you too! It will feel real for you on the 19th when you swear-in so don't you worry. See you there.
Got an offer for DEO Pilot so looking forward to meeting you all in Basic.  Getting sworn in at 4900 Yonge on the 19th so probably be meeting some of you there.
aviator1515 said:
Got an offer for DEO Pilot so looking forward to meeting you all in Basic.  Getting sworn in at 4900 Yonge on the 19th so probably be meeting some of you there.

Thanks duy! Congrats to you and everyone else who got offers.  Looks like its going to be a good course, the excitement is building now that were getting close to the start date.
Wow seems like lots of Toronto DEO pilots.  So far the english platoon is only navy and air force, any army people out there?
crosswind said:
Wow seems like lots of Toronto DEO pilots.  So far the english platoon is only navy and air force, any army people out there?
Almost all Army DEO were closed after October,2012.
Next Army DEO selection can be after April, 2013.
I'll be driving down january 5th hoping to arrive around mid afternoon. Is everybody getting a flight? So far it looks like I'm the only one who opted to take my car.  Swearing in on Wednesday in Toronto though.
I asked if I could take my personal vehicle and they said no the flight was already booked..