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BMOQ failure rate?

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WOW, thank you Mr.Wallace for that snappy reply!  I am quite capable of reading responses, and not repeating myself thank you.  Maybe next time you respond to a question, you might want to read the whole thing first.  Now, if you had read it fully, you would know that I asked what happened if you were injured AFTER BASIC TRAINING!!! Meaning, basic training has been completed, it could be 10 years from now, 15 years, hell even 20! Please don't talk to me like im 12 years old, i'm a human being just like you, and we're gonna be on the same team come Sept.7 and as a senior member you should try and make us newbies feel a little more welcome, and inclined to ask more questions without fear of being called down in front of the entire CF
Shall we backtrack some here?

poiriernb said:
WOW, thank you Mr.Wallace for that snappy reply!  I am quite capable of reading responses, and not repeating myself thank you.  Maybe next time you respond to a question, you might want to read the whole thing first.  Now, if you had read it fully, you would know that I asked what happened if you were injured AFTER BASIC TRAINING!!! Meaning, basic training has been completed, it could be 10 years from now, 15 years, hell even 20! Please don't talk to me like im 12 years old, i'm a human being just like you, and we're gonna be on the same team come Sept.7 and as a senior member you should try and make us newbies feel a little more welcome, and inclined to ask more questions without fear of being called down in front of the entire CF
George Wallace said:
I thought I answered that.

Let's face it.  You don't have a Trade.  You only have a few months in the military.  Why would they want to give you an OT if you have a major injury.  You will LIKELY BE RELEASED.

Same thing as would apply if you were BMQ.  No difference. 
poiriernb said:
Oh ok, thanks a lot for all your feedback! So basically what I gather, if its a pretty major injury, there's a good chance you could be sent home (which is understandable) and if its sort of a minor injury, you can man up and push yourself, or get recoursed.  My next questions, what about a major injury after basic? LTD? Or are you released if its serious to the point you can't adequately do your job?  Or would they OT you do a trade you could do?

After Basic, you still don't have a Trade.  You did not specify having a Trade.  As this topic is about Basic Training, one can not assume that YOU have not derailed the topic to discuss a fully trained person with 10, 15, 20 or whatever years of Service.  This isn't the forum for that, so one can not read your mind as to what you may be trying to ask outside of the forum topics.

But thanks for the insight as to who you are.

Good luck in your endeavors and don't put any further thought into getting injured (I will assume that you are not hiding a current injury from the CFRC staff.) and instead strive to be as physically fit as possible, so as to avoid possible injury.
poiriernb said:
WOW, thank you Mr.Wallace for that snappy reply!  I am quite capable of reading responses, and not repeating myself thank you.  Maybe next time you respond to a question, you might want to read the whole thing first.  Now, if you had read it fully, you would know that I asked what happened if you were injured AFTER BASIC TRAINING!!! Meaning, basic training has been completed, it could be 10 years from now, 15 years, hell even 20! Please don't talk to me like im 12 years old, i'm a human being just like you, and we're gonna be on the same team come Sept.7 and as a senior member you should try and make us newbies feel a little more welcome, and inclined to ask more questions without fear of being called down in front of the entire CF
Please get off your high horse. You were given the same answer a few times in different forms. Same as you asking the same question a couple of times. All the variables apply. BMQ, BMOQ, trade courses or career time. Hurt yourself bad enough, you're gone. If the service thinks they can salvage you, they'll try. We can't diagnose or predict every scenario you may encounter. You'll just have to accept our generalities for now.


Milnet.ca Staff
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