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blacklisitng potential recruits?

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I need a little advice. I am currently a Reg Force Air Force Officer, and found out some disturbing news from my parents. One of his employees (no names online, I know) has been stealing from my father's business for the past year. He was basicly re-selling tokens, and stealing cartons of cigarettes. As well as this he setup a ring with other staff, paying off certain people to keep his secret. When caught, he admitted to most of his wrong doings, and promised to repay a small amount in order not to goto the police. He listed the Armed Forces as a refrence, plus during the interview was always stressing he was a cadet, and always honest, etc. He aged out of the cadets a few years ago (hes 22 now). He is planning on joining the CF as either a Cadet Instructor, or Reg Force member. This would be in the BC area, most likely the Victoria Recruiting center. The advice I was looking for, was who I could talk to, in order to get a note on his file. He would already have a file I believe, due to him being in Air Cadets. My opinion is once a thief, always a thief.........Any advice PM or post... thanks
Your dad, his former employer might be in a position to give a bad reference - in case this someone chose to use him as such.  Your dad might be able to file a "reference" with the credit bureau - which is consulted during the recruiting process, viability check...
(branding thieves or lopping off a hand are practices which are frowned upon at present)
Unless an applicant has a criminal record or a credit hit his past will not be an issue and I am fairly confident that he is not going to go to your Dad and ask him for a reference.  The applicant may be asked why he left his previous employment but with shorten interviews that is not likely.  You or anyone else can not do anything to interfere with his application.
As he seems to be a habitual liar and a thief, you can only cross your fingers and pray that these things are discovered during his Enhanced Reliability Check or sometime later when his References are checked.  Perhaps he is not wise enough to not list your father as a character witness, and that will do him in.  Who knows?
There is no police report, and yes he would be smart enough to not list my father as a refrence. Is there any way I as a reg. force officer can make a call and put something on his file, so there is a record of it?

hollywood13 said:
There is no police report, and yes he would be smart enough to not list my father as a refrence. Is there any way I as a reg. force officer can make a call and put something on his file, so there is a record of it?


hollywood13 said:
There is no police report, and yes he would be smart enough to not list my father as a refrence. Is there any way I as a reg. force officer can make a call and put something on his file, so there is a record of it?


If your father had wanted there to be a record of it, he would have called the police in the first place. He neglected to do that, possibly for a number of reasons, and chose to resolve the issue "under the table".

I also find it somewhat disturbing that you view your position as all the justification required to pass on what amounts to rumour to a potential employer. You are an OCdt Pilot, or more accurately, the operator of a transportation device that happens to fly, not a leader or an administrator, just a driver, operating on unproven family heresay.

There is no way that you as a "reg force officer" should be able to hinder someone's application to the CF unless you are a recruiter.

If you, or your father wants to screw this guy over, we pay our legal system and LE alot of money to do that for us. If what you say is true, they will deal with him. The CF is not (and should not be) a place where a well placed phone call can determine futures.
It is not rumor, or hersay. He was caught, and addmited to various things. When the police and legal action was taken, my father would only be able to possbily get back $200 dollars from over $16,000 stolen. He will not be proven guilty in court, so will not have a criminal record. I dont want him black listed forever, just something on his file so the board will know his past, as well he used the Candian Forces as a refrence and stole. Again this is not hersay, or a rumor.....the police have a small report him, but nothing will show up on his criminal record. With regards to me being a pilot, I dont see how this has anything to do with it. I was an NCO for 3 years before going Officer, and I know what a thief is like in the barracks. Again I just wondering if there is a way to put a note on his file.

hollywood13 said:
It is not rumor, or hersay. He was caught, and addmited to various things. When the police and legal action was taken, my father would only be able to possbily get back $200 dollars from over $16,000 stolen. He will not be proven guilty in court, so will not have a criminal record. I dont want him black listed forever, just something on his file so the board will know his past, as well he used the Candian Forces as a refrence and stole. Again this is not hersay, or a rumor.....the police have a small report him, but nothing will show up on his criminal record. With regards to me being a pilot, I dont see how this has anything to do with it. I was an NCO for 3 years before going Officer, and I know what a thief is like in the barracks. Again I just wondering if there is a way to put a note on his file.


Now I'm really confused because in your original post you stated:

When caught, he admitted to most of his wrong doings, and promised to repay a small amount in order not to goto the police.

Bottom line, no criminal record...nothing you can do about it.
hollywood13 said:
It is not rumor, or hersay. He was caught, and addmited to various things. When the police and legal action was taken, my father would only be able to possbily get back $200 dollars from over $16,000 stolen. He will not be proven guilty in court, so will not have a criminal record. I dont want him black listed forever, just something on his file so the board will know his past, as well he used the Candian Forces as a refrence and stole. Again this is not hersay, or a rumor.....the police have a small report him, but nothing will show up on his criminal record. With regards to me being a pilot, I dont see how this has anything to do with it. I was an NCO for 3 years before going Officer, and I know what a thief is like in the barracks. Again I just wondering if there is a way to put a note on his file.


I'm no lawyer, but I think the point that's trying to be made is, as far as the law is concerned, it's hearsay. Unless of course you have some kind of signed statement from the person in question. And even that probably wouldn't stand up, unless a lawyer was involved.
Thanks for the tips. I will try and convince my father to forget about the money and goto court. Getting a little extra money under the table by not going to court seems like a good idea to my father, but in the long run a criminal record would hurt him in life more. 
And with that I think we can close this one.  Usual caveats apply, if you have something concrete to add, please contact a Moderator.
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