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Birthday Boy Today


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
That would be me.  ;D

I"m thinking 9 months before my b-day was a cold month. I"ll ask my parnets. I see there are a few b-days this month.
Have a superb day and remember to keep the fire extinguisher handy for when you blow the candles.  :dontpanic:
Hahahaha Thank you... I"ll make sure to do so.. as long as this ex smoker does'nt get winded. Gee, I feel like an old fart..and am in my 20's..
Thank you very much folks. It is funny how b-day gifts goes during your lifehood...I was reflecting on this yesterday.

<b>Years                            Gifts</b>

0-3                          Clothes

3-6                        Toys

6-20                      Cool Items

20-upwards            Clothes

See what I mean?    ;D
Happy Birthday Tom, many happy returns.
Just to add to your gift list, 35 and up, ASK for tools!
Thanks folks.... as for tools... nobody picks out my tools... that is like when your a kid and grandma would make that knitten sweater. You know the one if you wore to school you got made fun off? hahahaha That's not going to happen again.. and yes I would like to speak to someone about this issue... :D