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Biomedical Electronics Technologist


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Im thinking about joining as a biosciences officer, i have a Masters degree in biomedical engineering, im just wondering about a few things

Where are most bioscience officers located?
Is it a needed profession at the moment? Or is it quite difficult to get into?
How long after basic training, till you can start training as a bioscience officer?


  The quickest way to answer your question is for you to talk to a Recruiting Centre. You can find them on line via google, or the www.forces.gc.ca site. The recruiters there can give you up to date information better then most of us can. Best of luck!


That's about the best advice we can give. Go see the Recruiting Centre.


Does it show im not in canada?

How sneaky,

Anyway, im a canadian citizen just living out of canada at the moment, but intending to come back next year

Bio science officers i have met worked at DRDC toronto and CFSAS in winnipeg

Tigger said:
How sneaky,

We moderators know everything
Tigger said:
Where are most bioscience officers located?
Is it a needed profession at the moment? Or is it quite difficult to get into?
How long after basic training, till you can start training as a bioscience officer?

a) Posting areas are: Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg & Suffield.  A few other singles:  Trenton & Maryland.
b) Needed?  Yes...biased answer though.  Extremely difficult trade to enter; recruits maybe one or two positions a year.
c) St-Jean + language school = minimum training.  From there, specific training in either Aerospace Physiology, Industrial Hygiene or Human Factors.

Also try searching for the term "Bioscience" for more info.  Anything further, send me a message.
Ok cool, thanks for all the info

Would it matter that my unviersity degree is from a different country? I did my Bachelors degree and master at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

When you say its difficult to get into, do many people actually apply for it?

Just that i would really like to do it but dont really want to go through all the basic training and everything if i dont have much change to get into bioscience officer, since i dont think there is any other position that i would really be able to use my skills in.

Tigger said:
Just that i would really like to do it but dont really want to go through all the basic training and everything if i dont have much change to get into bioscience officer,

You wont be going to basic unless there is a spot in this trade with your name on it. If the trade has no openings, no one gets hired.
Tigger said:
Would it matter that my unviersity degree is from a different country? I did my Bachelors degree and master at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

When you say its difficult to get into, do many people actually apply for it?

Just that i would really like to do it but dont really want to go through all the basic training and everything if i dont have much change to get into bioscience officer, since i dont think there is any other position that i would really be able to use my skills in.

Can't answer about foreign schools, but will say that many of the advanced degrees in the trade come from foreign schools.  Several in the trade have Master degrees in Human Factors from Loughborough, England and the current Industrial Hygiene MSc comes from the United States.

Also can't say how many apply for the trade.  I've heard the number is in the double-digits, and that tends to discourage people...of course, you can't get accepted if you don't apply in the first place.  The recruiters may be able to provide you with better numbers.

Thanks for all the info

I think ill definately apply, but ill wait till i get back to Canada in April

I am a RO candidate hoping to VOR into this trade. What is the likelihood of them even CONSIDERING my application? I know it's a specialized trade, much like PSEL and they don't take ROs but a girl at my school (RMC) was accepted for PSEL 4 years ago....so I'm thinking of trying....

Im thinking about joining up and im interested in the Biomedical Electronics Technologist option as I have a Engineering degree in Biomedical engineering.
Ive been trying to find more information on it - ive read the description on the main site and a search didnt turn up much.

I would like to know what happens after basic training,  it doesnt look like there is basic occupation training for BE techs rather they are posted somewhere with a senior BE tech and learn from working, is this correct?

If so, are there any main positing areas for BE techs? is there any option as to where you get posted?

Also, if anyone out there is a BE tech or works with them, id love to hear what life after BMQ is like.

Thanks, Tracy
Is there an option in where you want to get posted?  Yes.  Will you actually get it?  Not necessarily.  One of the places I know that BE Techs (we always refer to them as BMET) get posted is Central Medical Equipment Depot (CMED) in Petawawa.  They can also be posted to various bases - Halifax, Edmonton, Ottawa, etc.

They are in huge demand for deployment because there are so few of them.

In addition to anything posted here, you can also talk to your local recruiting location or online for the chat.  Mention that you are interested in the BMET and that you want to talk to the recruiters that specifically work in the medical field - there are two Capts who work exclusively in the medical community and they can set you up with all the information and contacts that you need.  The online recruiters are very familiar with this and if your initial contact at the local detachment is not, the senior recruiter or career counsellors certainly will be.

If you don't get connected through either of these two avenues, let me know.

Good luck, MKO
If I'm not mistaken, one requires a diploma as a Biomedical Electronics Technologist from a community college (two year program) prior to being accepted for the trade.  The trade may be a part of the NCM Subsidized Education Program, which would pay all the tuition and other costs associated with taking the training.  I would ask the recruiters about NCM-SEP eligibility.

The trade is pretty much that of an electronics technician, but specializing in biomedical equipment maintenance and repair.  I think with a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering, you'd be better suited to designing the equipment than fixing it, but whatever floats your boat...  :)
Greetings, Canadian Personnel!

I have a degree in Exercise Physiology from University of Massachusetts Lowell (USA) and am finishing up my master's degree in Neuromuscular Physiology at University of Saskatchewan (Canada).

I have previous military experience: I am a Brazilian citizen who was an Army cadet for 3 years (1997 - 1999) in the Brazilian Military Academy. I left the Academy because I did not see myself as a combatant officer for the rest of my life and the Army in Brazil does not have the position "Biomedical Officer".

I have lived in the US, near Boston, since December of 1999 and my immediate family still lives there; I came to Canada out of sheer admiration for this country and because I truly believe I would "fit in" better here than in the US. Was I right???????

I am definitely interested in joining the CF (Army) as a biomedical officer and would greatly appreciate if anyone could drop their opinions about this possibility, based on the little background info I have made public here.

Thank you!

Are you a Canadian Citizen yet? If not, that's your first step.