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Big Thinkers


Army.ca Legend
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For those that like to laugh at others:
??? That is just sad. Oh well, I would write more but my dog sled team is parked in 2 hour parking zone. Gotta move them before the forest ranger comes by and gives me a ticket.
Why is Carolyn Parrish allowed to speak for Canada on CNN? She should have to sign for a muzzle whilst travelling outside of Canada or attending a function where citizens of another state may hear her.
I would be offended if i wasn't a Canadian. Sometimes I forget how arrogant the Americans are than I am quickly reminded by something like this. I also believe that we are all capable of representing our country. She did a fine job speaking for us and certainly kept her cool where others wouldn't have.
Anyone know what this says and what language it is: Hægri sinnaðir bandaríkjamenn tala undarlega um Kanada

Just curious... 


I forget how arrogant the Americans are than I am quickly reminded by something like this

And how condascending and naive Canadians are.  ::)  That's an ignorant statement quite frankly. Please explain your qualifications and/or experience to make such an outlandish generalization
TAS278 said:
. Sometimes I forget how arrogant the Americans are than I am quickly reminded by something like this.

Before you go blaming the USA for all the ills of the world you may wish to remember that they are all alone on the world stage and just about every single third world country that I can think of wants to see them fall...

Do they whine and snive about it...No, they don't.

Certainly they don't get alott of help from their supposed'allies' do they...What do we contribute...Not much!

This is a pre-verabl warning. Do not generalize with broad sweeping sttments on this site. If you do you will very quickly start to progress though the warning system here.

Think before you post.

You're right, you can't make generalizations about all Americans, that would be just as bad as saying all caucasian Canadians go to white power meetings every Wednesday night or that all black Canadians deal crack and carry Glocks. I can only see two reasons why those individuals would act so ignorantly, either they know that by offending people it creates publicity for them, or they truely are the kind of scum that all hatred, racism, fascism and segregation comes from.
muskrat89 said:
And how condescending and naive Canadians are.    ::)    That's an ignorant statement quite frankly. Please explain your qualifications and/or experience to make such an outlandish generalization

How many American units have you worked with? In almost every operation/exercise i have been on, i have worked with the Americans. I can vouch for the   USN's attitude towards us and pretty much everyone else. They alway underestimate us and assume we are incapable of completing our tasks. And in all of my travel the American public assumes that our navy is a couple of fishing vessels with some air rifles. If you don't like my opinion about the subject please tell me yours.

I would also like to comment on the directing staff rebutrebuttalyou beleibelieve i am violating your rules i would like more of an explanation. And maybe how my statement is so offensive. I feel well qualified to speak on the subject. If you look at this video you can see that it very much warrants some nasty comments. I refrained from making nasty comments and specifying how i really feel.

I will take your request in heed. And i will apologise if i have offended anyone.

I would like to add one more thing though. That movie is extremely offensive to Canadians. After you all watch it, all you have to say is why did they let that women speak???? Are you not proud of our country. Does it not upset you that people feel that way about us. The problem is not that we don't support the Americans enough. It is that we don't stand up for ourselves.

:cdn: :cdn: :salute: :cdn: :cdn:

I have never liked Ann Coulter, and everytime I see that darn video it just ticks me off more.

Somedays....ah, nevermind...I'll get attacked for that.
TAS278 said:
How many American units have you worked with? In almost every operation/exercise i have been on, i have worked with the Americans. I can vouch for the  USN's attitude towards us and pretty much everyone else. They alway underestimate us and assume we are incapable of completing our tasks. And in all of my travel the American public assumes that our navy is a couple of fishing vessels with some air rifles. If you don't like my opinion about the subject please tell me yours.

I've worked with plenty.  Them underestimating us doesn't make them arrogant, it makes them uninformed, and it highlights the fact that we've misrepresented ourselves as a "peacekeeping" army for too long.  However, EVERY tiem I've worked with a US unit, they've accepted us with warmth and generosity, have encouraged us to take part in their training as well as their celebrations, and have openly shown their admiration of our soldiers once they were able to see what we can do.  You consider that arrogance?

And you're right, our navy deffinitely isn't a couple fishing vessels with air rifles.  We've got a few canoes and some BB guns too.
TAS278 said:
How many American units have you worked with? In almost every operation/exercise i have been on, i have worked with the Americans.

Lots...And if you think I'm putting you then go see me in the photo section of the site standing with the crew of a BlackHawk I was assigned to for a period of time.

I, too, have worked with plenty of US service men and women. To a man they have always treated me and my brother soldiers with respect, and vis-versa.

You cannot make broad sweeping statements about a general group of people or culture on this iste as it is considered to be a prejudiced opinion.

If you have a challenge with that then PM Mike BObbitt, the site owner, or refer to the guideleines (which you were supposed to have read and understood before posting)

Stay in your lane!

I think Tucker Carlson takes far much more of the cake.

"Welcome to the 21st Century" - the man in the bowtie and suspenders. It's like having one of those Vikings from the credit card commercial welcoming Italy to the Renaissance.

However, let us all take into consideration that these clips are more than a year old. Parrish is off the radar-screen, Carlson got released from CNN, and Ms. Coulter - I haven't heard anything from her in a while. So at least the former two get airtime anymore. Everything is right in the universe. :dontpanic:

Cheers (over a Molson-Coors, perhaps?)
The other guy in the interview had it right when he said something along the lines of "you say things that get quoted and that's nice."
Then she ripped the French, etc. etc.
If we could get the rest of the Carlson tucker/parrish interview I think they actually whipe it out and compare it.

Sometimes people are so flashy they're boring.

Actually screw it, if someone will give me the air time I will do this crap. I'll say whatever isn't cool, or whatever is cool, whichever gets me more airtime, I am going on record as stating that I will whore myself out to the media to make a buck. I will say anything, I'll say it drunk too, I'll develop a drinking problem and say things on CNN, or CBC or FOX news or al-jaz.
I'll have a public battle with drinking, continue to say stupid things on news programs and I'll be awared an MBE for doing absolutely nothing but I'll be a hero for not doing it.
TAS278 said:
How many American units have you worked with? In almost every operation/exercise i have been on, i have worked with the Americans. I can vouch for the   USN's attitude towards us and pretty much everyone else. They alway underestimate us and assume we are incapable of completing our tasks. And in all of my travel the American public assumes that our navy is a couple of fishing vessels with some air rifles. If you don't like my opinion about the subject please tell me yours.


Army, Navy, AF, SOF, USMC

Any doubts about us that they did have were quickly dispelled, when we demonstrated our skills, rather than spouting off and "defending ourselves".
Having US junior officers and SNCOs tell me that "they would take a platoon of us to war any day", that we "train excellent infantrymen," and that we were "able to adapt to new comms gear, weapons, tactics and equipment with ease"

Statements like these kind of made me think that we are better off demonstrating to the doubters what we can do, than talking about it.

Maybe if the USN is holding you in such disdain, you should examine your recent performance. Misconceptions are rarely based in fallacy.
How many American units have you worked with?

Not a lot, but in 13 years, I worked with some Units, as well as exchange officers at the School. I also know very well, quite a few people in the Maine NG, Reserves, and the AZNG, as well as the Marine Corps. Since, this thread was started in regards to a video of an uninformed idiot, I would ask how many American people that YOU ACTUALLY KNOW (well).

If you don't like my opinion about the subject please tell me yours.

Gladly. Not only did I spend a few years in the CF, I have lived the past 12 years in the US. I have worked with US Companies. I have been immersed in US culture for all of that time, and most of my friends are American. I even married one of those arrogant Americans, and spawned a half-American child. So, I have professional (military and civilain) experience with Americans. I have a dozen years of practical, personal experience with Americans. I grew up in a border town, and heard lots of trash talk about Americans. In a little hick (lily-white) town, I also heard lots of trash talk about minorities, women, you name it. As I have matured, I have found every single stereotype to be unfounded. As I have lived in the US - I have found all the stuff we used to say about Americans to be untrue. Are Americans uninformed about Canadians (or anything else for that matter)? Some are, sure. Just like some Canadians think all Americans are arrogant. Or carry guns. Or whatever. Racism, ignorance, arrogance - knows no boundaries; knows no colour. For you to state what you did makes you just as bad as (you think) they are, in my books.

To say you've had some professional differences with the Americans you've worked with... I'm cool with that. Your statement however, was stupid. Full stop. I have noted over time, that the same people who become exasperated that "all" Americans think Bob & Doug McKenxie are representative of Canada - are the ones that claim "all" Americans are stupid and arrogant. Give me time, and I'm sure I can find some shining examples of Canadians - and will then make the assumption that all Canadians must be that way..

I feel well qualified to speak on the subject

Good for you.

And i will apologise if i have offended anyone

I was offended, frankly.
Right off I would like to start with a clarification of what I meant.
I have met lots of great people everywhere! I have also had a lots of bad experiences with people from everywhere. I find it to be more common that arrogance is prevalent amongst Americans with regards to Canadians more than anywhere else. Rather than them reserving prejudice and getting to know who people really are.
Maybe they have all just watched "Canadian Bacon" too many times. (although it was quite amusing).

I will retract my generalization that "all" Americans are arrogant only because it has obviously offend one or two of you and that i would be acting as they do.

With regards to you comment about my unit. My units performance has always been exceptional and we have always remained true Canadians and the CF  in that we are courteous and professional. I too have heard many of the stories of Americans admiring our infanteers for the training and abilities. That does make me proud to know that.

After watching a video like that and  for me to make the comment which is certainly not outlandish...  ::) doesn't make me prejudice. It was merely a comment direct to this topic.  I asked the question about how many units you have worked with the make the point that my opinion is that of experience and first impressions. Sometimes all we have is first impressions. I would understand the pre-verbal warning if i personal attacked an individual or made unwarranted comments that depicted a race/culture/country poorly with out any knowledge, but I did not do that. I made a statement form my knowledge and from this topic.

It is a sad fact and part of being Human.  Human Nature makes us all prejudice or biased against things/people/thoughts/etc. that are different than what we are or have.  Take a look at your following comments and pretend that they were said by someone else, and ask if they don't sound arrogant?
TAS278 said:
Right off I would like to start with a clarification of what I meant.
I have met lots of great people everywhere! I have also had a lots of bad experiences with people from everywhere. I find it to be more common that arrogance is prevalent amongst Americans with regards to Canadians more than anywhere else. Rather than them reserving prejudice and getting to know who people really are.
Maybe they have all just watched "Canadian Bacon" too many times. (although it was quite amusing).

With this statement you have clued in - You are acting as they do.
TAS278 said:
I will retract my generalization that "all" Americans are arrogant only because it has obviously offend one or two of you and that i would be acting as they do.