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BGen Ménard relieved of Afganistan Comd & other fall-outs

57Chevy said:
Menard is under investigation by the military's police's National Investigation Service, which handles "serious and sensitive service and criminal matters" for the Armed Forces and has the right to lay charges.

"Sexual activity or any other form of intimate contact in any context," is strictly forbidden for Canadian troops in Afghanistan, according to standing orders on personal relationships that every soldier receives before deploying to South Asia.

I'm going to assume here, that the MSM really meant to state that both of the CF members allegedly involved are under investigation. Same rules & processes are applicable no matter the rank or sex of the alleged offender ... and every rank knows those rules.
ArmyVern said:
I'm going to assume here, that the MSM really meant to state that both of the CF members allegedly involved are under investigation. Same rules & processes are applicable no matter the rank or sex of the alleged offender ... and every rank knows those rules.
That's a good point - that isn't clear to me in my reading of MSM accounts.
Not quite the same - certain follies that would warrant the local MPs' attention if done by a Cpl will get the NIS engaged if done by a senior officer.

dapaterson said:
Not quite the same - certain follies that would warrant the local MPs' attention if done by a Cpl will get the NIS engaged if done by a senior officer.

True that, but the MSMs blatant disregard to mention that BOTH are subject to investigation and/or possible disciplinary action for allegedly committing the alleged offense is quite interesting. The only difference being "who" does the investigation.

Regardless of rank, same alleged violation of the regulations are applicable (with the Snr Rank possibly seeing more violations [ie "Abuse of Authority"] if the investigation recommends). 

Pte, Cpl, whoever ... she knew the rules too and is subject to disciplinary action as well should the allegations come to be founded; it's certainly not just one CF member's career and/or future on the line here. And, whether the MSM likes it or not, each and every single one of our "lowest-corporals" (!! WTF?? How much more degrading could they possibly be?  ::) ) and even our most junior Ptes are CRITICAL to CF mission success - they are the backbone of this institution.

The MSM is, quite frankly and habitually, comparable to People Magazine these days.
Now, "they" say that they are treating BGen Menard fairly, etc.  Then why is the name of the other person not in the press?

Fair is fair, no? 
Technoviking said:
Now, "they" say that they are treating BGen Menard fairly, etc.  Then why is the name of the other person not in the press?
Because it is possible.  If it were also possible to keep the BGen annonymous, then "they" would have done that.  Unfortunately for him, he was too high profile to silently be replaced.
MCG said:
Because it is possible.  If it were also possible to keep the BGen annonymous, then "they" would have done that.  Unfortunately for him, he was too high profile to silently be replaced.
Fair enough: however, "they" could have simply said "Due to an investigation concerning the BGen, he is being relieved of his duties.  Due to the nature of the investigation, further details aren't being released at this time."

Technoviking said:
Fair enough: however, "they" could have simply said "Due to an investigation concerning the BGen, he is being relieved of his duties.  Due to the nature of the investigation, further details aren't being released at this time."

Nah, as discussed earlier, the MSM (& the Oppostion) would have then just run along with a "Trying to Coverup!!" barrage of BS instead.

It doesn't matter what we do, the MSM would scream that the "opposite" should have occured. Don't you remember those days when detainess were handed over to the US and the MSM screamed "You can't give them to the US, you must give them to the HN?" And so, the Liberals (governing at the time) said to us "hand over your prisoners to the HN?" And, we complied ... and yet now, the Liberals and the MSM are content on shitting on us for doing EXACTLY as they (MSM) screamed and one (the Liberals) ordered?

Funny how that works.

Edited for spelling, grammar and other stuff.
ArmyVern said:
Nah, as discussed earlier, the MSM (& the Oppostion) would have then just run along with a "Trying to Coverup!!" barrage of BS instead.

It doesn't matter what we do, the MSM would scream that the "opposite" should have occured. Don't you remember those days when detainess were handed over to the US and the MSM screamed "You can't give them to the US, you must give them to the HN?" And so, the Liberals (governing at the time) said to us "hand over your prisoners to the HN?" And, we complied ... and yet now, the Liberals and the MSM are content on shitting on us for doing EXACTLY as they (MSM) screamed and one (the Liberals) ordered?

Funny how that works.

Edited for spelling, grammar and other stuff.

Now you're getting it ;)
I understand how it can be seen as important to put his name out there...but having the other party's name also out there will not hurt operational capabilities and will prevent any people from saying that the BGen was treated unfairly.  By naming only him it is pretty much branding him as the problem and the other as a victim without there being any story yet told.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Publishing her name does nothing but satisfying everyone's curiosity as to who it was and if they know her, and if I want to be really sexist, was it worth it. And Vern, maybe they are not investigating her. There are circumstances where only one party may be investigated beyond the original inquiry. We don't have all the details of the "relationship".
I care less about her name, I want a picture...


My OC, a Coy PL Comd and several others in my CoC in Afghanistan all carried away with abandon with the PSP ladies and others, it got a blind eye, even when it was complained about, and despite officers I mention by position where married.
  Of course this was Kabul, not Kandahar, and the beer at the Belgian mess flowed a lot more than the 2 beer per man limit as well.

Infidel-6 said:
I care less about her name, I want a picture...

Here's an old guy's take on this and why the cpl will not be punished: Because she is a cpl. She was led astray, the BGen coerced her etc...plus naming her in MSM will look vindictive.
You know what the MSM is like....the poor cpl was not at fault....that ********  BGen its all his fault.....etc etc

I care less about her name, I want a picture...
Here's an old guy's take on this and why the cpl will not be punished: Because she is a cpl. She was led astray, the BGen coerced her etc...plus naming her in MSM will look vindictive.
You know what the MSM is like....the poor cpl was not at fault....that ********  BGen its all his fault.....etc etc

Nobody said she was a corporal.....she told a corporal, the rest is assumed.
Then there is this piece of drivel.

Tank Troll said:
Then there is this piece of drivel.


:o  >:(  :threat:

I'm speechless... Honestly... Why are all these damn reporters all candy-assed "never-served-a-day-and-never-would" types!? Makes me sick...

She needs to realize that engaging in a relationship while in operational theatre is a security risk. ESPECIALLY between a Task Force Commander and an NCM (as it stands)... because depending on security clearance, and rank of course, entitles us and them only to so much information regarding operations. And all of us who've been through many a relationship know that sometimes you get a little soft and let things slip... I'm not saying that Menard WOULD jeopardize operations by letting slip OPSEC material to someone who isn't cleared for it because they're engaged in a relationship - but there's always the possibility. Not just that, but it also causes all kinds of other nasty issues that we all know of (favouritism, etc.) that can occur in this kind of siuation.

It's not about beer and sex, it's about making the world a better place, getting the job done, and making sure as many of us soldiers and our comrades as humanly possible (we would all like it to be everyone, but we all know that it's if not nearly, then completely impossible) come home alive, safe and well to our home and family at the end.
Big Beef said:
:o  >:(  :threat:

I'm speechless... Honestly... Why are all these damn reporters all candy-assed "never-served-a-day-and-never-would" types!? Makes me sick...

She is a columnist vice journalist who essentially writes about the incredible importance of being thirtyish and single - think Carrie Bradshaw and Sex in the City.

As such, her piece resonates, given her very particular viewpoint.

Perspective matters, so perhaps we should gain some ourselves....
I am inclined to agree with some of what she writes, actually.

The biggest irony is that the rules are in place to stabilize everything and limit drama, but the last week obviously shows that finding accusing someone guilty of these rules de-stabilizes things quite a bit more.

She's right that perhaps we should be focusing on fighting insurgents so we can say "we won" in Afghanistan and not focusing on a sexual scandal, but it's not good to say that since all humans are imperfect that we should start giving out get-out-of-jail-free cards because we're at war.

As Mr O'Leary wrote earlier, I don't exactly think the right thing to do is go back to the good-old-days when morale girls were Army-issued to the platoons though.