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BFTs in City Equals "The Start Of A Police State"

Nema Hardcore. I was 16 at the time;  tough as a buttered muffin, and had the physique of a slingshot......  I was told that carrying the gun was for my own good. My Sect Cmd and our reg force types were big on "development"
Ran right into the ambush that has been set up by our junior leaders.  The lads, having been warned off to hit the first veh into the KZ, lit her up with the C6 and such. She hit the lights, dropped into R for Rocket and took off at a great rate of knots.

LMFAO! That story just made my sunday morning ;D! Good one!
Aside from the few out there comments by a few posters, it's nice to see so many posts of Canadians who support our military.
I was on an ex in Kingston in one of the parks by the lake.  We were conduction a recce at about 0200.  We got to the park and I started doing my recce.  There was a civi vehicle there that the DS thought was enemy force so I sent my driver to check out, the DS went with him... It turns out they just scared a couple making out.  Soon after another civi veh pulled in, saw us walking around with rifles and sped off... As we were leaving the park there was two KPD cruisers speeding into the park
Ex-Dragoon said:
And here come the stories....which 9 times out of 10 can never be proven for the simple fact..."they never happened"

It happened to 12 Services Battalian (Richmond, BC) this year.

They were doing a ruck march with tac vest, helmet, "full kit and kaboodle" (cannot remember if they had weapons with them) through Richmond when some concerned citizen reported armed men marching along the road; next thing RCMP cars turn up with weapons drawn, and this INSPITE of the RCMP being forewarned.

We (Seaforth Highlanders of Canada) were supposed to do a ruck march  a few days later but it was cancelled due to this incident.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
...and what has changed?? ;D


nothing, i still run for the bog when the all staff sounds... that IS how you taught me do act isnt it Mr Monkhouse??  Mr. Monkhouse?? Bruce ?? Wakeup dammit the super just came on the range!
I actually read every response to that article and it was only the first fool who had anything dumb to say..... virtually every other poster supported the troops or mae fun of the original poster.....
A few weeks ago, the newspaper in Charlottetown PEI had a story on the unit doing their BFT along the waterfront. Most posts online were supportive of members training to defend their home.
"Back in the day, returning home ( on foot) from a winter ex at a local farm i(f memory serves) B COY of the G&SF "

    I remember hearing that story at the Barrie Armories over a few um soda pop, yes soda pop.  after a short afternoon of parading.
Harry's back with his comments about this story "Windsor police officers take crime fight to Kandahar".  Here's the link: http://www.windsorstar.com/Windsor+officers+making+difference/1023559/story.html
(and a nice picture, if I do say so myself)
Yep, Harry certainly does have a negative comment for most articles in The Star, doesn't he?  ::)
"Organized groups of persons walking around wearing military gear" - why isnt 'local military unit' the first thought in their minds?  This is not exactly the current MO for organized crime and terrorists. 
The RCMP are in no better boat.    I saw a spray painted message on a condemned school next to a armories last week  "  RCMP = foreign troops  Independence now"  I do not know how people think they are being oppressed, but it really makes you wonder what goes through some peoples brains, or if they even use them at all.

Daidalous said:
The RCMP are in no better boat.    I saw a spray painted message on a condemned school next to a armories last week  "  RCMP = foreign troops   Independence now"  I do not know how people think they are being oppressed, but it really makes you wonder what goes through some peoples brains, or if they even use them at all.

- The Armoury was probably in Western Canada.


- Fall of 1976.  Thunder Bay.  Walk from the Armoury on Park Street to McVickar's Creek.  Patrol up the creek valley and into Riverside Cemetery.  Odd feeling, a fighting patrol in a cemetery...
CEEBEE501 said:
And well now they don't get to march to the range with their weapons.   

Not entirely true,  thats an individual unit choice to make, and I can think of at least one unit in nanaimo that does either carry thier weapons, or hell just do it the easy way and pile into the Gun tractors and head over to the ranges.  This has happened near almost every reserve unit I've ever interacted with and heard of others,  it generally goes in circles.