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Best National Anthem? (post your favorite)


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As the title says... which national anthem out there do you thing is the coolest? the best? the most kickass?

We all know that :cdn: comes first ;)

My favorites include:

-Soviet era Russian anthem (talk about your powerful anthems :eek: )
-Italian (very jovial anthem, and heard it lots watching Formula 1)
-New Zealand (home country, what can I say? ;D)
Horst Wessel Lied has its moments, but I don't think they use it anymore.  Can someone confirm?
Michael Dorosh said:
Horst Wessel Lied has its moments, but I don't think they use it anymore.  Can someone confirm?

Banned by the German government.

Aside from the Canadian anthem...

The Russian, French and American anthems are enjoyable to listen to.

Then there's God Save the Queen...
Michael Dorosh said:
Ah, turns out you're right, only the Royal Canadian Legion still uses it, for radio ads.  Thanks.

Yeah, I heard about that. Talk about awkward.

One of the good but that's banned now was the Nazi one "Deutchland uber hale!"
TAZ said:
One of the good but that's banned now was the Nazi one "Deutchland uber hale!"

It's "Deutschland ueber Alles' ::)

The "official" name of the German National Anthem is Das Lied der Deutschen, or simply, Das Deutschlandlied. The song is often called Deutschland ueber Alles, simply because those are the opening words of the first stanza. Banned after 1945 by the victors, the Deutschlandlied is again the German national anthem, but only the third stanza is used.
Was always fond of " God Defend New Zealand",  an example of a bilingual anthem that works.
Unofficial national anthem of Welsh rugby supporters everywhere, " Land of our Fathers"... nothing like a 60,000 strong Welsh choir belting that one out at the old Cardiff Arms Park...
Of course I love our anthem, but
the USSRs was a great one.
I don't know a lot of anthems, but I always thought that the American one was pretty catchy. Of course the French one has that great tune too...

How about flags? I think Canada has one of the coolest flags, but I love Australia's the best
My picks

Maple Leaf Forever (the real Canadian anthem)
Russian CCCP era
German pre 45

O Canada has to rank as one of the worst ever.