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Best Coffee Joints

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I was not!
I'm above that sort of thing.
In fact, I'm so above it, I don't know what the heck you are referring to.
So there!
I think the police will want in on the deal

SemperFidelis said:
100% :)   French Vanilla in the winter.....Ice Cap  in the summer   ...mmmmmmmm
  I take my coffee the same colour my heart is.  BLACK.
Kyle Burrows said:
  I take my coffee the same colour my heart is.   BLACK.
really. I like my coffee like I like my women: hot, strong, and bitter as hell.
Me too, except it's " hot, sweet, and in the kitchen"... :D
Hey Mappy,

I think Paracowboy was refering to a different kind of Pickle

Tee hee...dirty! Actually I have a story that runs along this path.

So, this one day at work 2 people called in on day that was already stretched in terms of amount of people working.  At 3pm I was supposted to go home (being in since 630) and I decided to stay because the person in charge is my friend and is really cute (my motivation for everything, cute guys).  We rushed to get stuff that was supposted to be done at 10am and I decided to tell a story about me getting covered in fruit juice at my old work.  So my friend goes"Hey can I cover you in mandarin orange juice?" which I reply "Sure, but to be fair, I get to cover you in pickle juice.  I like pickles" (having no clue that I just did a dirty joke) and then the older lady laughed and went "ohh I bet you do like pickles" and everyone laughed.

Thats my story.....

bitter as heck.

Oh I am so bitter right now.  Ive been back at school for 2 freaking days and Ive already gotten so much bloody work to do!  I'm getting the "Bitter 4th year syndrome". 
I think TH does have a deal with Edmonton Garrison, you can't near the place after unit PT. I see lots a purple shirts in there. Is a BMI bullet part of the Coopers Test? 
Mappy said:
It depends on the owners of the Timmies as well.

The owner of the Timmies by my work is kind of mean (as is our owner) and I dont see her giving away coffee because it "all adds up".

I once got yelled a for wasting a pickle (I chucked it at the wall to see if it would stick) and then had to sit through a lecture of how wasting one pickle adds up in the yearly report.  

I would have just yelled at you for making a mess.
Fired for horseplay in the workplace

I'm surprised that haven't fired me yet.  But I'm their token "university student" who does work really fast.  They all love me.

Plus, the managers themselves get weird sometimes.  This one day I fired the manager 6x, but he just wouldn't leave!
DannyBoy said:
Does anybody else agree that Tim Hortons Should have a deal with the Military like have a mobile Tim Hortons Unit of something that visits the troops in the Field   ;D :salute:

It's been proposed many times, and is not without historical precedent (albeit not necessarily TH).

The link to first responders (fire, police, ambulance) is strong in many communities, not only just because they work 24/7 (and therefore eat and drink, too ...).
Some communities have "flying canteens" that show up at major fires - sharing a link to our Army, too, since some of these are sponsored by the Salvation Army.

"Every front-line soldier of World War I knew that his true friend was the man in the Salvation Army canteen."
- Will Bird, Ghosts Have Warm Hands

The Timmy drive thru is a great source of advertising and public relations. A guy with his company name printed on the back of the his/her vehicle lines up at timmies every morning buys his coffee and the coffee for the guy behind him, who's just spent 3-7 minutes staring at his company and website. It makes a good impression, for public bodies too. For a buck, someone gets promoted and someone else gets a "Good Morning"  :)
A guy with his company name printed on the back of the his/her vehicle lines up at timmies every morning

Us girls like the topless guy who occasionally goes thru the drive thru

Alot of people get mixed up between Tim Hortons and Wendys (When they are in the same building).  One time, it was 5 cars in a row
Mappy said:
Us girls like the topless guy who occasionally goes thru the drive thru ...

My pleasure - glad you liked it.  Feel free to reciprocate  ;)

Mappy said:
... Alot of people get mixed up between Tim ... and Wendy ...

Yikes!  Thank goodness I've never woken up to ... a mixup!!!  :o
bossi said:
It's been proposed many times, and is not without historical precedent (albeit not necessarily TH).

The link to first responders (fire, police, ambulance) is strong in many communities, not only just because they work 24/7 (and therefore eat and drink, too ...).
Some communities have "flying canteens" that show up at major fires - sharing a link to our Army, too, since some of these are sponsored by the Salvation Army.


I'm with Search and Rescue in Prince George and the Salvation Army here have a mobile cook truck that they use to support us on our searches (and anything like disasters etc.).  They're great, they only need a couple of hours notice to show up, and they'll go almost anywhere we will, we've had them drive more than 8 hours out into the bush to a search site before.  I've taken to calling them the Salivation Army, those burgers sure smell good after a long hike through wet devils club looking for a missing person!

We spend a lot of time at Timmies too, we tend not to get called during normal business hours, and a little caffination tends to make everyone somewhat more lively at 3am.  Everyone knows what "Meeting at Tango Hotel" means on the radio.

I dont know if a mobile unit in the fields would be a good idea or not. How many of us would be sitting around drinking coffee, watching as they bomb our vehicles?

*In the distant background, the sound of one of our units being blown up by a bomb*

"Meh...We'll get the next one"

*And goes back to drinking his large double double*

However, I do work at Tim Hortons during the day while waiting for my basic training in the army and I think that the military should get their stuff free, if not a discount. Just about everywhere we go, we are able to get a discount on our meals and items that we buy in stores. I'll see what one persons voice can do for all of us  ;)

Take care til next time

Members of York Regional Police recognizing the importance of this famed drink raised some funds and purchased a couple pallets of Tim's for the troops in Kabul last year. One of our members has connections in the AF to have it cleared for transport over there.  It was reported that it was well recieved. I'll try and find the pics from the unit that intially recieved it. (I think it was an MP platoon?) maybe someone here was able to partake in a little comfort from home?
PIKER said:
... maybe someone here was able to partake in a little comfort from home?

Yup.  In our tent, one of the guys received a Timmie's coffee machine (and cups!) - apparently some wives got together and mailed these to us.  Once we got electricity, it was even better (chuckle!!!)

As far as the MPs - there was a Multi-National MP Coy - something as simple as sharing coffee from home goes a long, long way to improving working relationships in austere conditions.

However, if I were to do it all over again ... with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight ... I wish I'd taken tea with me - it was the drink of choice amongst the local population, and it always impressed me that people poor as dirt were always gracious in sharing their "chai" with us.  And, during our pre-deployment training, I clearly remember the advice we received from the father of an Afghan friend - he told us that "anything Canadian" (especially sweets) would be warmly received ... and he was right - it was always a great conversation piece, and I still smile when I remember the looks we got during Eid el Fitr when we handed out Canadian-sized chocolate bars to Kabul police officers or anybody else that was on duty during their holiday - normally one would only exchange small candies, thus one of our normal-sized chocolate bars was kinda like the equivalent (to them) of one of those huge Toblerone bars you get at Christmas.  But, I digress ...

When I win the 6/49, I promise I'll commission a CADPAT Timmie's truck ...
Well, on this yopic, I'll say this - it would be a nice thing to have Timmies overseas but, I'd be happy if at the Timmies in Pet, they had an express line. 1 cashier, 1 man, 1 coffee - THATS IT!!!!! No bagels, soups or sandwiches - JUST 1 COFFEEE!!!!! Make the line quicker for those of us just looking to grab a cup of joe and get out.
I realize I am not in the majority here, but wtf is so special about Tim Horton's? Their donuts are half cooked and frozen in Ontario, then shipped to the stores where they finish the job (I believe the most prestigious restaurants do the same thing). Their sandwich 'baguette' is so crusty it cuts your mouth....should be called a 'Ham and Swiss on a french Bayonet'...at least it's cheap. And their coffee, if you can call that dog diarrhea coffee, is only marginally better than IMP coffee, and inferior to even 7-11 coffee. I wouldn't walk across the street to get a free Timmie's coffee, nevermind actually paying for it. Timmies is to coffee what bud light is to beer.

The only thing Timmies has to offer the CF is lousy coffee and crappy tasting fat pills. We need neither.
