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Berets and How to Form Them

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P Kaye said:
Ultimately they can rant and scream and shout on your course about something like that, but it's all for-show.   Guaranteed most of the course instructors have removed the liners in their barets.   A baret is a non-return item, so it's not a big deal.   After they've finished screaming at you on course, nobody is going to phone up the MPs and have you charged... trust me.

Just ask the nice MCpl "MCpl, could you show me what your liner looks like?"  I'm sure he will be able to find a beret with a liner in it somewhere in the area -  though probably NOT on his own head...
Howdy all.  JUst wanted to comment that I was able to pick up a PARKHURST beret from my local surplus store as a special order.  The Parkhurst beret cost about $25 and is totally worth it.  Very good upgrade from the issue beret.  The store I got mine from is called "Things Military" in Calgary, and he does do mailorder etc. if any one is interested.
I find that trimming the card behind the cap-badge and taking out the liner makes the beret look sharper.  And when I wet it I use the hottest water I can get out of the tap and let it soak in the sink for 5 or 10 Mins.  Then I shape it and hang it on a door knob for the night.  I usually re-shape it before parades in the same manner as when new.  It doesn't hurt to wash it with shampoo every so often as well.
The Parkhurst I picked up looks very sharp and shapes awesome without any modifications at all. The liner actually makes it look quite classy.  The Parkhurst liner is nothing like the Logistik, however.

It seems most of you other FNG's have very anal course staff.... Not to say ours isn't, but on our 5th (this past) weekend, we were.... Well, not shown, or told, or instructed to take our liners out. But told how to form them "properly".....  :-X

Depends on your course staff, if in doubt, DON'T DO IT!!!

Wow.. I saw an Army Log Major the other day on the bus here in Ottawa... I had to stop myself from laughing at his beret...  I thought to myself maybe he was an AF guy not used to berets or something, but he was clearly Army.
It's true, the Parkhurst looks good with the liner in too, but I found it hotter to wear so I took the liner out.

I am new to this forum but I wanted to ask a quick question with regards to the beret.

I was told by my CO to rinse it in warm water and squeeze it out until it is just damp, I was then to form it on my head which I have done. I was also asked to cut out the lining too. After following this procedure I found that there were these rinkle like ridges right behind the cap badge and I was just wondering if thatwas normal. I have full drill inspection coming up in 24 hours! I need help!

Thanks a lot,
Before or on bmq will i get in trouble if i take out the the black fabric inside the beret.

Have you read the previous pages of this thread at all?  Do not remove the liner until you have been instructed to do so.
5 Steps to remember

1. Remove liner of Beret if...
                                     A. You have a rank that dosent end in Recruit
                                     B. Your instructed to do so
                                     C. You feel like having the Mcpl's yelling at you
                                             (Pick one, and see step 2)

2. Take Cap Brass, and bend the bottom portion (the fatter buldgy piece at the bottom that inserts into your beret) and bend it back over itself
3. Insert Cap Brass back into Beret
4. Trim Cardboard backing so it sort of outlines the cap brass
5. Place promptly back on head and smile, :D
Sgt. Toms said:

I am new to this forum but I wanted to ask a quick question with regards to the beret.

I was told by my CO to rinse it in warm water and squeeze it out until it is just damp, I was then to form it on my head which I have done. I was also asked to cut out the lining too. After following this procedure I found that there were these rinkle like ridges right behind the cap badge and I was just wondering if thatwas normal. I have full drill inspection coming up in 24 hours! I need help!

Thanks a lot,

The wrinkles are normal, sometimes making a trench on the left side of the cap brass makes it go away, but each regiment varies slightly on how they form their beret, just take a look at how the Snr. NCO's berets are formed.

- Shawn
Ahh. I got a beret yesterday and thanks to all your guys' input, my mom officially thinks I'm a nut. I get home from the surplus with a nice new beret. I come home grab a pair of scissors and just start cutting out the liner. My mom comes in the room and shes like "you just bought that!" I'm then like, "I know what I'm doing mom". Then, she catches me shaving it, and the look on her face was so funny. It was the "why did I get a retarded son" look. lol. After that I took a shower with it on and come out get dressed and whatever and shes like "Did you just take a shower with your cap?" I reply with a "ya...".lol . So there I walk around the house with a smelly piece of wet fabric on my head, periodically adjusting the shape. I tried what srawood said with the freezing. Popped it in the freezer. Half an hour later my mom's getting ready to make dinner and she goes in there to pull out some vegetables and low and behold there's me beret in the freezer! She asked me if I was feeling okay and then told me to go take a nap before I set it on fire. lol. Just thought this experience was funny and just give a heads-up to any other cadet: not to form their beret in the presence of your mom. Unless shes in the CF too, or knows about the topic...
not functional, don't till the Royal Marines thier cabbage hats aren't stylish....

Still getting those rations of Rum?

sorry Sharky you can smack me the next time I'm in England, opps Scotland....  ;D are the warrents still in effect? >:D
With regards to cutting the cardboard support around the cap brass I noticed one of the senior NCO's in my division do that to his beret and it looks absolutely disgraceful. He cut so much of it the cap brass actually acts as a weight and pulls down the material it is attached to. This results in "flopping" and when he walks around with his beret flopping down with his cap brass at approximately 45 degrees to the ground it just looks horrible. For this reason I am hesitent to cut the cardboard around the cap brass.

I am just wondering is it nessecarily good to do this to the beret or is this NCO just doing a really bad job with his beret?
I trimmed a bit of the cardboard off. Aslong as you don't go overboard with cutting the cardboard, it should be fine.
a beret reflects the wearer. If this Sgt is happy with it, and his Sgt-Maj doesn't say anything about it, there's probably a reason.

I chop, cut, fold, spindle, mutiliate, and yell at my berets. I then proceed to wear them in a manner that most would find faintly ridicuous, or "really cool!" depending entirely on your outlook.

(Actually, I mostly wear them stuffed into my left-hand cargo pocket. I hate hats.)
Lt. Toms said:
With regards to cutting the cardboard support around the cap brass I noticed one of the senior NCO's in my division do that to his beret and it looks absolutely disgraceful. He cut so much of it the cap brass actually acts as a weight and pulls down the material it is attached to. This results in "flopping" and when he walks around with his beret flopping down with his cap brass at approximately 45 degrees to the ground it just looks horrible. For this reason I am hesitent to cut the cardboard around the cap brass.

I am just wondering is it nessecarily good to do this to the beret or is this NCO just doing a really bad job with his beret?

As long as you don't cut where the cardboard is attached at the bottom, it won't flop over. It's when the cardboard is detached from the seatband that you get that happening.