Sythen, ArmyVern's point is not that "rations" and "meals" are the same, she knows they are not. We have discussed earlier in the thread that even Treaasury Board ores the difference ($310/month for rations, $543/month for meals).
Her point is centred on the principle that those service personnel located away from their principle residence for reasons beyond their own choice (i.e. pers on prohibited postings or separated married service couples, etc...) should not be required to pay for rations any more than those not on rations, but provided rations or meals by the Crown due to the specific locations of service - field, ship, etc... That should be the preferred solution, but she notes that logically, there should be equitable treatment, in principle none should pay or that all should pay.
Unless I and others are missing what ArmyVern was saying, she was not advocating that all be charged rations/meals no matter the location of deployed service.
We haven't got to the "close battle" yet, but CoCs are putting significant effort into providing workable solutions up to the appropriate authorities. There still may be a number of means available to treat affected members equitably, in a manner that still complies with TB Directives.