So you joined because it was the last resort?
Was the length of your course, and the fact that you would be posted restricted until completion of said course, never mentioned to you? Did you not expect that, upon joining the CF (as much as it was the last thing in the world you wanted to do apparently, there was nothing else left right???), that some sacrifices would have to be made, and that, despite your BMQ certificate of military achievement, you are actually a very inconsequential part of a very big machine? You haven't done any tours, deployed anywhere, you aren't even qualified to do your job, yet believe that you deserve the same benefits and entitlements as those of us who have deployed, who have been in longer that 5 minutes, that have made the same sacrifices you are making, over and over again? When I joined I received no allowance to travel home, no special perks, no seperation expense, no rations at public expense, no mileage allowance when I was posted during basic and trades training, no LTA, and my family was 3,000 miles away. I accepted this because I made the choice knowing full well I was on my own if I wanted to see anyone from my family. Quite frankly, it's part of the job.
I'm not trying to have a go at those of you in the training system who find yourselves in this situation, but I do not have sympathy for you. You should have made yourselves aware of all the potential implications of your career and trade choice, and as one poster said, not counted on IR benefits, particularly when you are at the start of your career.