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Beer Belly

Hmmm.....where was it I said you could?

Gaining the "gut" is just where fat has a tendency to accumulate.
Little by little, you start looking like a beer keg.

Abdominal crunches, situps and the like will allow you to strengthen/exercise the muscles that support your back......
Well its a scientific fact that you cannot spot reduce, therefore you have to add or decrease weight all over...and you lose weight in a certain order...first the limbs 2nd the face and lastly the torso...therefore the belly is the LAST place you will lose weight from...

one thing that helps is to have a carb-cut-off....meaning lets say after 6pm only protein and carbs...and i disagree about the need for cardio...its not that you need it since weight training does the job just as well...if not better because you burn calories during weight training but also after because of the release of hormones and because muscle is active tissue....therefore the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn at resting state.  but throwing 30mins cardio on your off days from training is not a bad idea...like weight monday/wednesday/friday, cardio tuesday/thursday/saturday and sunday rest....

and by cardio i dont mean run till you drop...i mean smart cardio exercise targeting your fat loss heart.
yeah, carb cut off as in....

LAY OFF DRINKIN' THE BEER. Too much of anything is bad for you.

As for the above workout advice, it is sound, but every soldier needs a good cardio fitness base. It is also best to tag 20-40 mins of moderate to hard cardio onto the end of your wieght routine. The boys might say "you can not flex cardio", but I have yet to see a physical standard in the CF that does not have a cardio component in it.

Not to mention the ass kicking you'll get if I have to pick up your "sucking-air-through-my-ass" carcass.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
yeah, carb cut off as in....

LAY OFF DRINKIN' THE BEER. Too much of anything is bad for you.

Best advice I've read in a while.
stomach is the last place it will be noticable. That's why it's easy to have a nice vascular set of arms, but not a 6 pack...btw..it's not a beer belly I'm sporting...it's the engine for my love machine...