Simple things can be done to reduce body fat, you'd be surprised.
Cut down on portion sizes in food, aka, don't eat until you're stuffed/
Don't eat anything substantial and fall asleep.
Don't take shortcuts in everday life; Push mowers, use the stairs (elevators are evil anyway), walk or bike to work.
Stop eating fast food (even the 'healthy' kind) Right now!!!
Throw your pop out the window,
If you like your double double at timmies, have it with milk(alot of people don't realise they default to cream)..and without sugar....just a coffee with two milk then.
What you do in your time when you're not purposely exercising also has a huge effect on overall health; taking the stairs, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, walking, biking or running to work. ALL of those things will make a huge impact on your beer gut believe it or not and they're soooo simple.
Good luck and keep motivated.