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Becoming a Pilot in the CF.

I'll answer his questions anyways ;)

I chose to live in the PMQs because I have a wife.  You can choose to live in the Quarters on the base and eat at the Officer's mess.  I head it is VERY expensive here.  You are given a salary (3200$ a month for a DEO I think) and you have to pay taxes, quarters, rations, everything...  The Quarters are basically a room and a washroom.  I don't know much about them since I havent been in one yet..

SupersonicMax said:
I'll answer his questions anyways ;)

I chose to live in the PMQs because I have a wife.  You can choose to live in the Quarters on the base and eat at the Officer's mess.  I head it is VERY expensive here.  You are given a salary (3200$ a month for a DEO I think) and you have to pay taxes, quarters, rations, everything...  The Quarters are basically a room and a washroom.  I don't know much about them since I havent been in one yet..


They're quite good, in fact, they were the best I've ever been in during my 7 years in the CF. Quarters will cost you around $200 a month and rations are probably around $350 a month these days. From my mid-Jun 2003 pay statement I was paying $217 for quarters and $302 for rations.
I heard 450 for quarters and 500 for food as of july 2006...  VERY expensive (more than a Q in my opinion)

Could someone explain to me what exactly is included in a guys 'rations'? Or dare I ask? ;D
SupersonicMax said:
I heard 450 for quarters and 500 for food as of july 2006...  VERY expensive (more than a Q in my opinion)


Hmmm. That is certainly tight for those who got in under CEOTP. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't they making $2400/month before taxes until they are MOC qualified?

J glad to see you found the site (goodro from aviation.ca) you are in good hands now! The gentlemen that are taking the time to answer your questions were a tremendous help to me when I was going through the process. Keep diggin' - it's good info for the other wannabe's out there who are doing their research. Some of the questions you are asking are not easily answered while you are in the recruiting phase...

good luck! and good on you for doing your research.
SupersonicMax said:
I heard 450 for quarters and 500 for food as of july 2006...  VERY expensive (more than a Q in my opinion)


You heard?

That's ludicrous, prices doubling in 3 years? BS.

Stick to the facts Max. Not to shoot you down since you are helpful, but if you haven't been there, then don't be regurgitating what you "heard". My experience in the training system was that it was full of rumours, most of which were third or fourth hand, so "my buddy's friend's brother that went through Moose Jaw said..." is probably not even remotely true so don't even bring it up.
Yeah I know what you mean....  Heard meaning my best friend told me (he lives in the shaks right now).

I was staying in single quarters in Kingston a few months ago.

Single Quarters (room+shared bathroom): $240/month
Suites (2 floors+fridge+bathroom): $360/month

Rations (3 meals/day, all you could eat): $400/month

I visited some buddies in Victoria and they have absolutely incredible quarters! Overlooking the ocean and mountains, beautiful!
Bo said:
I was staying in single quarters in Kingston a few months ago.

Single Quarters (room+shared bathroom): $240/month
Suites (2 floors+fridge+bathroom): $360/month

Rations (3 meals/day, all you could eat): $400/month

I visited some buddies in Victoria and they have absolutely incredible quarters! Overlooking the ocean and mountains, beautiful!

That sounds like a pretty reasonable deal because I eat A LOT! Just ask my mum.

On the same subject, but not related to OJT, what are the accomidations like during the various courses like BOTC, SLT, PFT etc? Sort of similar or more group oriented?

Do pilot candidates also have to complete IAP? There's mention of BOTC everywhere, but not IAP so I'm wondering what the story is there.

*EDIT* - Found my anwser!
A just curious question and this may be a hijack but - I was wondering if anybody knows how many applicants are receiving an offer for Pilot but are going on PAT right now because of the push to enlist recruits in such a short period of time and the courses in St.Jean filling up. Or is this only going to start taking place in the fall? I understand they want to shorten recruiting times to one week. Should be interesting given that Aircrew alone is one week nevermind the medical, PT test, interview, ERC, CFAT, vision test, blood work etc...

If you are DEO, you don't go to PAT.. You do an OJT somewhere.

For ROTP, you go to school.

Thanks Max. What about before IAP/BOTP? In other words, are they signing contracts today for courses that start months from now?
LWOP (Leave Without Pay) Unless you start school before.  Then you will be on LWOP untill school starts.

Not going to start a new thread... Just curious...

Are they still sending Pilot candidates to the Language school after IAP/BOTP these days?
Last I heard, yet (a guy that was doing OJT where I was working did it a few months ago)
