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Becoming a Combat Engineer Thread - Merged

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I‘m currently in RHLI doing BMQ and i am very interested in becoming a combat engineer. Will i be able to switch to Combat engineer after i finish my BMQ? Also its all the way in St thomas and i live in hamilton, will the army provide a bus for me??
1.) Wrong forum, this is more of a recruiting question

2.) I;m not sure if you can switch your MOC this soon, best bet would be just to quit, then re-enlist

3.) No, the army will not give you a bus, or drive you, you have to find your own way to get there, but if you qualify, you can get some extra money(Travel Assitance) if you live a certain distance from the unit.
Hello, I am currently in air cadets untill I turn 16 this July and become eligible to join the engineering reserves in Calgary. I am wondering when the summer basic training course is so i can know whether or not to apply for summer camp with air cadets. Also i am wondering about what my job would be as a sapper.
The summer training season starts shortly after school is out for the summer. To be eligible for the summer training courses, you will probably need to have completed your Basic Military Qualification (BMQ), a course run at your unit either through the winter or in the January-June timeframe. Some unit may conduct a summer BMQ, but there‘s no guarantee of this. To be on this course you must have completed your application process (which can take months) before the BMQ starts.

If you are only turning 16 this summer, you will not complete any processing in time for training this summer. I would suggest starting with the recruiting centre as soon as you are eligible, and aiming for joining your unit some time in the fall for a winter unit-run BMQ.

Your question about being an engineer has probably been covered to some degree in earlier discussion threads. Start by opening the Search page and entering "Engineer", that will provide you a fair bit of reading material. After that, if you have more specific questions, please bring them back to the forum.


I applied 2 months ago to the reserves, to field engineering. However,from what i read in the posts,it might not work out because i have like a -6(V4). So i was thinking if for example i get accepted for medic,can i do the basic training ,and then wait untill i get my eyes fixed or something,and then apply for the engineering and continue .......

And also,concerning the eye operation that they are doing these days, what age does  one have to be to do it?

what I know is yes, u may change ur trade after the BMQ.
Don't rely on this forum to tell you if the engineers will work out for you or not.  If you aren't accepted as a field engineer, then the recruiting centre will advise you of that fact, and they will also give you a list of other options that you have open to you.
I am interested in joining the army. I have only one question left: whether to go Infantry or Combat Engineer. Infantry is pretty self explanitory as to what they do, however,> what do I need to do in order be competitive for the engineers?
                    > what kind of overseas positions are there?
                    > what kind of materials should I get my hands on now? i.e.   - books, magazines, websites, etc...
                    > Also, what is the "average day" like?

This site is very well done, thank you guys/gals for doing this.

Thanks alot,

Hi Joe, I also am interested in becoming an 043 (Combat Engineer)

What I have learned about the MOC is that as an 043, you could be posted anywhere that the CF goes, because anywhere there is a posting, they need engineers. Although your Unit will be in one of four Bases in Canada.

As for the materials aspect, I would suggest contacting the CFRC, and getting info from them, and this site is also a good way to get the information you seek.
yeah, I tried the recruiting site and I have spoke with the recruiter , they both say the same thing, with nothing indepth, maybe I'm just figuring that there is more to it.
If there is I'd like to know. If not then... there isn't.
well, you're gonna start out as a general engineer, and you will get specialty training later on.

That's about it, you're still going to do the same types of things as the infantry does, but you will also learn how to build and maintain structures, place and remove obstacles, and learn mine warfare (laying and removal)
your not going to be going overseas anytime soon, with the reduction both in afghan and bosnia and haiti is going to rap up soon.
belkin81 said:
your not going to be going overseas anytime soon, with the reduction both in afghan and bosnia and haiti is going to rap up soon.

Yeah sounds like they want the troops to prepare for something else... *cough* Iraq *cough*
I had tried to read them yesterday but my computer was giving me grief.... I was able to get into the threads today.
I am going to apply for it. Just have to get the reference letters back, then do the application form.

Thanks guys.

10 months of moc!
is there any feild in the army that has longer training?
I was wondering if anyone knows how often people with diplomas are considered for Engineering officers?   Was/is this practice part of the CEOTP?

"The preferred degree is a Bachelor of Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical (Power) Engineering. A Bachelor degree in Science (Applied), Math, Physics, Chemical/Fuels and Materials, Fire Protection, Nuclear, Geomatics/Survey Engineering or Engineering Management may also be considered. Occasionally applicants with a three-year Community College Technology Diploma in Architectural Engineering, Water and Air Resources, Heating and Air Conditioning, Civil Engineering, Communication Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering are considered.  All applicants must meet Canadian Forces (CF) medical and physical fitness standards, and go through a selection process, which includes tests and interviews."