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BC Murders / MB Manhunt of Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky

tomahawk6 said:
I know that Canada is different from Alasa but the Alaska RR runs between Fairbanks and Anchorage and they will stop for hitchhikers and people living in the bush.

Generally if we see people in distress we will arrange help. I work on frieght so.. stopping times makes it not very practicable for us.

But if someone is in need, help will be rendered. Via from what I understand is even more liberal than us in that regard... so who knows.. maybe rode a train out before they were known.

Plus due to the condition of the tracks there the top speed of the train would be significantly less.
The Winnipeg / Churchill train covers about 1700 km (just over 1000 miles) in 2 days / 2 nights; it's definitely not an express.

Latest from the Ontario Provincial Police …
FROM/DE: Criminal Investigation Branch                    DATE:  August 2, 2019


No Confirmed Sighting of British Columbia Suspects

(ORILLIA, ON) - The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is currently investigating numerous reports from across the province of suspicious vehicles and or young males believed to be the British Columbia homicide suspects.

The OPP continues to work with members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and has assigned an investigative team, under the direction of Detective Inspector Matt Watson, Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) to follow up on all tips received. At this time, the OPP cannot confirm that any of these sightings are of the suspects, Bryer SCHMEGELSKY (18) and Kam McLEOD (19), nor has there been any confirmed sighting in Ontario.

Members of the public should be vigilant of their personal safety at all time. These two suspects are considered dangerous. If observed, do not approach them and call police immediately.

Any person with information regarding this investigation should immediately contact the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or call 9-1-1. Do NOT report on social media as valuable time is lost should it be a confirmed sighting.



This pair must be getting help or they would have been caught by now IMO.

tomahawk6 said:
This pair must be getting help or they would have been caught by now IMO.


Northern Canada is too big and too remote.  They will most likely never be found. 

Reminds me of Kevin Vermette.
Humphrey Bogart said:
Northern Canada is too big and too remote.  They will most likely never be found.
Not impossible that if they ended up sticking around in northern MB, muskeg could have been a bigger hazard than they figured when they were "surviving" online.
milnews.ca said:
Not impossible that if they ended up sticking around in northern MB, muskeg could have been a bigger hazard than they figured when they were "surviving" online.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the wild creatures that inhabit the area took exception to them being there.
I note the lack of any reports re credit card activity, non-payment at gas pumps, or missing or stolen vehicles. Mind you, this could be deliberate on the part of the police.
I think they're very much alive, and most likely jumped a train, possibly after going some distance through the bush
It's not impossible that they did cover some distance through such difficult terrain, as these two German tourists story show, so long as they have drinkable water
Apparently the RCMP is sending a dive team to check part of the Nelson River downstream. A rowboat was found smashed all to hell below a set of rapids, along with a water jug. We’ll see if anything comes of this.
Brihard said:
Apparently the RCMP is sending a dive team to check part of the Nelson River downstream. A rowboat was found smashed all to hell below a set of rapids, along with a water jug. We’ll see if anything comes of this.

Brihard said:
Apparently the RCMP is sending a dive team to check part of the Nelson River downstream. A rowboat was found smashed all to hell below a set of rapids, along with a water jug. We’ll see if anything comes of this.

Would I be a bad boy if I was hoping that the Mounties found those two guys drowned?
daftandbarmy said:
Would I be a bad boy if I was hoping that the Mounties found those two guys drowned?

Not badder than the rest of us. :nod:
tomahawk6 said:
Think of the money spent on trying to catch two killers.

I'm thinking of the poor donut shop owners who are missing their regular customers :)
tomahawk6 said:
Think of the money spent on trying to catch two killers.
      If they're dead then it'll work out in the taxpayers favour instead of a huge trial and a few life sentences....
tomahawk6 said:
Think of the money spent on trying to catch two killers.

At what amount should we stop looking for murderers?

Murders in Canada usually fall into three categories: (1) Family/passionate crimes murder - the largest category and usually the fastest and easiest ones to solve; (2) Gang related/Bar altercation type - less easy to solve but of no great import to the public so long as it is gang/mafia/bikers club members doing it to one another only; and, (3) The rest, which includes serial killers and generally killers on the lose with no qualms about killing whenever they think they are recognised. They are usually killers without a specific motive other than just the thrill of killing., and are as a result the most dangerous for the population at large.

These two kids are in the last category, so IMHO, no money or effort should be spared in finding them and puting an end to their activities.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
      If they're dead then it'll work out in the taxpayers favour instead of a huge trial and a few life sentences....

What he said
What I said was poorly worded. Of course law enforcement will pull out all the stops to catch anyone who is a threat to the public. Two untrained kids were able to avoid capture at quite a cost.I was thinking these guys may have gotten some help from people familiar with the area. I dont know if trained special forces could have avoided capture.