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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Maybe Saul was replaced by a cylon (with implanted memory) while he was laying face down in a ditch one night before the invasion...?
Trinity said:

Serious discussion time.

How can Starbuck be a Cylon if she was raised as a child from a human mother?

How can Saul... who FOUGHT in the first Cylon war be an evolved Cylon when the
Cylons were only experimenting with human form at the time?

TWO HUGE questions that need answering this season or I'll be pissed!

Of course how do we know Starbuck was raised as a child maybe she just has fake memories of her childhood (like blade runner).  Makes you wonder.
Sheerin said:
I think that's a fan made trailer, at least that's what I've read on other sites. 

Too bad....I always liked the idea they were other survivng battlestars and civillian fleets out there.
dangerboy said:
Of course how do we know Starbuck was raised as a child maybe she just has fake memories of her childhood (like blade runner).  Makes you wonder.

Don't think so.  There was an episode of her mom battling cancer and her childhood.  The only reason I know
this is a repeat I saw the other day.  It was a flashback during just before she plummeted her viper into the atmosphere
and death.

If her memories were fake.. then why do it? Why not just program her to know like the other cylons such
as the chief and Saul. 

Too many loose ends.  Should be fun.
You guys are all geeks. >:D

Star Trek is the way to go (just kidding)

I actually like BSG; however, I've never been able to follow it due to my odd schedule.  I guess I'll have to buy the DVDs online!

Ebay, here I come ;)
Didnt Starbucks momma serve in the first cylon war? Maybe she got captured and they did the hokey pokey on her, then she gave birth to the first Hybrid (Starbuck?)
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Star Trek is the way to go (just kidding)

BLASPHEMY!!!!!! :rofl:

Didnt Starbucks momma serve in the first cylon war? Maybe she got captured and they did the hokey pokey on her, then she gave birth to the first Hybrid (Starbuck?)

It would be quite an irony if Colonel Tigh-if he was also a Cylon in the First Cylon War instead of being replaced later in his life- and he later found out that he was the father.

If Chief Tirol is a Cylon too, then his baby with Cally is also a hybrid.
They can do the Jerry Springer paternity test to found out who starbucks real father is. JERRY JERRY JERRY
Paul Wells also watches BSG!

Ohhhh! Starts today at 10 :D

April is going to be awesome.

New Doctor who starts in a couple days, too. w00t w00t :D
OK, who watched the season premier!? That was a great way to kick off the final season, but I hate cliffhanger endings. Next Friday can't come soon enough.

Sometimes I think they should just run shows exclusively for 2 weeks and then that's it, and the spot is taken up by the next show. That way we can avoid waiting :P
Intelligent Design said:
OK, who watched the season premier!? That was a great way to kick off the final season, but I hate cliffhanger endings. Next Friday can't come soon enough.

Sometimes I think they should just run shows exclusively for 2 weeks and then that's it, and the spot is taken up by the next show. That way we can avoid waiting :P

Kinda annoyed that the guy who tried to kill Baltar in the washroom turns out to be the actor who plays the guy named "Wendell", the ex-CF guy turned pot-smoking "naturist" who is also the boyfriend to one of the characters in "The Guard" TV series.

And Enders chases away the whole Cylon fleet nearly all by his lonesome by simply looking into that raider's eye. Whoop-tee doo. ::)

But you gotta love Baltar's facial expressions and his new "revelations" when he is with one of his new female followers. ;D
And Enders chases away the whole Cylon fleet nearly all by his lonesome by simply looking into that raider's eye. Whoop-tee doo. ::)

I thought it was the cylons in the raiders who were "downloading" info into Enders.  When that was done they left.  That was my impression. 
        The season premier was amazing and of course another cliff hanger .  Enders didn't chase the whole cylon fleet away he was just there trying to protect his wingman and froze in combat later in the episode it was explained that his safeties where on .  Adama  had gave the order to launch any one that could fly every one was up .  Quite the amazing  space battle scene I might say ( I love the look on Starbucks face when she stated  Enders what are doing wearing a Viper uniform ) .
        The one the that surprised me is when the cylons where arguing about the final five and the one ( I think his name is cable ?The priest from season two ) stated that the final five whern't in the human fleet but the six that Adama has captured stated to Roslien that they where close buy talk about more cylon double talk this is going to be an amazing season and I cant wait for next Friday with my luck I will be called into work an afternoon shift and have to miss it .
I love the fact that Kara's Viper is brand new... and not the one that she flew out on. 
I don't think she is a Cylon though.

How is it that a Cylon raider can tell who is and who isn't a Cylon.. but human form cylons can't???
First off, isn't the guy's name Sam Anders, not Enders? Second, this season is going to be off the hook, so many crazy things going on. The reason for the raiser knowing that Anders is a Cylon is because the Raisers have much less advanced programming. Where the human Cylons are equal, the Raisers are lesser devices, so they are programmed to respond to orders from Cylons. Perhaps this is why it recognized Sam as a Cylon? No one will really be able to give a definite answer I'm sure.

I'm also interested to see what happens with Baltar. Despite everything, he is still one of the best characters. He just has so many quirks about him, it's great!
Centurions (and I assume raiders) cannot tell the difference between different copies of the same model, merely that something is (or isn't) a cylon, and which model.  I figure that raiders/centurions just had some hidden program that activates if they encounter one of the final five, though this also raises questions about why it didn't activate sooner.