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Battle lines drawn over illegal guns

Try this on for a solution:

1:  License people who can pass the safe use and storage tests, as well as the criminal/mental background tests.  If you want to own hunting/target arms, there would be one class of license; for handgun or mil. arms (I know, many sporters are converted milspec, but I'm talking about the AK, M16, FN types that look military and piss off the Wendy Kookier's of the world) you get a more in-depth checkup and higher standards for storage, etc.

2:  Register people who have committed firearms offenses or who are forbidden to have access to firearms, and make them report their new locations with every move.  Currently, only us gun owners are so obliged to advise the government every time we move.  While I have never committed a crime nor have I ever been forbidden to posses, nevertheless I am subject to warrant-less search of my premises and my movements are subject to scrutiny.  I would rather the violent offenders and other known hazards were known to police at every place they occupied.

Simple, no?  Licence me to own; where I reside is immaterial.  Register the criminals and those forbidden to posses, which makes sense given the various posts about people being the dangerous part of the system; knowledge of their whereabouts would make us all safer.
paracowboy said:
you can ask a pointless, provocative question, so can I. Funny how that works, ain't it?

In this corner we have paracowboy in the red shorts, and in the opposite corner Bob Terwilliger in the blue shorts.  Hang on to your peanuts kids, this could get interesting.

As for the registry, simply ask what did it accomplish?  Nothing.  It has been around long enough that a proper assessment of what the registry has done can be viewed, and from where I'm sitting it looks like a rather large failure.  I would think that going to pre-registry rules and laws would be fine as it worked for many years before registration no?  All it's doing is keeping tabs on the people that are the least likely to do anything with the weapons they own, while the criminals run around with Glocks and Beretta's with the serial numbers filed off.  Pointless, absolutely pointless.
Canadian.Trucker said:
In this corner we have paracowboy in the red shorts, and in the opposite corner Bob Terwilliger in the blue shorts.  Hang on to your peanuts kids, this could get interesting.
I'll take the cowboy to win by KO in the first.  :)

As for the registry, simply ask what did it accomplish?  Nothing.  It has been around long enough that a proper assessment of what the registry has done can be viewed, and from where I'm sitting it looks like a rather large failure.  I would think that going to pre-registry rules and laws would be fine as it worked for many years before registration no?  All it's doing is keeping tabs on the people that are the least likely to do anything with the weapons they own, while the criminals run around with Glocks and Beretta's with the serial numbers filed off.  Pointless, absolutely pointless.

Amen to all of the above.

Part lieberal social engineering, part gutless liberalism and kow towing to narrow spectrum special interest groups, and part make-work project for a liberal riding in the maritimes, the gun registry (in my mind) is second only to Trudeau's NEP on the scale of leftist stupidity.

Register Criminals - Not guns.
My comments where to point out how people like to think that a Assault Rifle (or facsimile thereof) is evil and a old “hunting” rifle isn’t. The Enfield was the “Assault weapon” of it’s day when it was introduced and deadly in the hands of a trained soldier.

So you vant to buy some fertilizer, for you speciall deal, 1 ton for 2 goats, a camel and your sister.  ;D
Well I can cover the goats and a camel here pretty easy -- Dont have a sister though -- I could probably buy a 20's afghani girl here for you though  ^-^
All guns, every one that I know of, were designed to kill.

Funny, but I'm comfortable with that.

Just for fun, so were we. The fact that you're here means your ancestors were survivors- they managed somehow to brave the odds and not only survive, but managed to procreate and eventually create you. You come from an extremely violent past.

I personally abhor violence. Scares me, and violence always ends up with pain and suffering. However, if there's a choice to be made, I'd much prefer to violate someone else than have them violate me. I've experienced pain before- it sucks.

Mark Lepine was mentioned earlier on in this thread. His actions in Montreal were horrible- but our societies actions were, imho, much worse. Anyone wonder if we'd even know Lepine's name if, when he started to shoot those 25 women, 6 or so of them had reached into their purses, pulled out a handgun, and sent him to hail? Doubt it. I cannot imagine the teror those women must have felt knowing that they were defenseless and at a madman's mercy.

And why were they defenseless? Because we, as a society, had deemed them competant and stable enough to anything their heart desires, other than carry a weapon to defend themselves.

We can not stop a criminal (or a whack job for that matter) from carrying an illegal weapon. We can, and choose, to not allow decent, law abiding citizens the right to defend themselves by carrying the exact same weapons that we KNOW those who choose to blatantly ignore socieites norms carry each and every day.

Weird, eh?

Just to make a point, every day we put our lives in the hands of complete strangers. Pretty easy to cross that itty-bitty yellow line and wipe out anyone you want to.

Why doesn't it happen?

Because most Canadians are good folk.

As mentioned above, if I want you dead, you're dead. End of discussion. Hands, hammer, truck, explosives, guns- makes no difference to me- if I want you dead, you're dead. Again, (and fortunately), I'm like 99.99% of all Canadians- decent, peacefull, and law abiding.

Yet our country is changing. There are those who see our peacefulness as weakness, who view our desire to get along as an opportunity to take without earning. They wil not stop without an incentive.

Awhile back the crooks in Florida were close to stopping the tourism in that state. They unerringly robbed nothing but tourists. The Cops finally got around to asking them why they targetted tourists. The crooks answered that 50% of Floridians were licenced to carry a handgun. That made the odds of them getting shot in a hold up a 50-50 proposition. Crooks aren't dumb- why bucks those odds? Hit the defenseless....makes sense, eh?

Like it or not, Canada is about 10-15 years behind the States in social conduct. The US has had (and still has) huge problems with violence. Most of the States responded by allowing the good, honest citizens to defend themselves by carying handguns. Results? Massive drops in violence. South Carolina's "castle law" saw the state's home invasions drop to near zero. Amazing......

The way of the world is violence. If we stick our heads in the sand and ignore reality, we're pooched. If we trust our citizens, we have a chance.

Licence the gun owners. Make them use their weapons safely, and allow them to use them to defend themselves. Choose freedom and personal responsibility over state run babysitting, and maybe, just maybe women can walk the streets at night in safety.

and since I'm on a roll, here's another not-so-politically-correct concept:

Bring our troops home.

I spent 28 years running around in uniform, and I have to admit it hurt like hail watching "my" guys (and gals) head into Afghanistan and Iraq. No one in their right minds wants to go to war, but when the trumpet calls.......

Thing is, I honestly believe it was the right thing to do. People had a pretty horrible life subjected as they were to brutal dictators. Bad enough (and common enough)...but when they export fear and pain to our (and our alies) country, enough's enough. Pretty tough for the people to "rise up" and depose someone with a standing army.... but pretty easy if you have a bigger, better one. We do, and we did. Where I believe we made our mistake was in sticking around after the dictator (or the party) was deposed

Thing is, fighting a war is a hail of a lot easier than being an occupying force- and occupying forces have a habit of being whittled away at by insurgents. Funny thing is, I think that in many cases the insurgents aren't all that wrong- in their eyes, they're fighting for their country.

Solution? Once we've broken the organisation and power of the ruling bullies, arm the populace, give them some time to get organised, and get the heck out. If they really want freedom, let them earn it. If they bleed for their country, they'll value it a whiole lot more than if we just give it to them. Neat consequence is that we'll bleed a whole lot less. And just so there's no confusion, by "arm the populace" I don't mean arm a bunch, and call it an army- I mean give every man, woman, and child an AK and a case od rounds. Tough to terrorize the population when they can fight back.

I'm pretty comfortable with that.

Neat thing is, if they screw it up and get that whole dictatorial thing happening again, we can always come back- give them the opportunity to try again.

Save a whole lot of Canadian lives.

I don't expect a lot of agreement with this position, but then again I'm a lot older than most of you. Weird thing about age, is somehow you seem to care a little bit more about the brave Canadian kids than you did when you were one of them.......

Y''all have a good day.
