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Basic Military Parachutist and Para Coy Opportunities

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When I went through in 99 we had a guy who did his Basic Para while in Cadets, He as well made the choice not o inform anyone and to not have them put up on his DEU's. All I can say was it did not go over well when the course staff found out. The Jacking was monumental LMAO.

He was promptly marched over to clothing with tunic and handed them in to have the wings put up. You got em, you earned them, you wear em. Their is a heightened expectation from someone with wings absolutely.

On a funny note when said jumper reported to Battle School all our instructors were ex CAR and or current Pathfinders....his breaks were not so pleasent... ;D
Lord knows you can be scarry when you want to be ;)
were you scared of him?

My comment about idiots who want to see "just how tough you are"...

It hasn't been a year since that Cpl who was home for a visit after having been presented a medal for valour - sucker punched / clobbered from behind in a bar. ... just thinking out loud - do I need the hassle?
geo said:
Lord knows you can be scarry when you want to be ;)
were you scared of him?

My comment about idiots who want to see "just how tough you are"...

It hasn't been a year since that Cpl who was home for a visit after having been presented a medal for valour - sucker punched / clobbered from behind in a bar. ... just thinking out loud - do I need the hassle?

Me scared? No way. It was awesome. A whole course of PPCLI -- with 6 chicks on it -- we had a blast on leave; built in body guards from the locals (who scared me!!)!!  ;)
Wow, that is a lot of useful information, but it seems on the case by case basis. I guess the point I got was to not bring it up, but don't lie when asked. Though, that's what I picked up from reading a lot of posts.

You earned your Wings so wear them.  The fact you know jack schit about Airborne operations is neither here or there. 

If you do enroll, soldier as best you can and work hard keep learning and continue setting goals for yourself.

Your course was yesterday, metaphorically speaking...If I was a member of your course staff during your recruit training, I would expect the same from you as anyone else on the course. 

Wings or not...deeds not words for you and anyone else.

My two cents...

CHIMO-AIRBORNE-UBIQUE....Old fart out...

i had my jump wings from cadets :( when i went through recruit school 3 years ago however i being from a military family and having a mother in st. jean at the time i went through i knew what to expect my i did not have my red wings put on when i was issued my deu's and i my instructors were none the wiser however 3 days before grad on our final DEU inspection i sewed them on and recieved the jacking of a life time from my wog section commander anyways long story short they checked my MPRR realized that i was actually basic para qualified and i was given a counselling for my neglect. I took my wings off for my Battleschool however due to the large amount of jump qualified instructors on my course 
Mr.Grenade said:
. I took my wings off for my Battleschool however due to the large amount of jump qualified instructors on my course 

Pretty telling right there...
Ahh we all go through it.Young 17 year old thinking due to his "combat armness" he is tough as heck.
It took me getting playfully choked out by a medic to realise that no matter what trade I was,a 6 foot 200 pound "wog" could take my scronny 17 year old 140 lb frame and twist me in funny ways.

These are also the people who never had a medic patch you up when bleeding from multiple places.I have,and I respect medics for the job they do now.

(added to note: patched up by medics in canada,not to lead anyone astray)
Avoiding the wearing of wings for the BQ, to put them on for graduation, to take them off for BMQ?  ???  WTF ???

1st thing to learn is...... make up your mind, do it and live with the consequences.  Having made your decision prior to BQ graduation, live with it!  Suddenly being intimidated by your instructors is childish.
Mr.Grenade said:
i had my jump wings from cadets :( when i went through recruit school 3 years ago however i being from a military family and having a mother in st. jean at the time i went through i knew what to expect my i did not have my red wings put on when i was issued my deu's and i my instructors were none the wiser however 3 days before grad on our final DEU inspection i sewed them on and recieved the jacking of a life time from my wog section commander anyways long story short they checked my MPRR realized that i was actually basic para qualified and i was given a counselling for my neglect. I took my wings off for my Battleschool however due to the large amount of jump qualified instructors on my course 

For anyone else who has similar ideas about "hiding" your qualifcations, read and heed.

If you think, for a minute, that your BIQ instructors didn't know or couldn't find out about your Basic Para (or any other) qualification then you are (circle the correct answer) naive/deceiving yourself/utterly stupid.

Your MPRR is part of your pers file which accompanies you to Battle School/BIQ/DP1.  Even if your cadet quals have not yet made into PeopleSoft, (and on to your MPRR) they're in your pers file with all your course reports, no matter how short your career.  If you got your wings in cadets, that will show on your CF 1007, which is used to grant equivalencies and calculate what IPC you're getting paid.  Yes, that's in there, too.

And how would you hide it if one of your "jump qualified instructors" happened to also have been an instructor on your Basic Para.  It's a small Army, y'know!
when I went through for my reg force BIQ, I had no quams with fellow coursemates of having a course like that already.
Staff on the other hand, liked to give it to me every now and again.

I'm sure that there were other reasons staff wanted to "give it to you", as I am sure you are still getting it put to you at 3 RCR for unspecified reasons ;D
why you need to bust my hump?
quit pulling strings, I get yelled at enough.
Everybody likes a guy like you..takes the heat off them

Have a Merry Christmas and we'll talk in the new year

I didn't put up my UNPROFOR gong on my BAOT course because I didn't want to stand out among all the new kids. Got jacked up - "it's part of your uniform". If I qualified for jump wings I'd tattoo them on my chest.
geo said:
Suddenly being intimidated by your instructors is childish.
And here is the appropriate motivational poster to help you with that:
I know the post is a little old but a little perspective, the wearing of specialist badges once recsinded is up to the mbr, if they stayed qual long enough to retain the "honorary distinction" as far as jump wings go (and i could be talking out my arse here) there is no such period, for ships divers you must stay qual for 24mos.  After that put em up, leave em off, your call, the "gongs" (medals for thos not so militarily inclined) are personal honours and awards, they are always to be worn in ceremonical (N!) orders and the ribbons worn on undress, so yes not putting them on is a big deal.  Your call really about the spec badges though. my 2 cents
ArtyNewbie said:
I know the post is a little old but a little perspective, the wearing of specialist badges once recsinded is up to the mbr, if they stayed qual long enough to retain the "honorary distinction" as far as jump wings go (and i could be talking out my arse here) there is no such period, for ships divers you must stay qual for 24mos.  After that put em up, leave em off, your call, the "gongs" (medals for thos not so militarily inclined) are personal honours and awards, they are always to be worn in ceremonical (N!) orders and the ribbons worn on undress, so yes not putting them on is a big deal.  Your call really about the spec badges though. my 2 cents

You're talking quals with expiry dates though. Such as the "marksman" badge. It is an annual qual, and should a pers NOT qualify the next FY, he is supposed to remove it from the uniform. If the badge is indicative of a position that you are employed "IN" the badge should also be removed once you are no longer employed in that posn. IE ... the 2 Bge Black Bear ... comes down when you leave the brigade.

Pilot wings etc always stay on the uniform --- even should one be relegated to flying a desk in Ottawa and lose their currency. Same as our Sup Specialty Rigger wings -- once a rigger -- always a rigger.

Not so the Basic para etc as they have NO expiry dates. Although jumpers need to stay current, the course is only done once per career. If jumper does not stay current, they need only do the refresher. The basic para qual stays -- always (unless, of course, one should refuse a posting upgrade to a white wing area ... then the cherry wings can be removed from the refusing member -- sometimes forcefully!!  ;)).

From CFAO 55-10

A qualified parachutist will normally forfeit the parachute badge
    a.  after qualification on a CF-approved parachutist course, the
          member refuses to serve as a parachutist;

    b.  the member requests to discontinue parachuting before completion
          two years of satisfactory parachute duty;

    c.  after volunteering for service in the Canadian Airborne Regiment,
          the member refuses to serve there as a parachutist after
          qualification on a CF-approved parachutist course; or

    d.  the member refuses to make a parachute descent at any time while
          serving in a position in an airborne unit for which the member is
          entitled to draw paratroop allowance.
