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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

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George Wallace said:
You are amazing.  What is CFSATE, no the CF, going to do?  They may just tell him that he is not entitled to any reimbursement of any fees involved in the purchase or resale of the house.  Everything is out of his pocket, with no compensation.  That is what they can do, depending on the circumstances.  Your putting ideas like this, right or wrong, in peoples minds could be costly for some.  Did you know how much this person had in their bank account?  Was he fairly well off/wealthy and could afford such an investment with no financial concerns?  This is an extreme and exceptional case and one that is not wise to be boasting about, as many will not be as well off as this guy appears to have been, and in turn become Administrative Burdens on the CF and face Release.

Shake your head......

He was well aware of the entitlements and followed whatever rules there were for single persons living off base. CFSATE didn't care as long as he was on time for inspections and class. He graduated just like everyone else did on his course. Not everyone has the means to buy a house these days, especially a new private or corporal on their 3's. However, if I had the money I would certainly buy something in Barrie and do the commute every morning. It sure beats the shacks and $400+/month mess dues. More likely than not, CFSATE would tell you either no or let you know your limitations and rules. It is certainly a big risk though.
Regarding R&Q I was under the impression from information here and from my recruiter that if I have dependents back home or if I have a commonlaw girlfriend back home that I do not have to pay for R&Q. Is this correct?

I currently own a home with a join mortgage with my commonlaw girlfriend of 9 years. She would be staying here while I was at BMQ and Borden.
Sparkplugs said:
Well, having spent two years at CFSATE, I can tell you that we had a guy on course who was from Barrie, had an apartment there, and they didn't give a crap.  He had to pay rations and quarters just like the rest of us, and he also paid for his apartment.  He still had to show up to his barracks room every friday morning for room inspections as well.

You think that is a good way to treat people?  I have no problems with the Room Inspections stuff by any means, but if the Mbr is legitimately living out of shacks, with a lease and rent to pay, etc, you really think its ok for the CF to force him to pay for R & Q?  The CF should NOT be forcing people to pay for their infrastructure and Food Services if they have no requirement to use them.  I think policies like this rate up there with the "thou shall not wear LPO boots" stuff going on at SQFT.  It screws the Mbr and I am not ok with that unless there is a LEGIMATE military necessity.

Suck it up, deal with the way things are, and they'll get better later.  I dealt with two years of shacks before I ended up being able to afford to share a pmq.  Things are great now, and yes, paying almost $700 a month in r&q sucks, but it's all part of it.  Cheers.

And you've just joined the ranks of the "you have to do it because I had to do it" club.  Sure, you had to do it...I remember you posting about having to do it, and not being happy about it.

Ever hear the saying "you are part of the problem, or part of the solution"?  The "because I had to" reasoning, IMO, is 'part of the problem'.

The Mbr should have requested to vacate quarters properly, however, one of the other common things I see on here, and in the CF, is for anyone with TI to shite all over new Privates and OCdts for not knowing the CF Admin systems.  That too, is probably something they learned and do it 'because thats what happened to them'.

Bottom line, the CF should NOT be forcing Pte's to pay for their rent, and for R & Q as well.  Full stop.  No wonder people get bitter.  Let me ask you this, if this person was told that at the CFRC, would they have signed the line?  How well of a 'recruiter' would this person be to their familiy, friends, etc that they talk to?  What image does that give certain people of 'how the military treats its people'?
Eye In The Sky said:
You think that is a good way to treat people?  I have no problems with the Room Inspections stuff by any means, but if the Mbr is legitimately living out of shacks, with a lease and rent to pay, etc, you really think its ok for the CF to force him to pay for R & Q?  The CF should NOT be forcing people to pay for their infrastructure and Food Services if they have no requirement to use them.  I think policies like this rate up there with the "thou shall not wear LPO boots" stuff going on at SQFT.  It screws the Mbr and I am not ok with that unless there is a LEGIMATE military necessity.

Sorry, but I disagree with the above little rant.  The CF is a military and as such has something called "discipline".  It has Rules and Regulations that enforce that discipline.  Members do not make up their own rules, they follow those set out by the CF.  I will not comment on SQFT, as that is covered in other topics.

This is more like it:
Eye In The Sky said:
The Mbr should have requested to vacate quarters properly,

This is crap, and something you are just as guilty of:
Eye In The Sky said:
however, one of the other common things I see on here, and in the CF, is for anyone with TI to shite all over new Privates and OCdts for not knowing the CF Admin systems.  That too, is probably something they learned and do it 'because thats what happened to them'.

Eye In The Sky said:
Bottom line, the CF should NOT be forcing Pte's to pay for their rent, and for R & Q as well.  Full stop.  No wonder people get bitter.  Let me ask you this, if this person was told that at the CFRC, would they have signed the line?  How well of a 'recruiter' would this person be to their familiy, friends, etc that they talk to?  What image does that give certain people of 'how the military treats its people'?

As stated above, this is a MILITARY and it has RULES and REGULATIONS to enforce discipline.  It is not a place for those who have a sense of entitlement and just don't want to fit into the organization.  The person, who wants to move out on the economy MUST do it as per the set out Regulations.  If they don't then they are liable.  The CF is not your new parents, and are not responsible for your breaking the rules at your own whim.  It will be severe in its punishment of offenders.  Ptes are no exception.  They are adults and will be treated as such.  They are responsible for their actions.
Please, spare me your lecture on the CF and discipline.  With 20 years in coming this summer, I am well aware of what the CF is all about. 

IF the Mbr had the lease before BMQ (assumingly so as he/she is from Barrie), and if the Mbr is required to 'live-in' for MOC trg, the member should NOT have to pay for Quarters.  If the Mbr has a spouse or common-law partner living in that residence that is being paid for, they should also not pay for Rations. 

Not to get involved in the above argument, but because something was brought up that caught my attention, I have the following question:

As I am currently common-law, and the course is anywhere from 10-13 months(ish), I would love to be moved there with my wife. If there are no PMQ's available for a few months, but I am authorized to move my family, would I be allowed to just rent an apartment in Barrie? Would I need to make a special request to do so, and if so, would I make that to my CO here in Ottawa or once I am sent to Borden on my QL3?

Also, I pulled the following from the ROs at CFSATE regarding Friday morning inspection:
1. CFSATE has BBs A-148, A-150 and A-247 as the
primary residence for our apprentice students. The
room/uniform inspection will commence at 0700 hrs.
Dress for the inspection is service dress, DEU or other
specified by the SCWO. Those students residing in
PMQs will be formed up and inspected on the first floor
hallway of BB A-150."
So members living in the shacks have to prepare for room inspection, but member's in PMQs only have uniform inspection?
Eye In The Sky said:
Thats the way I see it, unless the staff are doing PMQ inspections.

Why do people keep throwing "Red Herrings" into this discussion?  The Staff do not inspect PMQs.  (ESQs are a different story, as they are Single Quarters, and are they even available?)


Why go through the hassle of moving your family so often.  Worry about that when you get your first Posting. 

To answer you question, one that has been asked and answered several times in this thread; Yes, you would have to make the request to do so.  Moving your family or renting/buying a place on your own initiative will result in everything coming out of your own pocket.  Should the unhappy event be that you fail your courses and are no longer suitable for retention in the CF, then all costs will be out of your pocket, including moving your family again.
jacob_ns said:
Regarding R&Q I was under the impression from information here and from my recruiter that if I have dependents back home or if I have a commonlaw girlfriend back home that I do not have to pay for R&Q while on couse. Is this correct?

I currently own a home with a join mortgage with my commonlaw girlfriend of 9 years. She would be staying here while I was at BMQ and Borden.

Can anyone answer this?
jacob_ns said:
Can anyone answer this?

Let's see....You read, your recruiter verified/said the same thing, and it has been posted several times on this thread alone........NO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY R&Q if you own a house and your common-law spouse is living in it.
Enough of this nonsense of going on in circles asking what has already been answered and then throwing in red herings and asking the same questions over again and more red herings and asking the same questions over again and......!

Hey there,

I'm currently a recruit on my 10th week at CFLRS and am soon graduating and heading off to borden for my course training.

I am going in as an AVNTECH but I have came across a few posts on this board about the the course being shortened and therefore not being recognized as credentials in the civilian world?

Can anybody explain this to me better and possibly back it up with some sort of reference because so far everything I've seen is just hearsay on this board.

Pte Sheppard
Pte Sheppard,

first recommendation is not to use your real name on this site.  This helps to protect your identity in case you wish to express your opinion on certain matters.

Second is that why are you worried about your civy credentials when you are not even done your recruit trg yet?  Finish your recruit trg and then worry about finishing your AVN course at CFSATE.  In case you were wondering, a lot of your mil trg can be used to complete your AME logbook or whatever the thing is called.
Have a look at that link from Transport Canada:


Hope it helped!
As AVS, there is 2 part of the trade, shop (lab) or on the lines. I would think that the line is more demandiing, having done both. As for ''Box changers'' , we do have some of them, but they don't last long with me. Been woking on Tracer, Buff, Labrador, Herc, griffon and now on the 18.

If you want a challenge, do wriring snag and let me know, alway looking for good workers !!

Someone I know is potentially being posted to ATESS in Trenton, and is curious about what AVN techs do there.  I know of lots of ACS, NDT, ATIS and some AVS techs there, but I've never spoken to an AVN who works/has worked there.  Any info?  Thanks a bunch, guys.  :)
Yes, I have, a lot of projects for pretty much all branches of the service, and some 3rd Line Contract stuff.  I was in the ALSE area of ATESS. Where is your friend posted to at ATESS, does he/she know.?  Not a bad go, if you ask me.
krustyrl said:
Yes, I have, a lot of projects for pretty much all branches of the service, and some 3rd Line Contract stuff.  I was in the ALSE area of ATESS. Where is your friend posted to at ATESS, does he/she know.?  Not a bad go, if you ask me.

I'm not positive, but oil testing was one of the things mentioned.  It's a good thing in terms of being home every evening, but bad in another = missing out on tours/TDs and such.
I know some have done tours (ie: Camp Mirage) and depending what your employment is, there could be a fair amount of TD.
krustyrl said:
I know some have done tours (ie: Camp Mirage) and depending what your employment is, there could be a fair amount of TD.

Thanks for the info.  :)