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Australia Releases Hicks


Army.ca Legend
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I wonder how long until he shows up in Pakistan or Afghanistan ?


Last week, a federal magistrate ruled that Hicks was a security risk because of the training he acknowledged receiving in terrorist camps in Afghanistan. The court was told he met al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden at least 20 times, describing him as a "lovely brother" in letters home.

The magistrate ordered Hicks to report to police three times a week and obey a curfew by staying indoors at premises to be agreed on by police.

The former Muslim convert -- he has renounced the faith while in detention -- was caught on the side of the Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001 by U.S.-backed local forces and handed to American authorities.
Hicks is a national disgrace, and without using up too much band width, he simply should have been killed on the battlefield. Trouble will follow this true believer, oops true loser wherever he goes, just as it did in the past through out his whole life as a bottom feeding shyte sucking beast. A leopard can't change his spots. He is a traitor, and in recent times past, he would have swung for what he did.

A few pic's celebrating his release and a reminder why he was detained in the first place.



Shit! I thought this was going to be about Britanney Spears or something like 'Tennessee Releases Trailer Trash' or ' Texas Releases Rednecks'. Even though I know Australia doesn't have any hicks  ::), I thought they may have caught some overstaying their visa...........or something ;) ;D
From the wonderful, incriminating photos of the person in question, I'd have to say that he's a Redneck of sorts, hence Hick. 
There's only one thing I have to say about someone who turns against thier nation and democracy and signs up for the other side...{namely AQ and Timmies}
Kneel ! face the ditch...

drastic, but truthful...
I'm going to cop it for this but...
That photo of him with the RPG was taken when he was fighting against the Serbs in Bosnia. Its got nothing to do with why he was arrested. He came back to Australia like many people did after the Bosnian War and we all thought he'd done good fighting against the Serbs who were all know where butchering Muslims and generally being scum.
He was ostracised at Guantanamo because he'd renounced Islam back in 2002. The other prisoners refused to talk to him or associate. He never killed a Coalition soldier, on the contrary, he surrender to them as soon as he possible could. His story is that before 11th September 2001 he started growing disillusioned with what the Taliban were doing and left to Pakistan. He returned to pick up the rest of his kit and the Yanks invaded which meant he couldn't get out. His letters to his father at the time show this.
He never renounced Australia or fought against Western troops. Whether what he did in the past was right or wrong, he's never been and never will be a threat to Australia in my opinion.
Hicks undertook military training in al Qaeda-linked camps and fought with the Taliban in Afghanistan. He was captured in December 2001 by the Afghan Northern Alliance, handed over to the U.S. military

He was hardly innocent. He pleaded guilty and took a plea deal. We will find out if he has learned his lesson or if he will hop a plane back to pakistan/Afghanistan. His case is very similar to the Lindh case where an American was caught with the taliban and sentenced to 20 years. Personally everyone caught in Afghanistan should have been turned over to the Afghan government for justice. While many decry Gitmo its club med compared to an Afghan prison.

tomahawk6 said:
He was hardly innocent.

And it'd be foolish to think he was. He never fought about coalition troops though and he never attempted to carry out attacks on the west. Also, he and his lawyers argue that he surrended to the Northern Alliance and didn't attempt to fight them. He was supposedly guarding a tank, on his own, away from the front lines.
I'm not excusing what he did or where he was because for both of those things he deserved what he got. What i want to make clear though is that asking "wonder when we'll see him back in Afghanistan or Pakistan" shows a total ignorance on this bloke and what he's like. Like i said, he renounced Islam back in 2002 and didn't agree with the Taliban at the end of his time there. SBS did a show on him where they traced his movements for 2001 and found he'd left Afghanistan but had to return for his passport and personal effects. He argued that he was kept in Afghanistan by the Taliban after 11th September.
Many of those we release from Gitmo get back into the fight. I hope Hicks gets a job and settles down. He probably can make a good living on the moonbat tour talking about the evils of Gitmo.

I deleted the "fair dinkum" line because on reflection I wasnt sure I used the phrase correctly. ;D
tomahawk6 said:
fair dinkum then you say ? :)

He's a fair dinkum dickhead, thats for sure ;D

tomahawk6 said:
His case is very similar to the Lindh case where an American was caught with the taliban and sentenced to 20 years.
Whats happened with that bloke? The bleeding left havent busted him out have they or does everyone agree that he's a deadset mind boggling Islamist spaz? Didnt he have some qoute that he wanted to kill Americans or am i getting my wires crossed? He was captured in that big CIA, SF compound action wasnt he? Where he hid in a basement for a few days while Northern Alliance flooded it and generally blew the Bejesus out of it?
Yep.His father is pushing to get him a pardon. If they had bothered to get involved in their son's life before he ran off to Afghanistan to become a holy warrior he wouldnt be in prison today.

That makes a lot of sense. He's a bloke i reckon should rot in Prison. He seems like a total scumbag who decided that the infidels deserved killing even if he was one.
Thanks T6
62 years ago, he would've been tied to a pole, with a target over his heart.