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Australia issues travel warning against Canada

Excellent post Roy.

Every country has it's faults -- and it's good points.

To inform a person who is visiting this country of some of the hazards which they may face --- is only common sense and good practise.

After all, we've got a whole thread going about CANADIAN idiots who are well-familiar with Canadian winter weather still managing to drive like fucking idiots on the 400 in Barrie causing 50 car pile-ups.

And yet, people are "offended" by the fact that the Government of Australia mentioned winter driving as a hazard to someone contemplating visiting this country who may not be fully educated as to the extent of those winter conditions?

Give me a break people. Just because someone says something about your country --- doesn't mean it's meant to offend.  Cripes, we slam our own media and government on this site often enough, yet somehow it's offensive to see another country tell travellers to "watch out for snow in Canada in the winter." What stupidity.

(And, I guess that can double for those who think we slam foreign countries. Well, we also slam our own here -- so I guess that evens out the score card a 'lil bit because we certainly aren't going on like Canada is without fault to the exclusion of all others.)
Hey guys. I have to say that as an Australian if I was travelling to Canada I wouldnt even consider looking for a Dept of Foreign Affairs travel warning. Canada is a western country and I would simply use common sense in travelling, as I would at home. Sounds more like bureaucrats covering themselves from any legal backlash.
sean1 said:
Hey guys. I have to say that as an Australian if I was travelling to Canada I wouldnt even consider looking for a Dept of Foreign Affairs travel warning. Canada is a western country and I would simply use common sense in travelling, as I would at home. Sounds more like bureaucrats covering themselves from any legal backlash.

I disagree.

As a Canadian who HAS travelled to various places in the world, the fact that my government has recommended various inoculations against diseases my system is not used to, and has pointed out the various customs, fauna and flora with which I am unfamiliar has benefited me greatly.

I think your government is providing a good and useful service.
Haleyest of Hales! said:
Anyway, i have to go, i've got a rogue water buffalo out back stealing babies so my croc, Brutus, and i are going to go take him out.

What about your pack of COMBAT WOMBATS?!!!!!  >:D

I heard those little buggers can have sharp teeth though I heard from an Aussie girl I chatted with one time she thought they looked cute.
Combat Wombats?? Their bit trait is to dig holes for you to fall in and break your leg.

I lived in Darwin in the late 80’s. The saltwater crocs were relatively harmless to locals, as they seem at that time to have a desire for tourists, specifically ones from the US.

As for most of the other little creepy crawly types, I now live in the semi desert region and it has a few unfriendlies, but that is really restricted to the Death Adder and the Western and Eastern brown snakes. I just ignore the spider ones, red backs and white tails too common.
On my property I have only come across 3 brown snakes in 15 years, two ended up feeding the local ants, the other was doing the 100 yard sprint through my stable yards with a stallion and cat after it. The yard rails stopped the horse and the cat chickened out when he lost his horse back up.

I only have a few of the crawlies about. A couple of Bluetongue Lizards in the hay shed, that steal the stable cat’s food and a Bearded Dragon hanging about in a rubbish pile. He does go bright red all over during the mating season and it can be a bit unnerving.

Some of my locals
Bearded Dragon

Bluetongue Lizard - he is just finishing off some cat food

So over here you just get use to living with them..
The DFAT site is good, a bit over the top, but check out the USA or the UK, NI for that matter. Also search for regional countries around this neck of the woods, like Indonesia or The Philippines.

As much as Canada is basically safe, considering many here have never seen snow or experienced cold lower than at worst -2C, they need to know, and this is done thru the site.

Canada a terrorist haven? I don't think so, but the threat exists in the west, thats a fact, and people must be informed. Fact, there is baddies in Canada right now plotting anad planning for some serious sick acts. Those that don't think so, are blind.

Noting about hockey puck related head wounds though :)
Roy Harding said:
Or Screech induced trauma ...

:'( I hoped i'd never hear that word again. I'm struggling to think of words to write because i'm trying to remember what i did after half a dozen shots of it. I think i was sick and very drunk actually. And i may have danced like an idiot down the corridors of F16 in sunny Petawawa....But then again, i do that when i drink Bundaberg Rum too.
Hmm, its not that bad a memory really...