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August BMQ- 2009

Enough bantering. Guys I think the long version short of this story is; do what your CFRC asks you too do.

I'm starting to get really excited. I go to my ceremony this Friday August 7th. Flight August 29th, course starts the 31st.

I will be proud to salute in rank and I will be proud to eventually be able to say


Sappers for life, and much love and respect to our future and past soldiers. Those who live, fight and die so the rest of the population can live free.

downrightGuppy said:
hate to be the popper here, but whats different in the OQ versus the basic Q, Like I know it's two different routes but what courses are there in each one that make it different.

BMOQ - Basic Military Officer Qualification

BMQ - Basic Military Qualification
downrightGuppy said:
hate to be the popper here, but whats different in the OQ versus the basic Q, Like I know it's two different routes but what courses are there in each one that make it different.

BMOQ is for officers and focuses on leadership development in addition to basic military skills.

BMQ is for NCM and focuses on military fundamental skills.

Why do we have to go over this again ? Is the search function disabled during the summer ?

Cooldevil789 said:
Enough bantering. Guys I think the long version short of this story is; do what your CFRC asks you too do.

The CFRC is not asking people to do anything. CFLRS joining instructions are orders, to you, from the school and are to be followed. If they were not, the would have been called "joining suggestions"

JHC, it aint complicated......
I love you Aviator. I definitely mistyped because I also meant "told".

But thank-you for the clarification
Cooldevil789 said:
I love you Aviator. I definitely mistyped because I also meant "told".

Either way, the joining instructions are not from the CFRC so they are not telling you anything either.

Fair enough, but push comes to shove your local CFRC tells you to follow the joining instructions.

Its always nice to have useful advice from an army elder such as yourself.
Cooldevil789 said:
Fair enough, but push comes to shove your local CFRC tells you to follow the joining instructions.

Its always nice to have useful advice from an army elder such as yourself.

The Joining Instructions are issued on the authority of Lieutenant-Colonel S.J.R. Whelan, CD, CFLRS Commandant.

So can therefore be interpreted as direct orders from him and the CFRC are ensuring that you follow them.
Yes it is Aviator, all elder means is someone with experience. And a good portion of the time, experience brings opinion validity to an extent. It allows the rookies too take an opinion on a topic such as this and make it easier to listen too.
Cooldevil789 said:
Yes it is Aviator, all elder means is someone with experience. And a good portion of the time, experience brings opinion validity to an extent. It allows the rookies too take an opinion on a topic such as this and make it easier to listen too.

Riiiiiiiiiiiight.......of course you were not calling me old........
CDN Aviator said:
Why do we have to go over this again ? Is the search function disabled during the summer ?

For me yes, and I know that can get me shot here. That's why I'm wearing kevlar ;) ... Eh, wasn't thinking about searching at the time so i apologize for that one. And I wasn't bantering... not yet anyways. I'm still awaiting orders from the recruit school. The day that comes is the day i'm happy (1 day if you don't count today ahaha) Besides that though... all party hardy stuff put aside. BMQ will be an experience none of us will forget, even if we do go PAT doesn't matter... We live to learn. That's how life is... and of course when life throws you those lemons, find the tree and burn it down.
Guppy, you're swearing in on the 5th, right?  You'll enjoy it.  Hopefully you have someone there to take pics of you.  Will make good memories. 
RedRanger said:
Guppy, you're swearing in on the 5th, right?  You'll enjoy it.  Hopefully you have someone there to take pics of you.  Will make good memories.

Really hoping so. RedRanger are you on Aug 10th as well? or the later ones?
got sworn in today!!  :D lol no joke the ceremony really pumped me up for basic on the 31st  ;D
I suppose it's different for everyone, but I find it weird that so many people here have their swearing in 2-3 weeks before going to BMQ.
My swearing in is on the 19th and BMQ on the 24th. Not much time for paperwork, but less waiting is awesome.
Ehn well, good luck to everyone and see you all in the coming weeks!
see you than Kalz, incase you didn't know it was me texting your cell hope you don't mind ahahaha.
Yah Gupp. I'm set for the 10th.  Just counting down the days.  I have one more day left of work, then it's taking the remainder of the week to get my stuff together.  You leaving at 09:00 on sunday?
hah, will not know until tomorrow when i get sworn in. But more than likely :D