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Aug 3rd/06: Sgt Vaughn Ingram, Cpl Bryce Jeffrey Keller, Pte. Kevin Dallaire

Sad, upset, frustrated, confused.  Feelings of the day.  All over shadowed by a great sense of pride and honour for what these soldiers are doing though, and have done already.  I pray for the families, and for the departed, rest well fallen soldier your task is done.  I truly appreciate all that has been accomplish and continues to be done for the sake of our freedom and security.  The ultimate sacrifice has been paid, but shall not be forgotten.

:cdn: DUCIMUS  :salute:
My first reaction was these guys were so close to coming home, which made it harder for me to digest the news, but whether they are on their last patrol, or first, the dangers faced are identical.  These guys were true professionals, my heart felt condolences to the families and friends of those involved.  I appreciate everything my fellow brothers and sisters are doing around the world.

Your sacrifice will never be forgotten

Rest in peace    :salute:    :cdn:

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the fallen. I cant stop thinking of all my friends leaving tomorrow to relieve the current TF. It is scary knowing that it has gotten so much more then in the past and that I am very good friends with many of the guys going.
It is now being reported that there were four Canadians.

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Three NATO soldiers killed in southern Afghanistan on Thursday were Canadian, the Department of National Defense said, bringing the country's death toll in the conflict to 23.

A total of four Canadian soldiers died and 10 were injured on Thursday in three separate roadside attacks in the Taliban stronghold near Kandahar.

"Three Canadian soldiers were killed and six others were wounded. It was the result of a rocket-propelled grenade," a Defense spokesman said, referring to the third incident.

The government reported the death earlier of Corporal Christopher Jonathan Reid. All four were with an Edmonton-based battalion.

Of the other three soldiers, the names of two are being withheld at the request of the families, while the third's name is being withheld pending notification of the next of kin.

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved

RIP my brothers.



They are counting the soldier who passed over night.

For all Four soldiers , and for those who have passed with this mission , RIP  :salute:.

My condolences to the friends, families and brothers at arms.

Matthew.  :salute:
What a blow...hang in there guys...we all love and support you  :salute:

My condolances to the friends and families of the fallen,  :salute:  :cdn:

Best wishes  and a get well soon to the injured  :salute:

This is becoming too routine.  Trying to find words and always falling back on the same.

Thanks to the dead, condolences to the family and friends, best wishes to the wounded.

Although they are no less heart felt than the first time they were offered, repetition is dulling them and that is truly terrible.

To the rest of the soldiers still out there:   You aren't out of there until that aircraft has cleared the borders.  Stay safe.

This has been a rough day, my condolences go out to the families and friends of those killed.

You gave your lives for a worthy cause and will not be forgotten.



They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

RIP Brothers, Condolences to your families, and best recoveries to the injured.

You are our Brothers in arms, and will thus never be forgotten
Sig_Des said:
They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

RIP Brothers, Condolences to your families, and best recoveries to the injured.

You are our Brothers in arms, and will thus never be forgotten

May those who have fallen be forever remembered, for they are the fighters of freedom in this troubled time. Rest In Piece Soldiers  :salute:  :cdn:  :salute:
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (CP) - Two roadside bombings and a hail of rocket-propelled grenades killed four Canadian soldiers and injured 10 more Thursday in the single heaviest day of death and injury Canada has endured in Afghanistan.

Three Canadian soldiers died and six others were injured when suspected Taliban fighters attacked a NATO patrol near the village of Pashmul, west of Kandahar. No details on the identities of the three were immediately available.

Another Canadian soldier was killed and one injured when his vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb planted on a highway near Kandahar city.

All four of the dead were from the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry based in Edmonton.

Cpl. Christopher Reid of Truro, N.S., died in an area where Canadian soldiers have been advancing on Taliban insurgents, said Col. Tom Putt, deputy commander of Task Force Afghanistan.

Three more Canadians were hurt when a second roadside bomb exploded along the same road a short time later.

"That area west of Kandahar is known to be a Taliban area," Putt said. "That's why we're there."

The wounded were receiving top medical treatment from coalition force hospitals, said Brig.-Gen. David Fraser.

The seriously wounded were evacuated to a hospital at the Canadian base in Kandahar and a British facility. All were in stable condition.

Fraser says he visited the soldiers in hospital in Kandahar and they're all doing well.

"The operation today did come at a cost, but the operation will carry on in a co-ordinated fashion with Afghan security forces," Fraser said. "The cost today was significant. The cost against the Taliban was even more significant."

Thursday's fatalities brought to 23 the number of soldiers killed since Canadians moved into Afghanistan in 2002. Fifteen have died in the last six months.

Reid was remembered Thursday as an avid outdoorsman who loved being a soldier and was eager to get to Afghanistan, said Sgt. Mike McNeil, a friend who'd known Reid since they were in the militia together in Truro in the early 1990s.

"Chris was very excited to go. Very excited. He was actually disappointed that he had missed some previous trips to Afghanistan," McNeil recalled from Halifax.

"He was very proud to be in the army, an excellent soldier and he was probably one of the most outgoing people I've ever met."

Speaking in Cornwall, Ont., Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered the country's condolences to Reid's family but pledged to stand behind Canada's mission in Afghanistan.

"What the men and women in harm's way want and need to know at moments like this is that the government and Canadians stand behind their mission," Harper said.

"Through good times and bad, this government will honour their sacrifice, we will stand behind their mission and we are proud of the work that they are doing."

Reid died overnight when a Canadian Light Armoured Vehicle, or LAV-3, was struck by a roadside bomb.

Another soldier in the vehicle was injured in the attack, suffering non-life-threatening injuries. A second roadside bomb exploded a short while later, hitting another LAV-3, and injuring three other Canadian soldiers.

All suffered non-life-threatening wounds.

Both attacks happened just hours after a memorial service was held in Montreal for Cpl. Jason Warren.

He and Cpl. Francisco Gomez of Edmonton died July 22 when a suicide bomber detonated a car filled with explosives beside their Bison armoured vehicle.

Gomez and Warren were interred Thursday at the Beechwood National Military Cemetery in Ottawa.

McNeil remembered Reid as a larger-than-life character.

"Chris was always one of those guys who I thought was going to outlive everybody. He was tough, fearless," he said.

His death came amid another day of carnage in Afghanistan.

A suicide bomber in a car blew himself up in a crowded town market in southern Afghanistan near where NATO troops were on patrol. Twenty-one civilians were killed.

Thirteen people were injured in the blast at the market in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar province, said provincial government spokesman Dawood Ahmadi.

Some of the victims were children, said Interior Ministry spokesman Yousef Stanezai.

Interim Liberal leader Bill Graham said the latest Canadian death underscores the dangers of the Afghanistan mission.

"I think we have to be constantly explaining to Canadians why we're risking the lives of our young people there," Graham said St. John's, N.L. "We knew this was going to be a very tough mission."

He added he still believes Canadian soldiers belong in the war-torn country.

"I believe very strongly that they're doing the right thing, and I think Canadians, given an opportunity, would believe that, too," he said.

All from the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry based in Edmonton. Dammit!!  :(  :salute:
RIP to the four soldiers. They have served Canada and it's people to the end, giving the ultimate sacrifice. Sadly these casualties will likely turn the tide of public opinion even more against our mission in Afghanistan. That said, my condolences to family and friends of these four soldiers and my thoughts and prayers with the whole of the PPCLI regimental family.
IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

-LCol John McCrae, "In Flanders Fields"
I've always really gotten into Rememberance Day, but I know this year will be different, it will be more poignat than ever.

RIP soldiers, you died defending our freedom and will not be forgotten.


RIP brothers
The thoughts and prayers of my wife and I are with them, their families, their loved ones and their comrades.  As has been mentioned, this has happened to often of late.  It is also our thoughts and prayers for the safety of those deployed and those who are in the midst of deploying; Keep them ever safe and vigilant.