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Slim said:
OF all the people on this board Mr Wallace does NOT need to be told what a LAV or anything else is.

More listening, less talking.

Well I would not go that far, he did not know that the regular force did not take a formal recce course years ago.

So , yes sometines he does need to be strighten out, but we all do from time to time.
12Alfa said:
Well I would not go that far, he did not know that the regular force did not take a formal recce course years ago.

Excuse me?

The Regular Force did not take a Formal Recce Course years ago?

12alpha you have to be kidding me.  The Regular Force did take Formal Recce Courses years ago for your information.  I believe Recce 41 was on one such course.  There have been Advanced Recce Crses run.  For a while in the 1970's Armour Officers who graduated from Phase IV and were going to be posted to Recce Sqns were put onto a "PhaseV" (for no better name at this time) to learn Recce.  Formal Recce Courses are being run for the Regular Force today. 

Your persistant trolling really doesn't deserve half the answers many are giving you, but what the heck.......now, have you looked into the Photo Gallery and found the map of Baden - Tublingen and does it meet your requirements _________?

I'm not a trool, 1st.

2nd if you take a look at a few post a while ago, what I said has been confirmed by others, you may want to read what I post and others b4 you start ................again.We r not talkin about now . but in the past.

Thank you for the information, would you your self have any maps of Germany that could be scaned?

Again thanks.

12Alfa said:
Thank you for the information, would you your self have any maps of Germany that could be scaned?

Again thanks.

Ignoring all the rest....scanning maps and getting them down to a resolution low enough to fit onto Mike's Server without filling it is a bit of a problem, as I found with that map.  I had a heck of a time getting it down below 1.2 Megs. 

What area do you want?  What kind of map do you want?  Military Maps?  Michelin/Shell Road Maps?  Microsoft MapPoint?
George Wallace said:
Ignoring all the rest....scanning maps and getting them down to a resolution low enough to fit onto Mike's Server without filling it is a bit of a problem, as I found with that map.   I had a heck of a time getting it down below 1.2 Megs.  

What area do you want?   What kind of map do you want?   Military Maps?   Michelin/Shell Road Maps?   Microsoft MapPoint?
Any type of map info dealing with first Clash, or WW3 fulda gap .

I'm working to re-create those battles and need the areas, both paper maps (scanned) or links to them.
Don't realy need the paper maps, just the links , or you can send them to my e-mail.

Tanks GW
from an ancient who did his recce in a T 17 E 1 Staghound ( 14 tons 37mm master weapon and 2 browning 30's) sneak and peek was the name of the game with sufficient firepower to get out of a jam. A like vehicle is what is needed today, some armour protection and some firepower and a very relable communications suite.
What about a variant of the German Light Infantry Vehicle (Special Operations) for a recce vehicle.  Its basically the same as the British Landrover Defence 'Wolf'.

I believe the above pics, was the "G-Wagen" variant that was "promised" to us at SG 04.  This may have lead to the confusion about a soft top variant that has been rumoured to be ordered Mud Recce units.
It would have been nice to get a peice of kit that looked like that but that is not going to happen.

Here is a question...

Why are we converting our recce forces to glorified jeeps with pop guns? Not that the coyote is much an alternative, (great for static surveillance and all...) but at least it has some armour and a decent gun. It seems once again that we are going to have to do our best with whatever we're given. Convert away, think up new ways of doing things, and carry on.


Zipper said:

Here is a question...

Why are we converting our recce forces to glorified jeeps with pop guns? Not that the coyote is much an alternative, (great for static surveillance and all...) but at least it has some armour and a decent gun. It seems once again that we are going to have to do our best with whatever we're given. Convert away, think up new ways of doing things, and carry on.



Remember one of the characteristics of Armour the Flexibility.

We will carry on and do well at it.
TR said:
Remember one of the characteristics of Armour the Flexibility.

We will carry on and do well at it.

I think you are wrong.  Yes we will "Soldier On"; but we may not be able to do well at it.

Our capabilities have been eroded away to next to nothing.  Soon we will be able to nothing.

I suppose, we will be able to do that well.    :o

George Wallace said:
Our capabilities have been eroded away to next to nothing.   Soon we will be able to nothing.

I suppose, we will be able to do that well.     :o


Not that I disagee but you seem a little bitter :o
I just spent about 40 min reading all of the posts in this topic asn here's what I have grasped (between other well-made points):
1. We are getting a GWagon (reserves)
2. It is not armoured
3. We are getting 6 of them (per unit)
4. No specific delivery date yet as I was told we where getting them this Mar 05 but now it is Jan 06
5. CC from the front

1. When and what is the GWagon training composed of (dvr, CC)?
2. Is there any one out there that has had experience with the GWagon in Afghanistan (as a recce veh) and if so, what is the doctrine that is being adopted based on the fact that it is armoured.
3. As a Troop Leader, what is the comms package that will come with the GWagons (reserves)? Will they be fully TCCCS'd and double banked comms? Will the radios be made avail to reserves?
4. What about surveillance eqpt? Is there any new or are we sticking with NVGs and NODLRs?

Well, that should keep someone busy. Cheers!
Trying to answer some questions:
1)  LUVW is a four day course for those already qualified iltis, 9 day course if not.  Right now the weapon system is up in the air. If armed with CASW.ALAWS and C-6 it will be about a ten day package which should be deilvered at the Area Trg Centres.  We anticipate that this summer, the School will conduct our Reserve courses on the LUVW, however that is dependent on trg up the required amount of pers.  CC will for PRes is 2 x 11 day blocks with some DL.
2)  Afghanistan - No experience, note that there was some significant issues with respect to cracks in the florrboards due to high operational tempo and extra weight added with add-on armour.
3)  The LUVW is TCCCS'd however unsure what the entitlement is for the reserves.
4)  Surveillance equipment is not aval even on the C&R variant.  There was some talk of mounting spare TUA sights on to the turret ring or even a NODLR however doing so takes the weapon off the roof.  I'm not sure how far these plans had gone...
More info at http://dglepm.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/dsvpm/luvw/luvw_index_e.htm

It has been several years since I retired from the reserves as a recce crewman and my question is this. does the top come of this thing? It seemes to me there is a lot of glass to reflect sunlight off of.  I'm not saying the iltis was perfect by any means but with the top and superstrucure off it had a low profile and was easy to move in tight brush, and we were able to run circles around american armoured calvery units in M113 and ITV's just because we could "sneek and peak" where they could not.