Mods I feel like there's enough of a tangent going here with fruitful discussion for a split, but I'll leave that to you.
A couple thoughts, now there been some more opinion sharing here:
I completely agree patrol officers should not be showing up to routine calls for service in full battle rattle or whatever you want to call it.
I also have worked with some geardos who seem to think hanging all kinds of stupid crap off themselves is a good look. I hate it.
But there's 7 Mounties dead between Mayerthorpe and Moncton that account for the RCMP introducing hard body armour panels and C8's. All I want is a decent quality patrol uniform that's easier to maintain and easier to hide in if I need it (blue shirts and stripeless pants), and the ability to put on good quality PPE if the time comes (and it does regularly, where I work) when we're no longer Constable Do-Good the friendly neighbourhood Mountie, and the expectation of the public becomes we should close with and capture or kill that threat. It happens. More than we let on. Luckily for us, we're pretty good at taking people alive.
The public has been very critical of the RCMP in Nova Scotia's inability to flip that switch.
As far as public vs the police, it has absolutely become contentious. I've been patrol since 2017, and in that time I've seen George Floyd, the Jan 6th Capital incident, the trucker protest, COVID, the Nova Scotia massacre, on and on and on. The public's trust in their institutions, the police included and I would argue specifically, has never been lower.
I now go to calls where even though the person being arrested has tried to fight half the witnesses, they're all toying with obstructing us, filming us, getting in our faces and otherwise being obnoxious. When I started, we would be cheered and applauded as we led the drunk idiot away from the bar for his stupid tax and night in cells. Now? It's perfectly fine to f*** with the Police, it's just sticking it to "the man".
I don't really have an answer for all that, just my observations on the topic from my own experience. I'm not nor will I ever be ERT so I won't touch on them being green or Multicam depending on where they are. But if the public starts making ludicrous demands like wear a clown suit to work, wear no PPE and/or do this job unarmed, I'm out. I've had one foot out the door of this job for a couple years waiting for the breaking point. I've stepped back quite far away from that ledge as things in my own career have developed, but those would all be deal breakers.