MilEME09 Veteran
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CanadianTire said:When our unit first started sending guys on the very first Pioneer courses run out of Gagetown there was some talk around Pioneer platoon members/people who wanted the course needing to be available for three weeks for Maple Resolve (I believe) as the idea was to provide a Pioneer section to augment the reg force on exercise. I believe we were able to send sufficient guys for the first go and the feedback was not good - on both sides. The reg force had the idea we wouldn't know what we were doing and therefore didn't utilize the guys we sent in the role they were supposed to be fulfilling. From our side, the complaint was that the reg force didn't take us seriously and didn't provide any way for the guys to use their skills resulting in our Pioneers being under utilized and poorly employed. I think after that the "requirement" of being available for three weeks (if it even was a requirement) was dropped and opportunities to go on Maple Resolve were provided but not encouraged.
That and concerns over low numbers for the course because not everyone can commit to the three weeks, so they just wouldn't bother with the course, and the topic of our Pioneers augmenting the reg force hasn't come up for awhile.
We see this in service battalion all the time, especially on the tech side, We show up, Reg Force doesn't trust our technical ability due to lack of experience so they find more "suitable" roles for the people we send. Members then come back complaining, it got so bad at one point that our CoC authorized that since it was our unit paying for us to go, if we were not being employed in the promised/stated role, we could pack up, clear out and leave. We paying for people to be employed in trade, not as GD or other non trade related tasks for an entire exercise.