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Army or Navy? - A Merged Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter dave_conolly
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airmich said:
861 Cook is known as a "purple" trade.  What this means is that no matter what colour uniform you wear, you can serve in any of the 3 elements.  So even if you pick Army, your chances of serving at sea on a ship are great.  Also, be aware, that you can make your preference known, but there is also a good chance that you will be told which element you will be going to.

The fella is joining the reserves - though the trade can work in all three elements, as a class A reservist, he'll either be working out of a field kitchen or a galley.

Army - most service battalions have a kitchen where you will have the oportunity to train BUT, the challenge is working out of a field kitchen & creating something out of nothing.... the something preferably being edible.

Navy - most stone frigates have their own galley where you will have the oportunity to train BUT, the challenge is working out of a ship's galley that is tossing and turning while you try to prepare something - the something preferably being edible.
I'm not putting anything or anybody down,
I'll stick with what ever "elements" I'm asked to do.
thanks for all the feedback .

private_nobody_yet said:
I was referring to this post:

private_nobody_yet: your profile doesn't say where you are at.  Since you are trying to decide between army and navy,
I would assume that there is both available in your location? 

Pardon me but your comment is rather undesirable...

Thank you.

I realize the post that you were referring to and the answer that you gave to it as to your location.  However, my response "and..?" was in question to the fact that you had made up your mind.  You started off this thread with a situation army vs navy and now you've come up with a decision.  I am sure that there are some out there that would like to know the outcome of your decision and how you came to it.  It could prove helpful and answer other peoples questions if they find themselves in the same position.  I don't see at all how that made my comment "undesirable".
CDN Aviator said:
If hes going reserves, he pretty much gets to pick his unit and thus his uniform.


ALL the action is not on the ground.  Indeed the fighting part that you see on TV is certainly on the ground, the Navy and AF have their own operations elsewhere in the world.

Correct but those Operations have never seen Combat.... by  Action I'm guessing he means Combat. 

the Navy while not seemingly actively engaged the way the army is in Afghanistan is doing a fair share of work. while the HMCS Ottawa was in the gulf therewas numberous boardings and  did a rescue of 10 sailors as there ship sank beneath them.
axeman said:
the Navy while not seemingly actively engaged the way the army is in Afghanistan is doing a fair share of work. while the HMCS Ottawa was in the gulf therewas numberous boardings and  did a rescue of 10 sailors as there ship sank beneath them.

I would never take away from the great things the Navy and Army do for us.
TheHead said:
Correct but those Operations have never seen Combat.... 

Were you on any of them ?

If your answer is "no" then i have to ask .....how would you know ?
Common Knowledge.....    It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know the Canadian AirForce as an entity does not do any combat in Afghanistan.  They do great things there don't get me wrong.
Personally I have no idea what the AF is doing over there.  However if they are involved in any sort of tactical resupply missions to various positions wouldn't that be considered a combat mission?  Or does the loadie have to take out some Hadji with an apple from his box lunch, to be considered involved in combat?

TheHead said:
Common Knowledge.....    It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know the Canadian AirForce as an entity does not do any combat in Afghanistan.  They do great things there don't get me wrong.

So of course, since its common Knowledge, an infantry corporal such as yourself gets told absolutely everything right ?

What do you think "combat" involves for Tactical airlift crews ?

And who said it had to involve Afghanistan ?

Could there not be other things going on in the world ?
He jumps and shoots from the center line and WHOOSH    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  it goes in nothing but net 3 points
CDN Aviator said:
So of course, since its common Knowledge, an infantry corporal such as yourself gets told absolutely everything right ?

What do you think "combat" involves for Tactical airlift crews ?

And who said it had to involve Afghanistan ?

Could there not be other things going on in the world ?

Well CDN Aviator educate me than.  When is the last time the Airforce engaged an Enemy combatant? 
TheHead said:
Well CDN Aviator educate me than.  When is the last time the Airforce engaged an Enemy combatant? 

I'm sure there are many answers to that question, but one word comes to mind right away....OPSEC!
TheHead said:
Well CDN Aviator educate me than.  When is the last time the Airforce engaged an Enemy combatant?   

I have no idea......they dont tell me everything either.  And if i knew and it hadnt been on the pages of the maple leaf or on TV, do you honestly think i would say it here ? The last time that i KNOW of was 1999 over Kosovo and Serbia.....You might remember that.

Now.....as i asked before :

CDN Aviator said:
So of course, since its common Knowledge, an infantry corporal such as yourself gets told absolutely everything right ?

So, do your bosses tell you things that are well above you pay grade and outside of your need to know ?

What do you think "combat" involves for Tactical airlift crews ?

You still havent answered that one.......I'm waiting. TAL aircrews are doing low-level para-drops in order to supply you guys on the ground.  If it involves having to turn on things like CMDS, DEWS, MAWS and DIRCM, i would certainly call it combat.

And who said it had to involve Afghanistan ?

Your prespective reflects your rank and experience. Afghanistan is a major portion of what is consuming the CF but it is hardly all that is going on. I have never been over there, yet i remain extreamly busy.

So Mr. TheHead........
TheHead said:
Well CDN Aviator educate me than.  When is the last time the Airforce engaged an Enemy combatant?   

From firsthand experience, I can confirm the Candian air force has engaged the enemy, has brought the army to the enemy, has brought the army from the enemy, and has brought the army mission essential kit to ensure the conflict can continue.
So, do your bosses tell you things that are well above you pay grade and outside of your need to know ?

No of course not I would never expect them too.  I would though like to be more informed on in the NAVY and Airforce are engaging the enemy.

You still havent answered that one.......I'm waiting. TAL aircrews are doing low-level para-drops in order to supply you guys on the ground.  If it involves having to turn on things like CMDS, DEWS, MAWS and DIRCM, i would certainly call it combat.

Flying into a combat zone doesn't mean you're "In Combat".  If I go on Combat Operations but never shoot my weapon or get shot at am I  "In Combat".  No....
Are TAL Aircrews doing low-level para-drops to supply Combat Arms troops?  Because during my ROTO they never did ONCE.  It was all flown in from American Chinooks.

Your prespective reflects your rank and experience. Afghanistan is a major portion of what is consuming the CF but it is hardly all that is going on. I have never been over there, yet i remain extreamly busy.

My rank and experience have nothing too do with this, I have experienced more in 4 years in the army than some do in 20 years. 

And if i knew and it hadnt been on the pages of the maple leaf or on TV, do you honestly think i would say it here ?

Why wouldn't you unless it was OPSEC?  A lot of the firefights I was involved in were never reported on TV/Maple Leaf or were pushed to the back pages.

From firsthand experience, I can confirm the Candian air force has engaged the enemy, has brought the army to the enemy, has brought the army from the enemy, and has brought the army mission essential kit to ensure the conflict can continue.

Quite possibly things may have changed from my tour.  On my tour the AirForce flew us into KAF and flew us out.  We were always dropped in by American Chinook or American Blackhawk.
Shamrock when did they engage the enemy?  I know they have I know about Kosovo but when in recent history have they?

I'm not belittling the Airforce at all they do amazing things please inform me of this though if I'm wrong.
TheHead said:
Flying into a combat zone doesn't mean you're "In Combat".  If I go on Combat Operations but never shoot my weapon or get shot at am I  "In Combat".  No....

It looks as though the main problem here is a differing definition for the term "in combat".
TheHead said:
So, do your bosses tell you things that are well above you pay grade and outside of your need to know ?

No of course not I would never expect them too.  I would though like to be more informed on in the NAVY and Airforce are engaging the enemy.

You still havent answered that one.......I'm waiting. TAL aircrews are doing low-level para-drops in order to supply you guys on the ground.  If it involves having to turn on things like CMDS, DEWS, MAWS and DIRCM, i would certainly call it combat.

Flying into a combat zone doesn't mean you're "In Combat".  If I go on Combat Operations but never shoot my weapon or get shot at am I  "In Combat".  No....
Are TAL Aircrews doing low-level para-drops to supply Combat Arms troops?  Because during my ROTO they never did ONCE.  It was all flown in from American Chinooks.

Your prespective reflects your rank and experience. Afghanistan is a major portion of what is consuming the CF but it is hardly all that is going on. I have never been over there, yet i remain extreamly busy.

My rank and experience have nothing too do with this, I have experienced more in 4 years in the army than some do in 20 years. 

And if i knew and it hadnt been on the pages of the maple leaf or on TV, do you honestly think i would say it here ?

Why wouldn't you unless it was OPSEC?  A lot of the firefights I was involved in were never reported on TV/Maple Leaf or were pushed to the back pages.

From firsthand experience, I can confirm the Candian air force has engaged the enemy, has brought the army to the enemy, has brought the army from the enemy, and has brought the army mission essential kit to ensure the conflict can continue.

Quite possibly things may have changed from my tour.   On my tour the AirForce flew us into KAF and flew us out.  We were always dropped in by American Chinook or American Blackhawk.
Shamrock when did they engage the enemy?  I know they have I know about Kosovo but when in recent history have they?

I'm not belittling the Airforce at all they do amazing things please inform me of this though if I'm wrong.

Ok your profile stats ROTO 1 maybe you should talk to the guys from ROTO 2-4 they might be able to shed some more light on what the Navy and Air Force are doing now.

My 2 cents worth, take them for what they are worth.
Nfld Sapper said:
My 2 cents worth, take them for what they are worth.

With the rate of the dollar now...  ;)

Maybe we should change the title of this thread.  Navy vs Army vs Air Force.  Stayed tuned for the next round to see who is eliminated!  :D