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Army Mess dress in the Navy?

geo said:
Ummm... those are the two working suits the swabbies will wear in winter
paint the navy dress uniform white in summer

pics does not include "mess dress" which Officers (will) and Sr NCOs (may) wear

geo (Joe?)- that was directed at our resident defence lawyer, who I am quite sure couldn't give a rats ass about mess dress just yet- maybe later!! I don't think I have ever seen an NCO mess dress in the Navy, but I am sure there are several colorful bow tied variants.   
Squadron CO said:
Well, the "universal" mess dress is still the on worn by the Air Force (less the collar badges...)

Actually the "Universal" kit is double breasted similar to the Navy.  Though similar to the Air Force Mess Kit, it is totally different.
whiskey601 said:
geo (Joe?)- that was directed at our resident defence lawyer, who I am quite sure couldn't give a rats *** about mess dress just yet- maybe later!! I don't think I have ever seen an NCO mess dress in the Navy, but I am sure there are several colorful bow tied variants.    
NCO mess dress in navy will be 100% same as for the Officers (excl flashy gold braid)
NOC's have penchant for manly rank badges (coat of arms/crowns & wreaths and the like)

(BTW - Geo is for George.... just don't want to confuse with George Wallace and the other Georges out there :))
We wear the same mess kit as officers.  The exception to the pattern is that the gold stripe on the trouser may be worn by officers and CPO1's only.
banksant said:
If you transfer over to the Navy from the Army, can you still wear your army mess dress to Navy mess functions?

Well, it's just got to be said - - yes, you can wear your Army Mess Kit. You will be considered a social climber, however, because while the Navy claims to be the "senior service," the Army is obviously "superior."

Note that even in the link that Whiskey601 posted of the Navy uniform, the naval officer is wearing jump wings - - not a dive badge, or submariners' dolphins. Clearly, he wished to be thought of as having some affiliation with the Army.

In sum, zoomies, humans don't have wings; swabbies, notice we have no gills. We live on land. Army is the superior service. Thus, wearing Army Mess Kit at a Navy function will probably find you surrounded by admirers, buying you drinks.

I could be mistaken or biased, of course.  ;D
Well, if Army is superior, you will need to define that term (superior) considering that more than half of all disciplinary actions taken against CF members or criminal offences perpetrated by CF members are NCM from the Army...

...can't wait for that definition of superior...probably not in military law !  ;D ;D ;D :cdn: :salute:
silverbach said:
Well, if Army is superior, you will need to define that term (superior) considering that more than half of all disciplinary actions taken against CF members or criminal offences perpetrated by CF members are NCM from the Army...

...can't wait for that definition of superior...probably not in military law !  ;D ;D ;D :cdn: :salute:

Ladies and Gents,

A fine example of a civvy trying to "fit in" and shoving his foot into his mouth, as an NCM from the army shoves their foot in his as......I will stop. hopefully others will as well....

Get the hint Matlock? 



You know, graduate students in sociology would have a ball in here reading these threads...I know I do, especially when some of these fine replies are coming from some members of the directing staff.

I would be very interested in knowing what drives a member of the directing staff to write in this manner. I wonder what does it do to one’s ego to blast other people in these forums.

Well, Sergeant, before making statements about my foot and my mouth, may be you should take a long, hard look at the last annual report from Major-General Jerry S.T. Pitzul, JAG...and you will find out that between you and me, you’re the one shooting yourself in the foot !

I would have tought that officers just as well as NCM from the CF would take their responsabilities and not behave in a manner which would indicate forms of discrimination with regards to non-military members of army.ca.

What kind of image of the CF do you think you are presenting to the civilians in here ? Is this your idea of Superiority, Sergeant ?
Silverbach, you're not winning anything here.  I suggest you go take your "Annual Report" and wait until you're actually in a position of authority, before telling the 48th that he represents the CF badly.  Books are one thing, experience is another.

Tess is possibly one of the greatest men I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Being DS doesn't mean we aren't allowed to voice our opinions.

Judging from the tone of your previous post, I believe being told to shove it would be a nice answer.
Well "Sir",

What Authority do you have, as a poster, and a Civilian that wants to take a dig at NCM's?  Did you feel offended that I would use smileys, as you did to lighten up the attack?  

My what a fine analyst you are in finding out that I was a Sgt. Lucky how you pointed out that I am a directing staff acting childish.....sense the fact that there are some that see you are also trolling the site for a punch up?

You want to be Jag eh?  Nice to see that you would be willing to represent all...



directing staff...Sgt....someone that sees through your veil...

cheers Kyle!! ;)

Gents, I'm locking this one for the night; to your corners please.


Reopened 1935 hrs 9 jan.

Keep it clean gentlemen.
Journeyman said:
I could be mistaken or biased, of course.   ;D

[Peering cautiously out from the rubble....]
Well, I certainly didn't see THAT thread hijacking coming.  :o

As way of explanation, my initial post was intended as what we call  h u m o u r.  Now, clearly one cannot very well explain comedy. Start your research with the stumpy Lieutenant in "Good Morning Vietnam."

I was then going to suggest, for any self-important grad students (or even grad student wannabes) out there, having a look at the verbal spanking Matt Damon's character gave to the pompous grad student in the bar scene from "Good Will Hunting," but Michael re-opened this thread with a caution about playing nice......so I won't    ;)

To bring the thread back on topic....yes, you can wear your Army Mess Kit in the Navy. You may take some ribbing about it, but I can't imagine anyone who's a member of Army.ca being overly sensitive, so it shouldn't be any problem.
Hey, wearing Scarlet Mess Kit as I was waiting for my lady @ Ritz Carlton in Montreal; Yank client of the hotel wanted me to get him a cab & look after his luggage.

He figured out I didn't work for the hotel after I loaded up his luggage onto a cart that was headed up the hotel's elevetor.
geo said:
Hey, wearing Scarlet Mess Kit as I was waiting for my lady @ Ritz Carlton in Montreal; Yank client of the hotel wanted me to get him a cab & look after his luggage.

He figured out I didn't work for the hotel after I loaded up his luggage onto a cart that was headed up the hotel's elevetor.

He he yep...I once got asked what time my bus departed for Hope in the Vancouver Airport...back in the days when we were all in the Jolly Green Giant suit....

Back to the topic...Mess Dress...may be purchased by all ranks....the bandsmen and women all have it if they play in quartets etc. Senior NCOs I've seen lots of them in it too, especially if they work in Ottawa or Borden.
For most NCMs it's a waste of money (Army Scarlet doeskin is in excess of $900 CDN...Navy even more).
Officers must purchase it within a year of their commissioning. If you re-classify you are entitled to wear your mess dress that you originally bought...I still know a few Navy and Army Guys who were in before 84 who wear the midnight blue one (cause they are too cheap to buy their elemental one lol)
I served with a Dragoon in Pet in the early nineties who still had his navy mess kit that he bought prior to reclassifying to Armoured.
For Officers they wear it roughly 5-10 times a year depending on what unit or base they are on. I've been posted to Halifax since July of 05 and have worn it twice...maybe one more time this spring. A lot of the functions now are not compulsory as they were when I first joined...so really you can get away for years without wearing it.....and funny thing is when you leave it in the closet too long it shrinks!!! Go figure! (or is that Gone figure?)  :o
well, my 1st unit's mess kit was somewhat of a "one of" thing. Patterned after a Brit unit's 1920's design... and this one was made out of Barathea.

When I moved to the CME, had the messkit modified for the right facings, etc.... end result is that I still wear Barathea .... and it's a lot cooler to wear than the Doeskin....
also doesn't cost the same dough (pun)....
geo said:
well, my 1st unit's mess kit was somewhat of a "one of" thing. Patterned after a Brit unit's 1920's design... and this one was made out of Barathea.

When I moved to the CME, had the messkit modified for the right facings, etc.... end result is that I still wear Barathea .... and it's a lot cooler to wear than the Doeskin....
also doesn't cost the same dough (pun)....

I'm with you mate...barathea all the way.....and I got the white jacket when I was in Cyprus so I don't cook in the summer (at 40 pounds it was a bargain).
40pounds?.... you look heavier than that!
geo said:
40pounds?.... you look heavier than that!

Whoa is me! yes unfortunately it's true!! Middle Age spread has done come and done it's worst  :'(