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Lenght of time in Forces does not make you an expert and does not equal experiance.

Maybe not. However, it does allow for learning how to spell and the use of proper grammar. ;) ;D
Kiwi99 said:
No, I just wanted to make a quick dig at the CF recruiting ads, as brutal as they are.  Thanks for the prompt reply, and it actually cleard things up a bit.

Kiwi out

Crap, and here I thought that I was part of the modern Armed Forces.


This is a site owned by Mr. Bobbitt, and moderated by volunteers. Keep that in mind lest I volunteer you for the job. Simply put, if the asshats would smarten up their acts the site would be a whole lot less moderated.

There are hundreds of threads running with differing opinions noted in them, and discussed rationally. If you want to post something like you have below to get us going, you are part of the problem; not the solution.

I'm a pretty fair girl, usually; but I don't take kindly to posts that serve no reason other than to piss people off. Trying to take a dig at recruiting my ass. I may be dumb, but I sure ain't stupid. You managed to get your .02 cents in. I hope you're happy.
I think you missed the intent there with the recruiting ads comment.  Not a dig, but a comparison for what a website offers.  Take it as you will, but jumping to conclusions that I intended to piss people off is...come on.  This website offers viewers to comment on performance and capability of the site. If there is a problem there is a forum for people to make suggestions. Whereas, if I thought the recruiting ads were lame  I have no forum to say so.  It is a comparison that gives credit to your site, not to make a dig at anyone. Like I said, people take things differently.  If this is the response somebody gets for giving compliments, there is little wonder that there are so few of them here.
Kiwi99 said:
I think you missed the intent there with the recruiting ads comment.  Not a dig, but a comparison for what a website offers.  Take it as you will, but jumping to conclusions that I intended to piss people off is...come on.  This website offers viewers to comment on performance and capability of the site. If there is a problem there is a forum for people to make suggestions. Whereas, if I thought the recruiting ads were lame  I have no forum to say so.  It is a comparison that gives credit to your site, not to make a dig at anyone. Like I said, people take things differently.  If this is the response somebody gets for giving compliments, there is little wonder that there are so few of them here.

Kiwi99 said:
Like I said at the start of this post, a great site and a useful resource.  Just reign in some of these Directing Staff, or recruit more people from the modern armed forces to be Directing Staff as well.  That would at least give two sided to discussion; a historical one and a new age one.

Great site, keep up the good work

Okay folks,

Now I am really confused, Kiwi99 are you talking about the ds at army.gc.ca or the staff here??

Sorry, for the highjack.


I am referring to your original post, regarding reigning in staff, and recruiting from the new army.

What do you mean?


oh...I see....

'Kay....still wondering what you meant by the comment...All clear now, like the water on the mattawa plains...



On the government website I personally would like to see more information on reserve training and application process. More on recce (because all I see is just heavy armour), and more information on smaller units (like the 1st Hussar).
To R.O.S.

It is my job to report on 31,32 and 33 brigades plus all the regular force units outside of the Petawawa, Ottawa area. I would love to get more unit stories out including 1H, but trying to get training calendars or to have people let me know when their units are doing something interesting is like pulling teeth.  We usually find our stories by talking to people when we are out on jobs and then follow up from there. We will be going along with the troops on Op Narwhal which will involve soldiers from all 3 brigades so hopfully this will lead to more stories once we get back from the north. If you have any friends in the London area that are in Reserves (or Regulars) get them to get in touch with me and we will certainly come and cover the unit events. Here is a link to one of our stories involving 4RCR, E and K Scottish and 31Combat Engineers  http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1_1_1.asp?id=1638

Tim, first of all I would like to say that I think the website is well laid out and easy to navigate. It's also pretty easy on the eyes which is nice.

Some of the things I would like to see improved on or changed would be the equipment pages. A lot of the descriptions are pretty vague, bland and need to be changed. For example, the blurb for the C7A1 is "The C7A1 is a soldier's best friend." No complaints there, but i think it needs a bit more info than that. Not just that, but the A1 is in the process of being phased out in favour of the A2.. some mention of the C7A2  and C8A2 is probably a good idea. Off the top of my head, there's also no heading for the new Medium-Range sniper rifle (C14 i think is the new designation.. i could be very wrong on that.) which is going to replace the C3A1. In general, I think a little more attention needs to be paid towards keeping up to date with new kit and equipment in the CF, as well as taking the time to remove items no longer in service (The M109s are in the "Out of Service" heading, but the GDF-005 35mm guns are not, for example).

I also would like to see descriptions that are more mature and professional in tone. The blurb for the Eryx made me laugh, but it's not what I think is appropriate:

Ever hear of the big bang theory? The Army's theory is that when ERYX goes 'bang', hostile tanks get destroyed! This weapon is used at short ranges and is capable of destroying virtually any modern tank on the battlefield.

Just a little silly, says I :P

My 0.02. Cheers,