c_canuk said:
If CST is still being trained in datacomms, it's an overlap, because datacomms is in the IST DP 1.1.
This frustrates me because for the life of me I can't figure out why it's still an CST Job.
From what I understand CST was supposed to be the portion of LCIS that was hard LCIS that required POET etc and was hardware centric, while IST was supposed to be a splitting off of the IT Infrastructure Firmware/Software.
Programming a switch or router, setting up a server etc seems to me to be the bread and butter of ISTs TP.
The only reason I can see that ISTs aren't doing this job more often because the IST sub occ is too new, so the LCIS incumbents that are now CSTs are still in those positions. That, and incumbents are claiming this it is a CST only job.
It's my opinion that if it doesn't involve troubleshooting/repair/engineering hardware, it's not a CST job.
The sensible breakdown of AORs as I see it goes
LCT - Transmission Medium from point to point, terminating connections, DVOs, power?,
ACISS - Setup and Operate End point equipment, basic operator troubleshooting, forwarding N/S Kit for repair/replace.
CST - Equipment Troubleshooting/Repair/Engineering, TCIs, EMSEC
IST - Network Backbone - switches, routers, servers, tunneling, data crypto?
If ISTs don't look after switches, routers, servers, what the hell are we for then?
I do know several ISTs that are indeed programming switches and routers, I met them on my DP2.1 Delta trg last year.
If the powers that be want IST to survive, we'd better get an IST wiseman to stand up and define our AOR soonish.
So, from my experience at two completely different units (1 Sigs, CFJSR) and two very different operations (OP ATHENA, OP IMPACT) never mind the various international ex's and other things I've done, I've barely seen CST's do a whole lot of programming switches and routers. Or touching servers... Or doing anything in an IST way for that matter. In 2008, we had a 'Connectivity' tech who was a QL5 Qualified LCIS in 1 Sigs who did actually do a lot of programming. One. Guy. Then he was posted in end of 2008 I believe. Since then, there were no LCIS in C Tp, it was all "Sig Ops" manning all the routers, switches, servers, you name it. We deployed to OP ATHENA 2011... Again, mid-switch from Sig Op to ACISS-IST. Once again, all Sig Ops running the networks and servers.
Fast forward 2013 I'm posted to CFJSR... Not a single LCIS tech giving a f$ck except one exceptional MCpl I deployed to Cyprus with who really knew his networking. One. Guy. Again... Fast forward a little more to the present OP IMPACT... We have a few (2-3) ACISS-CST whom work here... Doing very very traditional LCIS roles. Fixing, tagging and bagging NS kit, working a national rear-link sat and... Well... Doing that stuff! They do tinker a little with some networking. Who is running the deployed networks and servers? ACISS-IST.
All the front line field units I've dealt with from 2008-now have all been guys whom were Sig Ops at the time or are now ACISS-IST running networks and serves. I think maybe the time period before me LCIS used to do more of our type of job.
Also just finished the last (literally) serial of Data Comms before I came here. 1/2 the class of 12 was ATIS & ACISS-CST, other half was ACISS-IST. They course staff advised us this was the very very last serial and wasn't even supposed to run, as all the relevant portions of Data Comms have been pushed to ACISS-IST 1.1 and ATIS QL5.
Point being: ACISS-CST aren't supposed to be doing networking anymore. Not unless specifically required by their individual position. I think over the past couple years someone wised up and realized they were sleeping too long in the back of the LCIS shop while everyone watched satellite TV and now they noticed they gave away too much of their jobs. Our own ACISS-CST in CFJSR joke that they have become the "GD Tp" because they don't have anything better to do usually.
I don't know what people's experience has been in places like CFNOC, ANOC / other positions in Ottawa but I know quite a few ACISS-IST's that are manning national service desks, critical networks and nobody knows where CST's are or what they do anymore.
We also now (brand new) have a 4th wiseman. CFJSR has made a position for a WO ACISS-IST to be the fabled 4th wiseman! So, FOS, CCO and LCF + ... I don't know what the new acronym is... IST guy! From MY limited perspective it appears that ACISS-CST has been almost obsoleted, more so than a lot of people thought ACISS-Core even would be. They do a whole lot of setting up camp and tearing it down god-bless, but they're 1/2 obsolete but I think radios will always be around so they have a saving grace.
Lastly, ACISS-ISTs also now get a 'tech stamp' to inspect information systems related equipment and tag it as they feel appropriate. Big changes folks! Massive... If I have time (Hahaha!) I'll try and dig up the job specification from DIN and paste it here. It literally breaks down what each sub-occ is supposed to do.
I want to meet these LCIS guys who are doing IST jobs! We have some that switched from legacy LCIS- ACISS-IST!