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Army.ca Subscriptions Now Available

I agree with GAP. I have it on very good authority that Mike Bobbitt hated to make a public appeal yesterday, but he realized that it was coming down to either that or scaling things back on the web hosting services, and he didn't want to end up doing that.

We all use this "free" service, but Mike Bobbit pays for it in time, obviously, but also out of his pocket. Some of us, the hard working and long suffering moderators, help with some of the work but we can all help with the money.
After being a member of this site for nearly 7 years and 35% of my life I have decided that it was time to subscribe.

Thanks Mike!
Just a thought on this:

Hi everyone, my name is Hammer Sandwich, and I'm an "army.ca"-a-holic....
I had been frequenting the site for awhile, (recreationally)....enjoying it...getting great info, and great laughs.

I ended up tacking army.ca to my "favourites" bar.
Kept reading, kept enjoying....visited a little more each day....

Once it got to the point where I ended up checking army.ca before my email, I knew I had a problem..

In all seriousness, this site is the tits, but the features that the regular site offers are ridiculous, and a subscription only increases the awesome.

Embrace the awesome.
You can count on another renewal from me as well.  Just a completely awsome site.  Thank you.
Thanks to everyone who supported the site through subscriptions and donations. We are now firmly back on track and I am even able to give humble beginnings to a project which was on the back burner. I really appreciate the help and it was encouraging to see some new faces amongst the usual group of supporters. :)

A quick update here. First off, thanks to all our continued supporters. We literally could not do this without your help!

Over the last week or so I've been squeezing the finances and trying to make sure we don't fall short. I was on the verge of putting out another call when we landed another advertiser, so we are in the black for Dec now. :) Please take a moment to check into our advertisers if you see an ad that piques your interest. Likewise, if you know of a local business, kit shop, retailer, etc. that could benefit from advertising to our military audience here, please direct them to http://Army.ca/ads. Our prices are very reasonable and (as we have found out this month) sometimes advertisers can make the difference!


I just dropped off a cheque for $100 in the mailbox [didn't want to post this until I did as I wouldn't want to find it in my car 4 months later again :facepalm:] so just add that to my subscription.

I miss your crappy beer..................

I just been asking my contacts if they are interested in the ad program. Watch and shoot.
Thanks Bruce, it's much appreciated, as always. If you think you miss my crappy beer, you should taste the stuff available to me now. You would weep tears of barley and hops, it is truly amazing.

TN I appreciate your support and getting the word out. I recognize that I do a crappy job of marketing this place so word of mouth is invaluable.

Thanks guys!
Folks, a quick reminder that orders placed now will still arrive before Christmas, if you're looking for a gift for that special someone. :) If you want to pick up a subscription as a gift, just PM me and I will set it up. In the mean time, there are still a good selection of Army.ca t-shirts available at the store.

I'm pushing this in part because we have lost a few subscribers in the last month or so, in part because our coffers are getting bare (we have enough to cover expenses through Jan, so it is not an emergency) and in part because our backup server* died yesterday. So, if you're on the fence about some Army.ca swag or have been thinking about supporting the site through a subscription (which gets you swag anyway) now is a good time. :)

Not sure if a subscription is a good value for you? Check out the official Time You Have Wasted at Army.ca page and see how much a subscription would cost per hour spent here. :)

Thanks and Merry Christmas all!

* That's where the site data is backed up, and it acts as our warm standby in case something bad happens to the primary server.
Thanks for the generous donations, subscriptions and support, we are well on our way to replacing the backup server! I did note (as always) that there were a lot of the same faces stepping up. Here's hoping we can 'hook' a few new subscribers as well. :)

Just a quick note to say 'thanks' to all our existing subscribers out there. We've had a few recent renewals and that support has been instrumental in keeping the lights on.

Kudos to you guys!

I couldn't find any info on search, but I recently changed credit card companies. Seeing as I am super lazy and forgetful, how can I update my info so my subscription keeps automatically renewing?
It's all done via PayPal, so if your info is current there, it's all set.

Figured I had more then received my money's worth for this site. Subscription sent via e-mail transfer.