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Army.ca Meeting & Greeting in Toronto

Sorry last day of the month is uber busy at work for me, and I have to runa round at lunch for house closing. Doubt I'll have time.
Well, my super-duper-uber busy day of leave might make it difficult for me too, but I'll add it to my list of things-to-do..... ;D
So let's see if I have this right.

The Beer Street Pub
729 Danforth Ave.- East of Pape on the south side.
1900 hrs

Is this correct?
Table is booked.

  I booked it for 12 people and plans are for drinks not dinner.  If anything changes please PM me by 1700 tomorrow so I can make the changes.  You can ask for the Army.ca reservation or the reservation for Craig Jacob
I likely won't get out there until 21:30 - 22:00. Keep me posted via text/phone messages if you change location

I'll just keep my ears open for the rowdy drunks :D

I tried but I was told that the patio only has a capacity for 4 people so they couldn't help us there.  If there are any smokers they have a smoking area outside set up for you.
TMM: Will do.  PM inbound with my cell so you can stay in touch too.

A patio for four?  That's hilarious.  Oh well, thanks for checking into it though.
Good job Jacob thanks. naturally it turns out to be really slow today here ( hence my killing time on the site now 8)). That will change though I'm sure.

With the weather the way it is patio seems redundant now anyway, although if it gets better tonight we can move west to say Allens and leave a rear party to direct stragglers.
Sorry I wont be able to make it....

Due to an Unexpected Financial issue.. (stupid Car  >:()  I dont have the money available to come out!   

Maybe next time guys. Hope everyone has fun!
Hey all,

As I said earlier, I was at some work meetings and such, had to go to dinner with some customers and a vendor.  Was home by 10.  :(

As much as I wanted to show up things just were not in the works.  Got the mesages, hope you all had a drink with me in mind...better have been a Drambuie James!



Hello everyone,

    Well I had fun,  it was nice to meet everyone - finally in person.  It was great to communicate without the use of a spell check - although a few times I weanted to use the scroll up feature when I realised I missed out on a good story ;-)  Oh well.  Yes there were multiple cameras - I think I managed to blink every single picture -and I think most people found the place okay (despite being named something else now.)    I took my leave at around 10:30 when there was talk of starting the crawl.  (I got home safe and sound 30 minutes later - yay for shortcuts through dark scary forests.)

    I hope people had as much fun as I did.  I look forward to the next meeting  (now show me the pics)  :-D
I had a good time.

The deception plan worked on a few people - "Beer Street" became "Gabby's" five years ago, but the joint website was not changed. Our waitress was surprised by that. I think that everybody looking for it was eventually rounded up

I wasn't really planning to stay as long as I did. The subway doesn't run long after 0100, but long enough to get me back to my car (barely - I got the second last train to Downsview).
Oh my aching head :-[

Good night all around, when I figure out where in the house I left the camera last night when I staggered in in the wee hours this morning I'll post the mandatory group pic.
Danjanou said:
Oh my aching head :-[

Ah, you didn't drink that much! Or maybe it was listening to chick chatter that caused the headache LOL?

Danjanou said:
I'll post the mandatory group pic.

Please remember to photoshop Eva Longoria's body on to mine! :D

Thanks to all who came out last night. I loved being able to communicate with you lot without typing!

Kudos to Fred and HoM who both had long drives to pop in.

Fred, hope you found your hotel!
