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Army.ca Meeting & Greeting in Toronto

ArmyVern said:

Lurking; lurking within an hours drive ...

Dependant upon the dates (and whether it`s dry or not) I`m in!! I will not be behaving next time.  8)

WELL, if Vern's coming from an hour away ... as long as I'm not working, I'll be there!
;D I live an hour away as well. There is one course I have to confirm the dates, otherwise I will be there.
So with a date, time and place picked out, how many people are interested in attending? At rough count 6, with another 2 maybe.

13 Nov 09
Yellow Griffin Pub
Interested, yes - but still won't be able to confirm until much closer.
I am interested, but that is the first night of the BMQ I am hoping to get into.
Come out anyway. Those other guys won't miss you for just one night.
Holy Necropost, Batman!!

Should be there, subject to weather.


Danjanou said:
Hey I don't mind putting in a day schlumping boxes in exchange for booze and wild game BBQ 8)

Somehow I missed this post...  So how did that work out for you?  Did the boxes hurt you at all?


1.  Schlumper   
A guy who puts something in his a$$ while c**ming on a chick. 


Edit to dial down language.  Forgot what board I was on  ;)
WARNING foul language:
I had to look up the female version of that word:
zipperhead_cop said:
Somehow I missed this post...  So how did that work out for you?  Did the boxes hurt you at all?



Edit to dial down language.  Forgot what board I was on  ;)

Yay. I learned some new words today. Now I have to use them in a conversation tomorrow. Oh joy.

Back to the topic - no cancellation notice yet so I presume that it is still on. I now fully expect to be there.
Nov 13th right?

Ok Remembrance Day Parade East York Nov 11th and drinking after
Remembrance Day Parade Scarborough Nov 8th and drinking after
Legion Veterans Dinner Night Nov 7th and drinking after
Old Sweat’s Lecture at RCMI Nov 12th and drinking after
Meeting friends from Regiment who are in town Nov 9th and guaranteed drinking after

Yup not sure what’s going to kill me first my liver or the Residential Sgt Major when she see this.  :o
I just confirmed the reservation under the name Army.ca It will be held in the upstairs room.

13 Nov 09, starting at 7pm and goes until the fun is over.

I would joke with Danjanou, 'tis the session but it's a month early for that.  ;)
If anyone needs to car pool into TO, drop me a PM and we'll work something out.
Hello everyone, i'm new my name is Matt Green i am currently 16. I was wondering, although it is kinda late to attend, i was wondering if i could come out to the meet-n-great tonight at the pub? I won't drink or anything :P, just got a couple of questions. Please get back to me, thanks.

Sure wish I was 16 again. The M&G is on FRIDAY 13Nov09 from 7PM onwards. It wouldn't bother me if you attend, but others might object and I also don't know if The Yellow Griffin would let you in to licensed premises under aged as you are. You might also wish to clear attendance with your parent(s).


I just called the pub. They will allow you there as long as you do not drink, IAW provincial liquor laws.

You might decide to attend, as all MilNet.ca members are welcome to do so.

Keep in mind, MilNet.ca is not responsible for your actions and does not condone underage drinking.