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Army.ca Meeting & Greeting in Toronto

Well, I did spend some time unpacking last night... did find my camera. I only managed to get 2 photo's that night in the Pub and they did not turn out that great. So.... I was looking forward to seeing what everyone else took (I have been looking for them here for a couple days now) and as for Deep Fried Pepperoni... who would have thought such a thing existed? They were good  ;D and so were those Nachos!

Hi Gang:

Sorry I couldn't make it, I got pretty busted up and stabbed at a bar fight last Thursday. I spent 3 days in hospital with a wound to my kidney, a cracked vertibrate and a major concussion. Just got released from hospital yesterday afternoon.

I'll try to make the next one.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Damn Nausicaans !!!!!!
Actually I think they're Pakistani, or something close to it. Memory's still a little hazy on that.

Dodger1967 said:
Hi Gang:

Sorry I couldn't make it, I got pretty busted up and stabbed at a bar fight last Thursday. I spent 3 days in hospital with a wound to my kidney, a cracked vertibrate and a major concussion. Just got released from hospital yesterday afternoon.

I'll try to make the next one.


Geez Louise,

You okay?  Where did this happen? Pickering?  What bar?

Hope you are doing well Paul.


Dodger1967 said:
Hi Gang:

Sorry I couldn't make it, I got pretty busted up and stabbed at a bar fight last Thursday. I spent 3 days in hospital with a wound to my kidney, a cracked vertibrate and a major concussion. Just got released from hospital yesterday afternoon.

I'll try to make the next one.

:o Wow, feel better man.
Wow, sorry to hear that, Dodger.  Hope you feel better real soon.  No M&G in that bar!!
Dodger1967 said:
Sorry I couldn't make it, I got pretty busted up and stabbed at a bar fight last Thursday.
That TREKKIE uniform will get you in trouble every time!
All kidding aside, glad you're OK
Get better soon!


Not sure 'bout the company you keep, but those that showed at the pub last Sat all went home intact.

Sapper6 said:

Not sure 'bout the company you keep, but those that showed at the pub last Sat all went home intact.

Right, let's get one thing straight. I only associate with honourable people. People with upright morals and high ideals !
I was working security at a bar when I was injured and I, sir, resent what you're implying here. If some socital reject wants to do something to you from behind, you are powerless to stop it ,if you're attention is drawn elsewhere. That's all I have to say in response to your inappropriate comment here.

For those of you who've been kind enough to express well wishes, tahnks.

Dodger1967 said:
.That's all I have to say in response to your inappropriate comment here.

I'm pretty sure he was joking Paul  :o
Hope you're feeling better
PS  Not all who left our pub went home "intact"  ;D
Dodger1967 said:
Right, let's get one thing straight. I only associate with honourable people. People with upright morals and high ideals !
Ahhh....then you may have felt out of place with us...in addition to having failed the humour test  >:D
Journeyman said:
Just what part of you wasn't intact, D??  ;)

I deleted that same question from my response because I was attempting to be a gentleman  ;D

Well, I don't have to worry about that, do I?  ;)
Methinks it may have been her dignity!!  :o  ;)
Journeyman said:
I deleted that same question from my response because I was attempting to be a gentleman   ;D

Why start now JM???  ;) LOL

Sounds like I missed a great time, Still no pics posted though eh,  some of you have aspirations for public office and are afriad the pics could come back to haunt you or what?
Journeyman said:
Ahhh....then you may have felt out of place with us...in addition to having failed the humour test   >:D

Humour test ? Just how humourous do you think getting stabbed in the kidney could be ?

Think you'd find it humourous if it was done to you ?

Anyone who would find this funny, or get sarcastic on this whole thing, should do a tour in Kandahar, to see how funny, getting seriously injured is, because someone wants to kill you really is ! I assure you it's nothing to make light of !

Now for the love of God can we move on to something bordering on decency ?

Thank you.
