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Army.ca Famous in the News...The Star, That Is

I'm totally steamed at this.

Not because they could get me in 'trouble'.

Not because they were 'peeping'.

Not even because the context was suspect.

whiskey601 said:
This is not a closed boad or a closed society. The personal attacks on Mr. Taylor are not appropriate. Take it with a grain of salt and move on. As for issue of the selective use of quotes, whats goes around comes around. We often reproduce articles from the TorStar and proceed to butcher the article based on 1 or more sentences contained in the article. 

Well said indeed.  +1

What kind of journalism is that?

He just cut and paste anything that meets his fancy and collected a paycheck off of it.

But be made the fatal mistake of linking the site.  People with half a mind will click the link, read the thread, and see the guy for the hack that he is.
Quid pro quo.

Information for information, to be used at the individuals discretion. Atleast he credited the website and quoted specific statements instead of paraphrasing recklessly.
I think it's a good reminder that this board is watched and if you don't want to be caught saying something embarrassing don't say it. This is a public forum.

I guess it's a good thing I never posted about  my rash in the medical forum...
Ok, I'm curious. Why is everyone here up in arms over the article? I read it and it didn't come across as offensive.
It wasn't much of an article as the writer mostly quoted people, rather odd that. But aside from that I don't see anything
wrong with it. Or is that what is bothering people?
neko said:
Ok, I'm curious. Why is everyone here up in arms over the article? I read it and it didn't come across as offensive.
It wasn't much of an article as the writer mostly quoted people, rather odd that. But aside from that I don't see anything
wrong with it. Or is that what is bothering people

Knowning someone who was quoted....

he's upset about his quote being taken out of context.
Are we up in arms over it?  More bemused would be more accurate.

As Trinity says: Quotes printed out of context in The Star article.

What is wrong with The Star article?......It is just crappy journalism, pure and simple.
Understood, thanks Trinity, Mr. Wallace. I didn't clue in to the quotes being out of context as I had already read them in the thread, so when I read the article my mind filled in the blanks the writer left. Agreed it was shoddy journalism, I always assumed they were supposed to actually write something. Perhaps his employers have lowered the standards so he can keep up.
Folks, as has already been stated, this should serve as a reminder that Army.ca is not a closed community for private discussion, but is very much in the public eye. The things we say and do here can be quoted, re-used or even taken out of context, and there is little if anything we can do about it... after the fact. Our only option is to choose our words carefully when we first set them down, and by doing so blunt opportunities to misuse them.

I know we wish it wasn't this way, but it is.
I bought the Star on that fateful Saturday, ONLY because I read recognized what it was about. Needless to say I didn't pay for it, my parents did  ;D.
TorStar is like the troll that lives under your stairs. You may not like it, but it's still there.
Once something is posted on the internet it is there for all to see.  Within the intelligence community and journalism it is known as , open source material.  Although the credibility of such material should alwaysd be suspect, it can be collected to show trends or info to support or deny other information.  Blog sites are a common open source of info for police, spy agencies, and activists.  That being said, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. So post away.  However, keep this open source aspect in mind when providing events and location details in the calender portion.  You never know who may be reading and want to attend as univited guests!  :cdn:
This quote tickles my silly bone.

Another adds: "An injured soldier will probably benefit more from his/her injuries via Veterans' Affairs pensions than if they had received the danger pay ... I hate politicians ..."

Because it JUST wasn't complete without the "I hate politicians" on the end.
Well...regardless how anyone feels about the TorStar article, I for one am glad that the issue continues to have visibility and is still being worked over on the original thread.  The welfare of the wounded soldier is something that always seems to drop into a black hole which too infrequently emits an attention-getting photon of information by some sort of bureau-media-cratic quantum radiation.
Another perspective to consider is that by advertising the website they are advertising the Canadian Forces unofficially. People will read the article and go to the link through curiousity or interest and subsequently digest the wealth of information, if they choose to, about recruiting and the forces in general. Maybe by reading these forums they will consider joining the military or have a deeper and more informed respect for it.
Patrick H. said:
Another perspective to consider is that by advertising the website they are advertising the Canadian Forces unofficially. People will read the article and go to the link through curiousity or interest and subsequently digest the wealth of information, if they choose to, about recruiting and the forces in general. Maybe by reading these forums they will consider joining the military or have a deeper and more informed respect for it.

One can only hope.......

Sadly I've notice most canadians seem to be happy living a life of blissfull ignorance and are content to be spoon fed information from the media, and simply accept it at face value....... 