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Army.ca Famous in the News...The Star, That Is


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Well, I opened today's Toronto Star to discover what, exactly? An article about 'bloggers' talking about the wounded danger pay situation. So I read more into it, and why...if it isn't about our own glorious Army.ca, with candid comments from some of our esteemed members. Names ommitted of course...but picking and choosing of coments.

Bloggers fight cyber-war over extra pay for wounded troops
Oct. 8, 2006. 01:00 AM

As news comes of the 40th Canadian soldier to be killed in Afghanistan, other military personnel are in a cyber-fight over whether front-line troops should lose their danger pay if they're wounded badly enough to be sent home.

The blogging debate on the http://www.army.ca website follows last week's story of wounded troops forfeiting more than $2,000 a month in risk and hardship allowances once they're no longer "in theatre."

Gen. Rick Hillier, chief of defence staff, has vowed to find other ways to top up their pay.

Contributors to the blog include both combat and non-combat troops. Many think the existing policy is fine.

"Of course there is a precedent," writes one. "Considering how much the ... Senate gets paid for contributing nothing to the governance of Canada, it's equally logical for the troops not in danger to get danger pay."

Both Hillier and Liberal MP Dan McTeague come under fire. McTeague (Pickering-Scarborough East), whose cousin was hurt in Afghanistan last month, calls the pay policy "deplorable."

"Does the fact that the honourable member's own cousin was wounded mean that he is only now learning of this policy?" asks one blogger.

Another adds: "An injured soldier will probably benefit more from his/her injuries via Veterans' Affairs pensions than if they had received the danger pay ... I hate politicians ..."

A third, signing off with a saluting "smiley face," writes of Hillier: "I was watching Canada AM ... the Boss was awesome. He didn't even wait to hear the end of the question before he made it clear that he was getting it sorted out ... I really hope he gets into politics when he finishes his military career."

Someone else retorts: "He is already playing politics. He knows full well what danger pay is and how it is administered. He could have had something done a long time ago ..."

A soldier argues that if his wound doesn't leave a permanent disability, "I am not going to collect a thing ... I get a shiny wound strip (on my uniform) and that's it."

This prompts a reply: "If you think I want money just 'cause I got wounded ... you can go F yourself. I got hurt saving lives."

Other comments include:

"Danger pay is just that ... It should end on departure from the danger."

"It seems as though the Liberals are trying to imply that the soldiers won't be looked after by the government, which is untrue. This is a case of someone trying to use the wrong tool to fix something."

"Visiting my buddy in Winnipeg who had his legs blown off ... he mentioned how fast he got all his payments."

"It trivializes why the bonuses are in place ... for being deployed to a s***hole and risking your neck. They're called bonuses for a reason and people regarding them as lost income ... are missing the point."

Additional articles by Bill Taylor
This may just serve as a reminder of the fact that yes, the firewalls do have ears...
Perhaps if Bill Taylor follows the discussion, he will have a clearer picture of what is fact, as opposed to fiction.  Then again, he didn't write much about fact, but more on 'attractive' comments that might interest a targeted segment of their readership.  Makes one wonder if we should not just buy the National Enquirer instead?  Is there any real 'journalism' anymore?

::)  Silly me!  Don't answer that.
Just goes to show what passe for integrity, I mean when the CBC did that editing to make PM Harper look uncaring for the Lebanese I was appalled but I never thought I would personally be so hurt by how a "journalist" would take things and cast them in worst possible light.
m410 said:
Remember, the enemy is listening.

I bet the Taliban understood the meaning of the posts!  ;)

I'm sure they do read... I'd prefer them to the media.
Trinity said:
I bet the Taliban understood the meaning of the posts!  ;)

I'm sure they do read... I'd prefer them to the media.
Who said anything about the Taliban?  I was talking about the Star.  ;)
What kind of journalism is that?

He just cut and paste anything that meets his fancy and collected a paycheck off of it.

Well hey, at least we all know that if any of us needs a bit of cash on the side, we can all freelance by rewriting what people say here on army.ca just like the Bill Taylor.
Never Mind,

Di you see how he quoted me...

[quote author=the 48th regulator]


The man is a pure genius in the Journalistic sense.


It's because journalists can never get an 'honest' answer from soldiers in uniform who are bound by the QRO's concerning blasphemizing the government, why they come to army.ca . I think its more because they (journalists) can never get soldiers to say what they want to hear. What  bothers me is that someone stands to make money from my verbal bandwith diarrhea.
career_radio-checker said:
It's because journalists can never get an 'honest' answer from soldiers in uniform who are bound by the QRO's concerning blasphemizing the government, why they come to army.ca . I think its more because they (journalists) can never get soldiers to say what they want to hear. What  bothers me is that someone stands to make money from my verbal bandwith diarrhea.

At leaste he is smart in making money from it, I just have to watch it for free...In fact I have to pay Mike to read it... :-*



One thing the article did accomplish is driving more potential members to this site. ;)
tomahawk6 said:
One thing the article did accomplish is driving more potential members to this site. ;)


However, I am already wound up, and I am tired of Modding too much....


It is alright tess......nothing a wee dram won't fix......or perhaps two.....maybe three......just take the bottle.

At least 24 newbies today.  Some have even read the Rules of Conduct, but then they aren't the problem.  It is those who have to start new topics on such things as "I have a few questions".    ::)

Think I'll uncork a bottle myself.
Another couple articles and you mods will need your own AA chat group.  :-*
tomahawk6 said:
One thing the article did accomplish is driving more potential members to this site. ;)

Taylor187 said:
Another couple articles and you mods will need your own AA chat group.  :-*
Taylor187 said:
Another couple articles and you mods will need your own AA chat group.  :-*

Crap!  That happened way back in June when School got out.......all those kids were no longer occupied with classes.......and where did they go.........  :o 

Dear advertisers in the Toronto Star. Are you aware that Army.ca has an international membership of 10,000+ people, and it is estimated that the site's membership could include up to 13% of the serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces?

Please consider this carefully next time the Star wants to sell you advertising space. These 10,000+ members, their families, friends and co workers are not pleased with the selective use of quotes, manipulation of statistics and other tricks the Star uses to pass their anti-government and anti-military views off as "news". I am sure you would not want to see your national or global brands tainted by association with a newspaper with is achieving a poor reputation amongst a large, informed and connected international audience. It would certainly be a sad day when the membership of this forum were to conclude that they were no longer interested in patronizing your brands, goods and services due to your association with the Star.

For your consideration
This is not a closed boad or a closed society. The personal attacks on Mr. Taylor are not appropriate. Take it with a grain of salt and move on. As for issue of the selective use of quotes, whats goes around comes around. We often reproduce articles from the TorStar and proceed to butcher the article based on 1 or more sentences contained in the article. 
I think it's a good reminder that this board is watched and if you don't want to be caught saying something embarrassing don't say it. This is a public forum.