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Army Alphabet Game

E - Earth

F - Fomalhaut

G - Gemenon

O - Okul

(Line up to post U begins...here)

There's my P, Pleaides, the seven sisters, again( see 'M'), been waitin' for that one ever since Garvin called me on Pollux at Castor.

And if that ain't good enough..Polaris

Nyeh :D
Y = Yaransk; and

Z = Zephaniah.

How about the names of Canadian towns next?
No 5687

Y - Yamamotoshinobu

No 18676

Z - Zdenkaplavcova

Dryden. ON

If you wrote a cheque in the last month, most likely the paper was made in Dryden.
cplcaldwell said:
Dryden. ON

If you wrote a cheque in the last month, most likely the paper was made in Dryden.

Good Idea to note the Province. And a small foot note is also nice.

Like where is or what is "BATAWA" ?.
