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Armed CF18s scramble to shadow jet with bomb threat.


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Two sources:


CF-18s respond to airline bomb threat
Last Updated: Saturday, May 15, 2010
CBC News

Canadian Forces fighter jets escorted an airliner to Vancouver International Airport on Saturday afternoon following a bomb threat, Defence Department officials said.

Two armed CF-18 Hornets escorted Cathay Pacific flight 838, bound for Vancouver from Hong Kong, to the airport in Richmond, B.C. It landed safely at about 1:30 p.m. PT.

(Rest of story on CBC link)


What is really fascinating are the posts at the bottom of the CNN link; it turns into a US vs Canada p!ssing contest.  Very sad.
Nothing to read too much into but you're right that the comments at the bottom of the CNN page are truly sad..
heavygunner said:

second that.

There was one thing that the article didn't say was if worse come to worse who will have the authority to shoot down the passenger plane? http://www.cbc.ca/video/player.html?category=News&zone=canada&site=cbc.news.ca&clipid=1495978799 In the video it said the only the PM have the authority. My question is if the situation changed suddenly and whoever is in charge on the ground decided the shoot order was necessary and the PM was unable (unwilling) to give a "go" order to shoot or if the PM can not be reached can the military commander at the scene give the order? Or do he or she still have to ask some up high like the Chief of the Defence Staff or even the Commander-in-Chief.
There are more than likely two different answers to the question you just posed:

1. If the PM is available, and "unwilling" as you stated, that is the end of the story.  No rogue general would say "Well the PM doesn't have the balls to do this, so I'm giving authorization to _____ ".  Maybe you just didn't word it the best when you stated "willing".  If he weighs the factors and does not say "yes", then it's not yes.

2. If the PM is not available to make a decision in time (ie, something is imminent) then there is likely a process in place for many different scenarios that allow for the decision to be deligated to X level.
The sortie was more than likely flown under the standing Operation Noble Eagle ROE's. Under this op there are chains of authority established. NORAD maintains a  board with the locations of all those people on the list, so that they can be reached if needs be. None of that is secret and can be seen on many videos on youtube and or NORAD web site.
Excellent on our Air Force's part for responding to a possible threat. whether real or imagined. Some people say we have a knee jerk reaction to many things, but then there's that one time.....
As for the responses at CNN, I think that SGTWoodcock is a proud supporter of any military an the service they provide.
As for the comments, good or bad, about our Repatrications, at least we Canadians give closure to the families of our Fallen and show our Respect for the Soldier's Dtduty.  Unlike the Americans {some} who have to have security at the funerals against the protesters.

:salute: for our Fallen. 
:cdn: Proud to be.
Petamocto said:

What is really fascinating are the posts at the bottom of the CNN link; it turns into a US vs Canada p!ssing contest.  Very sad.
Unfortunately, not the first time comment zones following online stories have become the domain of "the mentals" (in the words of a BBC comedy podcast).

Well done to all involved  :cdn:
A friend of mine was on that flight. She said there was no indication from the cockpit that anything was up, and that the stewardesses didn't seem to know anything about it either. Most people on the flight reacted very calmly, and many were taking pictures, and waving at the pilots. It wasn't until they touched down that it was made known something was up.

I wonder why the jets would make their presence known, if they aren't going to tell the passengers anything? I'm not saying the passengers should be notified, as that could potentially force the hand of a would-be attacker, but why not have the escort trail back out of passenger sight? Do they need to get a visual on the cockpit or something?
burnaby said:
second that.

There was one thing that the article didn't say was if worse come to worse who will have the authority to shoot down the passenger plane? http://www.cbc.ca/video/player.html?category=News&zone=canada&site=cbc.news.ca&clipid=1495978799 In the video it said the only the PM have the authority. My question is if the situation changed suddenly and whoever is in charge on the ground decided the shoot order was necessary and the PM was unable (unwilling) to give a "go" order to shoot or if the PM can not be reached can the military commander at the scene give the order? Or do he or she still have to ask some up high like the Chief of the Defence Staff or even the Commander-in-Chief.

There is a procedure in place for making sure that a properly appointed elected official makes the decision.  Youd have to get rid of a lot of MPs before it came down to a decision from just the CDS...

VIChris said:
A friend of mine was on that flight. She said there was no indication from the cockpit that anything was up, and that the stewardesses didn't seem to know anything about it either. Most people on the flight reacted very calmly, and many were taking pictures, and waving at the pilots. It wasn't until they touched down that it was made known something was up.

I wonder why the jets would make their presence known, if they aren't going to tell the passengers anything? I'm not saying the passengers should be notified, as that could potentially force the hand of a would-be attacker, but why not have the escort trail back out of passenger sight? Do they need to get a visual on the cockpit or something?

Again, there is a procedure in place and the pilots are in visible range of the airplane for a reason.  Nothing unusual about what they are doing...

Petamocto said:
What is really fascinating are the posts at the bottom of the CNN link; it turns into a US vs Canada p!ssing contest.  Very sad.

Troll vs troll, and then the nationalism gets thrown in...

Gotcha, I thought the visual may be the case, but had to ask the experts.

VIChris said:
Gotcha, I thought the visual may be the case, but had to ask the experts.


k but just realize the *expert* in this case is an OCdt from a PRes Armd Recce unit (and, the BEST PRes Recce unit in the CF  ;D).

I don't know if the Hornet drivers are going to go into much detail on their SMM/SMG (or whatever it is called in their community) on this site.
Eye In The Sky said:
k but just realize the *expert* in this case is an OCdt from a PRes Armd Recce unit (and, the BEST PRes Recce unit in the CF  ;D).

I don't know if the Hornet drivers are going to go into much detail on their SMM/SMG (or whatever it is called in their community) on this site.

True, but his wasn't the only answer. Concensus is still a fact based exercise, no? ;)
Eye In The Sky said:
k but just realize the *expert* in this case is an OCdt from a PRes Armd Recce unit (and, the BEST PRes Recce unit in the CF  ;D).

I don't know if the Hornet drivers are going to go into much detail on their SMM/SMG (or whatever it is called in their community) on this site.

I think I need a disclaimer under my name.
I am far from being an expert in anything.
bdave said:
I think I need a disclaimer under my name.
I am far from being an expert in anything.

Disclaimers for being a dumbass are patent-pending by me :nod:

EDIT: Which means I would be happy to let you use it, with royalties for every post ;D
ballz said:
Disclaimers for being a dumbass are patent-pending by me :nod:

EDIT: Which means I would be happy to let you use it, with royalties for every post ;D

You can have the disclaimer for being a dumbass :D
I'll take the disclaimer for lacking experience and knowledge.