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Are you an Army.ca addict?

Oh god i joined yesterday and Im already at 6hours and 59 no wait ... 7hours and Im not even done for today. I realy am dedicated.  :cdn:
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Total time logged in: 23 days, 15 hours and 2 minutes
Addict...me, nah, do I love it...for sure...I would be an addict if it weren't for homework :salute:
I'm an addict inspite of my homework. And the attempted blocking of this site by my school, didn't work too well though..... ;D
condor888000 said:
I'm an addict inspite of my homework. And the attempted blocking of this site by my school, didn't work too well though..... ;D

Same here...My school also tried to block it, but then my friend told me how to get around the block thing. So I can now come on any time I want!  ;D

Out of curiosity....why were your schools blocking Army.ca?  Were they trying to block all Military sites?  Is there a strong "Anti-military" mentality at your schools?  What do they teach for History (Plains of Abraham, War of 1812, NW Rebellion, South Africa, WW I, WW II, Korea)?
George Wallace said:
Out of curiosity....why were your schools blocking Army.ca?   Were they trying to block all Military sites?   Is there a strong "Anti-military" mentality at your schools?   What do they teach for History (Plains of Abraham, War of 1812, NW Rebellion, South Africa, WW I, WW II, Korea)?

I am not sure. You can get onto other sites like the defense site and the recruiting one. Seems pretty stupid just to block army.ca.
My school tried to block it because I was going on it instead of doing history/english/computer science.
And shall we look forward to your future posts complaining that the Army should recruit you even if your grades are below the cut off line for merit listing .. because you're just too dedicated for us not to want you? Try focussing on your current mission, instead of dreaming about uncertain future possibilities.
Well I am still   a honors student in the Science international baccalaureate (how do you think I was able to defeat the block and setup the computers to play quake all at the same time lol) so.....
don't look forward to that from me

editted for spelling
Future Unknown said:
Well I am still   a honors student in the Science international baccalauteate (how do you think I was able to defeat the block and setup the computers to play quake all at the same time lol) so.....

It was just that kind of stunt that got our whole course EXTRAs, when the Crse WO caught someone playing games on a laptop in class, instead of listening intently to the lecture and taking notes.  Sometimes being too smart, will make you STUPID and not well received by your Coursemates.
Yeah....my whole board went through this phase where they blocked pretty mush every single site that wasn't preapproved. REason being far too much time was being lost to games. They blocked any site with links to game sites and a bunch more for no reason I can figure......... So.....Army.ca was gone for a bit until they decided to go back to just blocking certain sites.
I'd expect an IB student to be able to spell baccalaureate correctly.
HA HA HA HA, nope, I took the science's, skipped the english, but took Japanese.
I don't really like the whole shakesphere thang.....
I took Physics (anyone who's taken IB knows this ranks up there with one of the toughest high school courses available), Biology, Computer Science, American history, Japanese, theory of knowledge, Math.
I'll be writing my extended essay for a credit, not doing CAS hours.

Kyle are you IB?
If I had actually felt like getting up to catch the bus to Bateman I would have been.

Instead my day consists of, science, gym, waging war with the school board over education (while I should be in french), lunch, and math.

Theres a bunch of my old classmates who are IB now.
Didn't feel like it eh?

Well if it was only a bus ride that was the difference between you being in regular or IB, and you decided taking the bus was too much work its better you didn't take IB, you couldn't hack it.

(I'm from well out of catchment as well, a good hour to hour and a half ride for me)
IB sucks. Absolutley nothing but more work. I was in, dropped out after grade 9 cause I wanted to have a life. If you're IB, odds are you either do nohting and barely get by, or do nothing but work and get by. Thats it. I've had so many buddies drop it cause they realized that. If you're going abroad fopr post secondary, its not a bad idea, otherwise, don't bother, won't get you any farther ahead at the end of the day. Espically for RMC. Because you need a life out side to get accepted, and most IB kids don't have that. Its not a good idea if you're staying in the country.