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Are the Taliban gaining momentum ? Aug 2008


Army.ca Relic
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I read with interest, that the "experts" are saying that the Taliban are gaining momentum. Would it have anything to do with the impending rotation?
OldSolduer said:
I read with interest, that the "experts" are saying that the Taliban are gaining momentum. Would it have anything to do with the impending rotation?
Highly unlikely.  Not all Coalition nations rotate their troops at the same time.  The French and Poles don't necessarily rotate their troops at the same time as Canada.

It is more than likely the Fall Offensive, before they go to ground for the Winter............"going out with a Bang".
Good question, and one that I have been wondering about as I watch the "Experts" being interviewed on TV.  Are we seeing actual Pushtan Taliban, or are we seeing AQ trained "mercenaries" from other Islamic countries willing to fight and die for fanatical reasons?  Chechen fighters have already been found, as have other nationalities.  Are we seeing an increase in AQ trained fanatics being given their 'final PO Check' and preparation to move the 'battle' to other hotspots around the world?  Will the attacks now taking place in Pakistan engulf the Region into one larger conflict with more than two sides and multiple alliances? 

Even LCol Drapeau agrees with Gen Mac, that NATO has to pump more money and troops into the Region; that Canada, the US, UK and Holland, can not carry the load alone.
Good points.

I agree that we have to have greater participation by NATO members that are already there. The caveats have to be removed if they are serious about combatting the rot we call terrorism.
George - might want to change the subject line on this thread.....

WRT the escalation of activities in Afghanistan.... as external influence in Iraq diminishes, external influence in Afghanistan increases.
I'm just sitting here thinking. I've not been accused of being a "deep thinker" but.....

Where did Canada go wrong? Since when is it "unfashionable" to do the RIGHT thing? Why is there such resistance to our country standing up for what is RIGHT? Is it the "peacekeeping" legacy? Was it the 60's...you know make love, not war? I'm sure Lester Bowles Pearson is turning over in his grave, as are a few others.

Do any of you feel this frustration? I cannnot believe what some of my fellow Canadians are saying.....how we "invaded" Afghanistan etc. Can we not counter these arguments?
I feel so darn frustrated when the anti war crowd starts their campaign of deceit. At least in Winnipeg, that line isn't being listened to.

God, this nation used to stand for something, now it seems Canadians will fall for anything. (Sorry about the line, I had to use it)
OldSolduer said:
I'm just sitting here thinking. I've not been accused of being a "deep thinker" but.....

Where did Canada go wrong? Since when is it "unfashionable" to do the RIGHT thing? Why is there such resistance to our country standing up for what is RIGHT? Is it the "peacekeeping" legacy? Was it the 60's...you know make love, not war? I'm sure Lester Bowles Pearson is turning over in his grave, as are a few others.

Do any of you feel this frustration? I cannnot believe what some of my fellow Canadians are saying.....how we "invaded" Afghanistan etc. Can we not counter these arguments?
I feel so darn frustrated when the anti war crowd starts their campaign of deceit. At least in Winnipeg, that line isn't being listened to.

God, this nation used to stand for something, now it seems Canadians will fall for anything. (Sorry about the line, I had to use it)

Well said. Most Canadians are ignorant of anything outside their little sphere and have bought into whatever is spoonfed to them by an increasingly leftish media. These people make it extremely hard for any right thinking individual to counter their misguided thoughts and ideas. They won't listen to facts or any idea that runs counter to their pre-concieved notions. I fully lay the blame on the 60's generation that is now running the show in most western countries. (I'm shamefully from that generation of pacifists and left-wing loons :-[)
Pearson believed that Peacekeepers should be well trained, disciplined soldiers.  As we progressed through various Governments after him, and enjoyed the praise of the World, in relatively peaceful times, for our professionalism in "hotspots" around the world where we stood between two belligerent factions and keep the peace; The Canadian Public developed a false impression that we were "good Samaritans" who simply had to stand between two 'brawlers' and keep them apart.  Hardly did they concern themselves with the fact that Canadians were being killed in this role.  National and UN caveats set out ROEs that stated that troops would not fire unless in self-defence.  

On a whole, to step from Peacekeeper, enforcing the peace, to Peacemaker, forcing the peace, was a shock to a nation that had grown up with the Peace Movement and the effects of the Peace Dividend that constantly whittled away at the Canadian Forces on an annual basis since 1950.  The idea that Soldiers would actually have to fire their weapons to make peace was outside of their comprehension.

Ignorance.  The lack of initiative to read and research facts.  The use of "sound bites" by the media and Peace Movements.  Foreign sedition.  All these things, with the luxuries of today's technological age, have made the Western, not just Canadian, population lazy and complacent.   Many have no idea what militaries do.  Many have no idea of the dangers out there in the world, as they concern themselves with their little sphere of influence in their private lives.  Hence, we have various leaders like Layton, who really don't have a clue of what is going on in the World.
OldSolduer said:
I'm just sitting here thinking. I've not been accused of being a "deep thinker" but.....

Where did Canada go wrong? Since when is it "unfashionable" to do the RIGHT thing? Why is there such resistance to our country standing up for what is RIGHT? Is it the "peacekeeping" legacy? Was it the 60's...you know make love, not war? I'm sure Lester Bowles Pearson is turning over in his grave, as are a few others.

Do any of you feel this frustration? I cannot believe what some of my fellow Canadians are saying.....how we "invaded" Afghanistan etc. Can we not counter these arguments?
I feel so darn frustrated when the anti war crowd starts their campaign of deceit. At least in Winnipeg, that line isn't being listened to.

God, this nation used to stand for something, now it seems Canadians will fall for anything. (Sorry about the line, I had to use it)
If you want my opinion, there are way too many people out there who have no pride for their country, are afraid of conflict, and want to focus on themselves then on others who are in more need then us.

These people don't want us to have soldiers on missions over seas, heck, many see us having a military as a stupid idea, saying something like "Oh America will help us," or "No one has enemies these days."

To those people who believe all this hippie mumbo-jumbo, tell me, do you think that terrorists see Canada, and say that we're too nice to kill?

Wait, I can answer for you, NO! They want us dead, and our way of life. So, why wait for them to come to us? I sure as hell don't want terrorists on Canadian soil, killing innocent Canadians.

Do you?

Rant off.
Deadpan said:
These people don't want us to have soldiers on missions over seas, heck, many see us having a military as a stupid idea, saying something like "Oh America will help us," or "No one has enemies these days."


Friggin Hypocrites!

In one breath they go on that we shouldn't be fighting "Bush's War", or that we shouldn't align ourselves with the Americans or American Policy, and then in the next breath they say "America will defend us".    ::)

Anyone know what kind of meds these people are on?
George Wallace said:

Friggin Hypocrites!

In one breath they go on that we shouldn't be fighting "Bush's War", or that we shouldn't align ourselves with the Americans or American Policy, and then in the next breath they say "America will defend us".    ::)

Anyone know what kind of meds these people are on?
Welcome to my friends, Geroge.

But at least once I get going on the topic, they will either shut up, or leave, so it's all good for me ;D

Thanks to 2CDO and George. Let's keep this rolling.

I was born in 57, the tail end of the baby boom, but I'm not one of them. Neither am I the GenX or GenY type.
During high school I was ridiculed (not overtly) as a military nut, and 2CDO I agree with your assessment. Far too many of these "usefull fools" are in Parliament.

As for the highly restrictive UN ROE a la Cyprus, I have my own version. Goes like this:

1. Do not fire your weapon, ever. In fact, don't even put a mag on, it makes the belligerents uncomfortable and we don't want that. Besides, your training is far superior and we want to give them a "sporting" chance don't we?
2. If your really have to fire your weapon, make sure you're wounded. After all, our press officer would have a hard time explaining to the media why a peacekeeper shot a poor misunderstood individual. If you're wounded, it looks better in the press.
3. Only carry five rounds. That way you can't cause too much damage, right?  Besides, it's really easy for most of us to count to five when you have to turn your rounds in when you leave.
4. Please don't point your weapon at anyone. It makes the opposing forces uncomfortable and they might complain, and then we have to deal with that!
5. Use your weapon only to salute and "Present Arms" to any UN vehicle that may pass by. You guys look so good when you do that!! And don't forget to say "please" and "thanks" when you may have to intervene in a local dispute.
First off a minor off topic bit.

2 Cdo what are you ashamed of? I too am from that generation, tail end boomer like Old Soldier, and while some, yes the majority of our generation bought into that naval gazing self indulgent crap, we didn’t. Our service, our beliefs and our values drawn or reinforced from that service show that.

Now to the topic at hand.

I agree that the majority of the present fighters are foreigners brought  in as part of the world wide Jihad against the Infidel west. That's perhaps not a bad thing, are local recruits drying up and why?

I tend to agree that what we are seeing is a fall push before the winter slow campaign season sets in. However I’m also sure that the rotation of our troops is also a factor. They've announced publically were on their hit list now. They may live in caves but I think that they can count to 6 and figure when we replace our troops. Any casualties are bad but losing your people just before they go home is even more so in the morale war. They may also think it will intimidate the incoming troops. They must also be aware that this could be an election issue as in Spain. Government falls and as there troops pulled out (in Iraq afte the train attacks).

Personally I think that and the attacks on our Polish and French Allies will back fire against them. Watching the French President at the funeral of the 10 French Paras I think the French just jumped off the Euro tourist fence are are going to come out swinging. The Poles too.

This and the Taliban’s switch to larger operations, stand and fight in company and battalion sized ops as opposed to one coward planting IEDs on children and the mentally challenged (ok I know that was Iraq), may also backfire on them. Coming out of their holes just makes it easier to hit them. AKM vs a MBT yeah this should be a equal match up.  >:D Like the NLF/VC a generation ago this is their Tet and will end the same way.

Finally the cynic in me feels that our head up their fifth point of contact media like in 1968 will get the end results wrong and report it that way.
Good post Danjanou

I figure with the TB fighters they sprung from jail, they ended up with a large fresh supply of jihadists ready at hand.
Large scale battles against an organized military (ANA & ISAF) will only result in one thing... having their a$$ served to them in a handbasket.

I would propose that the TB & AQ know that troops getting ready to rotate out will let their guard down somewhat - and troops rotating in will have their guard down - till they get their routines down pat... oportunities for the TB & AQ to capitalise on.

I'm only upset at people like TB Jack & Justin who are spouting off at the hip without a care in the world - cause they know they don't have enough support to Lead the country BUT enough support to gain popularity from the dissenhearted.
Danjanou said:
First off a minor off topic bit.

2 Cdo what are you ashamed of? I too am from that generation, tail end boomer like Old Soldier, and while some, yes the majority of our generation bought into that naval gazing self indulgent crap, we didn’t. Our service, our beliefs and our values drawn or reinforced from that service show that

I find it shameful that so many Canadians would prefer to put their heads in the sand rather than to stand for what's right. I find it embarrassing to see the behaviour of the vast majority of those "useful idiots" being paraded in the news as "experts" when they are really self-serving, self important do-nothings. The least I can do is instill in my boys the sense of service before self and that sometimes you have to do the hard things because they are the right things to do. As opposed to the "heads in the sand" types who always choose the easy path, whether right or wrong, because it is the easy path.

As for my career choice, I have no regrets or shame. I have met some fantastic people and had some fantastic times.
What is right is not always popular.

What is popular is not always right.

Let's do the RIGHT thing instead of what is fashionable, or easy.
Afghanistan isn't easy, but it is the right mission at the right time, for the right reasons.
Watching the French President at the funeral of the 10 French Paras I think the French just jumped off the Euro tourist fence are are going to come out swinging

I disagree. Already "le parti socialiste" is asking for an emergency debate on the mission, every single interview of french citizens i've seen shows them reacting negatively to the news and saying their country should pull out. Then again it could also be a bias on part of the french media.

HAR HAR HAR, a left wing french media  see the pleonasm.